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Military Recruitment Is In The SEWERS!!!
• 07/20/22
752 Subscribers
Why would young men protect a society that is OPENLY hostile towards them? <br>Search "Tearful WWII vet says that current state of America is 'not what they died for'" <br>Search "With Few Able and Fewer Willing, U.S. Military Can't Find Recruits."
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3 years ago
Kick a dog day in and day out and think it still wants to serve you? Fuck this shit I'm out.
3 years ago
cost of living has quadrupled since 1986.. I wonder how the military has kept up with inflation.. I know the private sector around here has fallen short by about 50%.. Meaning we all make about half the buying power we used to make.. cigarettes 1.35 per pack when I made 12 an hour I could buy 8 packs of cigarettes.. so at todays prices how much should a carpenter make??? 8 times a pack of marlboro red.. 56 an hour?? people pay 18 - 22 an hour now.. No wonder people cannot make a living.. this country is pathetic..
3 years ago
The draft won't be effective this time around. We're so morally bankrupt as a nation, we'll get another taste of slavery, when many soldiers are captured. Problem is we'll be so useless, no one will want to buy us (Rev 18).
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Soooo...40% of goal. Does that mean here come the draft?
3 years ago
No man would willing fight for a country that vilifies, enslaves and discards men.
This will prove to be a lesson this country will not soon forget, regardless of how delusional the powers be.
But they’ve sown this. I hope they enjoy their harvest.