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Missing sub’s last recorded moment was in background of selfie
It’s one of the most doomed selfies of all time. Abbi Jackson is a 22-year-old videographer employed to document the OceanGate Expeditions expeditions. Her last contribution to marine exploration was this video of… herself. If you squint carefully, you can just make out the submarine in the background, disappearing into the deep, possibly forever. <br> <br>Still, those TikTok shares, right? <br> <br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br> <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:
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2 years ago
And "POP!" was the last thing that was ever heard....
I wonder if anyone ever saw the bubbles come to the surface?
2 years ago
2 years ago