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My Thoughts...
• 05/25/22
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3 years ago
Why is this guy wearing a ladies blouse?
3 years ago
No. We're done with the ghoulish politicians using these massacres to play upon the emotions of the public in their push for disarmament before the bodies are even in the ground. It's the same pattern every time to the point of predictability. The discussion over further gun control is off the table. It's not negotiable.
That said, my challenge to you in return is - since you're talking about societal values - to identify what those values are in helping to better inform a solution. I'll ask a few leading questions to get your thought process started:
If you go into a bank, are there armed guards there?
If you go to the London or New York Stock Exchange, are there private security there?
How about government buildings where these elite politicians congregate? Armed law enforcement present?
Hell, you don't even need to reach that high! Go to a CVS pharmacy in the inner city and you'll find armed security keeping a watchful eye on the cosmetics aisle.
So if the value society places on something is measured by how dutifully and vigilantly it guards said thing - money; centers of trade and high finance; government buildings and politicians; women's cosmetics - can you answer me this: why are we not guarding our children just as dutifully and vigilantly (if not more so)? Even worse, why are we painting targets on their back by declaring their schools "gun-free zones", signaling to any unhinged individual intent on committing mass murder they will have defenseless soft targets to kill at their leisure?
If children are our greatest treasure and society's future, what does it say about a society unwilling to guard them against these terrible atrocities? What does it say about naive individuals who, looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, attempt to maintain the illusion that children should be shielded from life's harsh realities by leaving them absolutely defenseless in a contrived fairy tale world of public schooling where we pretend nothing bad ever happens...until something bad does happen.
Children don't know better, but adults do. Yet we continue to maintain this self-deception, this farce, that childhood should be this care-free, magical, utopian experience free from learning - under controlled conditions - that there are truly evil people in the world who would do them harm. But rather than become frightened, paranoid, and anxiety-ridden over this revelation, they could be taught, instead, how to build moral character and resiliency against it. All while being guarded by armed adults entrusted with their safety. The responsibility for that lies entirely with the adults in the room; sadly, those adults have failed the children.
What's more is, it's not an accident; it's by design. And that is the most horrific evil of all.
3 years ago
Well said brother...that was one hell of a speech!
3 years ago
( UPDATE ) The Protest or (BAN) of the women's channels got off to a GREAT start ! - Thank you to All - My in box has been filled with thumbs up and Good comments - Now Round two starts - This is a ((JUST DON'T )) Moment for us MGTOW Men - Just don't watch the women's videos Give them a thumb Down (so the algorithm wont put them up for re-watch) We Have to stand together and Save Amr's Business ! One of the Last places Where Men can be Men - Thanks Again Gentlemen . ((( I AM SPARTACUS ))) We all are !......repost for Bagoodman