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Momma Raised A Street Walker! #shorts
Ribby's Booze Bank: <br> <br>Discord - <br>Telegram - <br>Subreddit - <br>Twitter (Ran by a friend) - <br> <br>Reccomended Channels: <br>Chronic - <br> <br>Manic - <br> <br>Sir Yeetus - <br> <br>Reishi - <br> <br>Riker -
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3 years ago
Trailer park trash goal achieved!
3 years ago
Well, at least she has her head in the right place and her sight on something achievable , not the "I could have been a CEO and I gave that up for motherhood... he owes me!" Am I missing something? Did whoring out become an established feminine sport? I mean I hope nor. Those men will invade and the fags will out-whore the whores... I mean I barely tolerate Pride week and Pride Brigade marches from a long distance away not sure we can handle more of this... Then again, maybe it will raise the rape incidents and we can hear them bitch about rape some more with their fake statistics and made up shit.
3 years ago
Fat pig.
3 years ago
She's so proud of being a busty degenerate that she's lipsyncing. I bet IRL her mom doesn't even know she's alive.
3 years ago
They have become the lower lower class