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Modern Agriculture Machines ( Another PooTube video factory product - the machinery is interesting and the A.I. voice is
Fuck Youtube..... As in totally. The content in this one howeve,r is good, and the ingenuity of people is incredible - but being a PooTube Video Factory product, it's got it's garbage A.I. voice and narration.... However the content is worth watching regardless. I guess this is what happens when you fuck over all the really good human content creators and only have a video factory making mostly bullshit content using scripts and text to speech engines, narrating the mostly crap "filler crammed" bullshit videos.... Youtube however, deserves to go broke. They are total cunts.
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2 years ago
Great video
Thank you for moving it here.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago