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My Asian Mother Used To Beat Me - MGTOW

254 Views • 01/06/22
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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He has quite a bit to say so before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Living on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say and I quote: "Hello Sandman, I will be working in the entertainment industry soon. I will. Briefly about myself, I am from a South-East Asia country, I moved to Toronto, Canada to study and follow my passion in digital art and recently I got a job. As I was growing up, I was bullied by my brother because he thinks I am a weirdo because I don't care about what others think of me since it doesn't hurt anyone. My mother beat me when I performed badly at school. She did this to dump her emotional frustration from my father who was scolding her telling her telling her fault that I am stupid. I couldn't even go to my friend's house with out them knowing. My dad beat me and my brother as well for something stupid like not doing chores. My parents beat our dogs and treated them poorly too. One had a broken leg and was dying. The only thing I could enjoy was sitting in my room, watching TV and played lego/toys and going to school. As for women, back when I was a kid I watched a few Chinese/Hong Kong movies. In those movie, they mentioned a lot about the women using their beauty to manipulate men and strip away their power, resources and anything they have worked for turn them into the biggest loser in the story. From this point I started to be afraid of women and what they can do to me if I focus too much on their looks. I have gathered more clues such as my aunt over exaggerating things to get me in trouble with my parents. As well as my female classmates treated each others like poop behind each other's back, trying to paint themselves better than they really are on social media. At that point I thought to myself that I couldn't trust women anymore. Then I met this one female classmate that I thought was different when I was 12. As I was a young cuck back then, I did not make my move so I watched her like a lab rat since I wanted to know more about human psychology and especially how females operate. As she got more attention from guys, the more I saw her just like other girls, just another digital attention seeking slure. After that, I said to myself, if a girl has a lot of followers/attention/selfies on her phone/social media acc I will just scratch her off my mind. In 2016, my brother got married to a girl who was best friend. I wanted to tell my brother that getting married too early in life. His wife gave birth to my niece and I had to babysit my niece when her mother is preparing milk for the baby. In my country, family value is a thing so I was still living with my parents also my brother's family at that time. Living with my sister-in-law showed me more about what today modern women are, she do not know how to cook, the baby need milk/her milk but she couldn't produce enough milk, what did she do to solve it you may ask? instead of eating healthy so she can produce more milk, she made her baby infant fomula. With this I asked myself "what is the point of having a partner??? People keep telling me if I don't have a girlfriend I'm a loser. I do not see how that makes me a loser? When I moved to Canada, I met this girl from Ukraine in my class and she was full of herself on social media. At this point I thought this was love lol so I decided to shoot my shot but I got rejected.

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2 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

200k USD is only 6.7 mil THB. I don't think it's valid for Thailand anymore. Just leaving it here in case someone in the comments want to know. Not that it's a small amount, it wouldn't be enough for a retirement or if you want to have kids here. I guess it'll be enough if you want to send your kids to cheap, public schools.

To the vid. I didn't expect Sandman to roast an Asian for bad English. That savage came out of nowhere & I burst out laughing, I didn't expect that at all lol. I blame the teachers for scaring us too much to the point we're too scared to use English at all. So when we finally get to use it, it turns out shit. Even I have to practice on the internet everyday because I'm afraid I'll lose it. I also think it might also be because our grammar works differently so Mr. Anon spoke to Sandman in his language but using English words to do it.

He does sounded like an out of touched rich kid, though. So I don't feel that bad you bullied him lol.

Also, the pictures of Asian women in this vid are a good blend. Good job for hitting the sweet spot (9:20 is ugly as hell, though).


3 years ago

For what it's worth, Americanized English is so inherently sloppy that, even when spoken poorly, you can still function in an everyday sense. However, in science, engineering, and conveying ideas at the college level, then good English is necessary.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: While I do agree. I generally find it amusing how Americans will try to speak simple English to Asians. Not sure if they look down on foreigners or afraid to be called racist. Either way, it doesn't help foreigners improve their English. Which is why I like the internet because this kind of thing is less likely to happen.


3 years ago

@Pariah: IMO, if an educated American is speaking simple English to an Asian, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. The American genuinely wants to convey the information desired and doesn't want to cause confusion in the exchange. Some things just don't translate very well like shades and hues of meaning when talking on a very high level. Or the historical backstory on a subject is missing and so, that is avoided. I think the well-meaning American would be very surprised if the Asian makes an erudite observation about political entropy in the West and its hidden causes. I think the surprise will compel the American to reevaluate things. He will open up and then the real conversation can begin!

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: In that context, sure. I just hate it when it was pre assumed based on race, you know? Which is kind of funny if Americans are desperately trying not to be seen as a racist, they sure think & behave like a racist a lot of the time. I have surprised Americans by end up talking about their complex topics like their politics before as well. Which is also how I learn the American over obsession with their political party isn't a joke. But Americans genuinely believe whoever likes the party they don't like to be genuinely evil. It's super moronic & hilarious at the same time. Like, people in my country considers me an extreme left, but Americans just think I'm a conservative. I was like "It's just common sense, though!". So I have been in the situation where Americans started opening up once they know I can understand them as well. What I don't like, is going through the process all the time.So yeah, I don't know, I just ind this kind of patronizing to be insulting.


