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Multitasking Is A Female Weakness - MGTOW

326 Views • 03/04/22
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Mr Sandman, I'm not sure if this has been covered in previous videos though I've been thinking lately about the stereotypes that whamen constantly drone on about, that's their go to for steering conversations into the "We can do it better" feminist rhetoric. Which often is the "women can multitask" bs to big note themselves as hard working and run off their feet, which is often over exaggerated and a lie. I usually respond with "Men are masters at whatever task they choose to perform at the present time" and it stumps whamen before they can spew their rehearsed misandry speech. If women continue to spew nonsense then I ask them to picture a situation where a whamen's driving with a few passengers in the car playing videos and distracting the driver with entertainment gossip and to top it off the driver's phone rings. I ask would they feel safe with a distracted driver dividing their mental capacity by each task being performed or would they feel safer with a driver who is only focused on driving. The same can be said with any situation that involves multi-tasking. That person is only as good as their mental capacity being divided by each task allows. I'd appreciate your MGTOW analysis on this topic as always Mr Sandman and feel free to bring in other stereotypes that whamen cling to in order to push the "We can do it better" feminist narrative. Your MGTOW Redpills are saving lives every day Mr Sandman, thank you for your tireless work." Well Trump Nukem thanks for the donation and topic. Mental processing power is like computer Ram. If you've got dozens of processes running in the background on your computer it's going to slow down. So if a woman is multitasking it's like she's got spyware running in her mind slowing her down, ie gossip on her mind. If driving was a mental process that was as unforgiving as being a pilot the majority of the female population if they were forced to fly would find themselves in a hole in the ground caused by their lack of attention to the horizon. Women play off multitasking as a strength instead of a weakness. They don't want men to realise that if you lack focus and concentration then it's harder for you to think. It's a handicap and they are trying to make every institution favor their scatter brained way of thinking. Take education for example. A lot of boys get ADHD in school and then have to be medicated and the system says there's an illness preventing boys from focusing on something. But the school environments are too wide with their curriculum for male kids and not narrow enough. We are creating educational environments that cater to women because they focus on broad subject matter and they aren't focused enough. In the third grade If finally started learning because my teacher was a man. He focused on repeating multiplication tables, constant spelling quizes and no board games or toys. There was discipline. He probably understood that education is error correction. You repeat the same task enough times until it becomes second nature and you become an expert. But you can't do that if you keep switching tasks every fifteen minutes. There's a saying for this where a woman is a Jill of all trades but a master of none. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Cash Discount Pro:

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6 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

Diversity of their -thots- (thoughts) is their "strength." LOL

3 years ago

Autistic/aspie women exist, too. If she happens to be high IQ, she'll go into STEM and be one of the few that actually earn their keep instead of leeching off men. If she's average or low IQ however, that's how you get all the SJW's so deep in LGBTQP+ they can't even decide what gender they are at the minute because they're trying to overanalyze their fickle emotions.


3 years ago

It is not important to do many tasks at the same time but to do each of those tasks in the right way. And to do things the right way, there is no other option but to specialize. And Men are specialists in specializing.


Women? Multitasking?
Name me one woman who can be fucked and have a headache - AT THE SAME TIME.

3 years ago

Sandman, if you check this after a while.
What Music do you listen to?

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