3 years ago

@Pariah: What you are fighting with is not the American but the madness of his/her society controlling the mind. The Average American is a zombie. A golem animated by what ZOG media and education has taught it. ZOG-U.S. (Zionist Occupied Government of the U.S.) is, indeed, a profoundly evil and malignant institution and it protects all that is disruptive and destructive to the body-politic. Why? For complex and long-standing designs, it ceased to be a Trustee of the people and became a "Change Agent" on behalf of globohomo and global Jewry. The American people are under extreme stress because their instincts tell them that something is terribly wrong but, they cannot see past the fog of lies that makes up daily life in ZOG-U.S.A. We are given two parties and the Sheeple identify with them because they are the only choices we have. To look at a third choice is useless because the system will not allow it to succeed. Men like me, who see TPTB in plain view, are scarce.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I wouldn't go as far as to say that, although I could see why people like you would think that. Obviously I don't know about the jews beyond what's on the internet. But they sounded a lot like Chinese people. You know, the Chinese who fled China when the commies took over. Hard working, cunning & seems to run the society of countries they ran to. Just look at why Americans & white people in genral loves to assume all Asians are Chinese. You wouldn't like me calling you a Nazi just because you're white, wouldn't you? The only difference between a Chinese & a Jew that I can see is that Chinese people don't see their Chinese identity as a part of their religion. I do noticed since Trump became a president, American news seems to become very propagandistic. So yeah, I could see why you'd think that. It does look that way. I wonder if the truth is a lot simpler, is that half the country are liberal democrats & they know anti Trump news will sell. All big cities are liberal democrats, right? Of course they know it'll sell. What bothers me is this deep divide in the US. Just like what Lincoln said, a didived house can't stand. Americans just seems to take perverse pleasure dividing themselves.


3 years ago

@Pariah: Yes, "Asian," is a HUGE collection of different nationalities within a geographic region. I was just going by the parameters you set. I've heard unflattering accounts of the Chinese from the British when they were there a century ago. But, as long as the Chinese were in China, nobody cared except the British who were trying to exploit them. Indeed, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Indians, the rest of the SE Asian nationalities haven't been their organic selves in two centuries or more. Western imperialism interfered with their natural social order and they've been dysfunctional to varying degrees ever since. BTW, the JEWS are a completely different animal! It is only pure coincidence that Jews and Chinese share certain behavioral characteristics. Furthermore, Chairman Mao was very dependent on his JEWISH advisors! Communism and Judaism are one and the same. Only careful packaging sets them apart.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: There are Asians in Europe & America as well, right? And they seem to do so well Americans consider them "white" now, right? So based onyour words, so it seems like Chinese aren't so belligerent. Again, I don't know much about the jews. You obviously do. I can only say from what I can see. Isn't Christianity consider the Jews to be responsible for the death of Jesus & they've been persecuted for thousands of yrs? I can see why there would be some sort of negative feelings towards them. If I recalled, something like the holocaustt used to be normal until Hitler did it. So yeah, the jews have even more reasons to behave the way they do today because they don't want to be a victim of the holocaust again.


3 years ago

@Pariah: The Han Chinese simply aren't on my radar like the Jews are. As for Christianity, it is so contaminated with Judaized B.S. and modernism as to be worthless. Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years yet, nobody asks the correct question of WHY? As the Russian proverb goes, "The Jew whines about how he has been mistreated but NEVER explains WHY." The undeniable fact that Jews control education and the media ensures that the masses will NEVER learn what past countries have had to learn the hard way about the Jew. BTW, the Holocaust NEVER HAPPENED. The "Six Million" meme has been debunked every which way you want. The only reason is is around is for the same reason as prior. They control the Mass Mind through education and media. There is simply too much capital invested in the Big Lie. Even if critical mass were reached and the masses finally accepted that the Jews' claims of the Holocaust were complete lies, the governments of the world will never admit it. Otherwise, their legitimacy will be destroyed overnight!

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: When I use the word "holocaust" I was referring to pogroms. The only thing inaccurate about the ww2 holocaust is that the jews aren't the only target of persecution. So I can see why you'd think there's a conspiracy theory about it. If you read history, you'll know the jews aren't the only people persecuted by the Nazis. The only inaccuracy here would be that the jews are the only people. So yeah, the people who were constantly killed & driven off their homes have reasons to behave this way.


3 years ago

@Pariah: You are correct. However, we all know that ONLY THE JEWS are constantly banging the Muh Holocaust drum. NOBODY EVER talks about the REAL mass murder of Germans during the post-WW2 occupation! There was also a German civilian cruise ship that was sunk and qualifies as a war crime. The Wilhelm Gustloff was torpedoed on January 30, 1945, by a Soviet sub in the Baltic Sea while evacuating German civilian refugees from East Prussia. That mass murder of roughly 8,000 German souls ON TOP OF THE MASS MURDER of Germans inside occupied Germany was quantifiable. OTOH the Jews' Muh Holocaust was fabricated many years later and is kept alive only by brute force laws. Truly the mark of a Big Lie that cannot survive scrutiny!

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
3 years ago

Most fefail-Pussy five thumbs are unsafe mothers even the Hannah-bels will end up snacking on their babies.

Here’s an Article.


3 years ago

That article is Exhibit "A" of why Birthing Permits should be necessary. Some kind of "smart plug" in the ovarian tubes that can be turned off if the mental disorder is curable. Once she is cured and she has a man with a strong pimp hand over her, then the State can enter the code on the 5G network and "unlock" the plugs. Thereby letting eggs pass through. Even then, she may only be permitted to have one child; depending on her psychological status. She has her one kid and then the State enters the code to lock the smart plugs in her tubes.

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