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Myron Gaines works for the feds (( Proof ))

286 Views • 08/27/21
371 Subscribers
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KEEPER 3 years ago  

Wow he was a mentor, there's no fucking way he would have left that at such a young age, these guys get paid really fucking well, and for him to jump into the Pua snake oil salesman role, the kind of shit that can lead to guys getting arrested especially if you set these guys up, it sounds like he's running a Honey Trap that gets these desperate guys to use the tactics that will more than likely lead them to get falsely accused by some woman and then arrested because "believe all women"

Holy shit! We've heard about guys that did Pua getting arrested for a few years now, ever since 2015.

It's entirely possible that he was hired to do this job, becoming a Pua coach that was meant to gather all these guys information, so if they can be surveilled using the exact same tactics only to be arrested.

I suspect to get his channel off the ground that it took considerable funding to add Bot views until the Honey Trap started showing real view results.

   8    0
3 years ago

He has the first name I do. I met him in person before. I think he went further down the rabbit hole than I did when it comes to working with the Feds.

3 years ago

Hold on, I thought you were just an actor?


3 years ago

Why would he share that piece of information? this somehow is going to increase his audience in this retard world, watch lol. These people have mastered the art of publicity. This is why I do not engage with anything that's popular regardless of how many times it is spammed into the eyes. (Except this one time lol.. and few other times) Who the fuck are these guys anyway? and what gives them the right to talk about anything, if money is the only reason, then they can fuck off along with their entire audience. I've learned more about this ''red-pill'' subject from people who have no followers - 0 - .
Maybe another red-pill is that all fame goes under the same bracket.

3 years ago

I have the feeling that someone expose him on this, and then he came out and told the truth about it which also expose him from that perspective as well because he was withholding the information up until this point. Anyway that's just my assumption, I don't really know the full story. Another dude asked me to mirror this so the others could see it. The only thing I did was create a thumbnail after watching the video. And I honestly think he uses his platform to Doxx and Honey Trap guys do follow his Pua lifestyle tips. I mean how many guys have we heard throughout the years since 2015 who have been arrested that followed this Pua snake-oil shit? I've listened to the t f m show since 2015, and they have talked about this several times on that show, I've also heard about these situations from other Pua people. So it makes perfect sense to me oh, that this is what is going on. I don't know about Donovan Sharpe, but I don't trust Pua anyway especially in modern times.

3 years ago

@KEEPER: someone likely wanted to black mail he so he had no choice but to reveal the info by himself. But other than that...making women that come onto his show sleep with him?? Isn't that like what that Harvey Weinsten was doing?? How in the world is he not in prison rotting yet...oh...oh right...he has feds i said earlier...once a fed always a fed

3 years ago

@AbyssWatcher: I don't regularly watch fresh and fit, I first heard about them on Tim pool, and understand they are PUA Snake oil salesman, but other than this, I don't regularly watch them.


3 years ago

Ironically, the ladies LOVE getting hitched to their real Daddy, the Government, and if Myron stayed in that Federal Government job, he would be seen as far more attractive by the ladies.

3 years ago

He says he left, but I doubt he really left. This PUA shit is more than likely used as a honey trap.


3 years ago

@KEEPER: Same as mgtow dot tv, bro. When you become a monthly contributor, they now have your details. I love this site, but the donations are going to have to go through crypto, if Amr Metwally wants to really increase his revenue. Loads of 'conspiracy' websites and boards are secretly funded by the US Government. There was a great website called Voat dot co, and the owner basically stated directly that the funding from his Dept was stopped, and that the site couldn't be run any longer. This was in late 2020, just after Biden 'won' the election.

3 years ago

@Mgtow_economics: that's what I suspected from Odyssey, we don't know who owns that website, all we know is they have plenty of money to give away to creators when it comes to crypto. A website that can do that usually breeds conspiracy. I actually asked armor about the crypto and whether he's going to do it or not. He said he's open to the idea, however most normies or individuals haven't abandoned using PayPal, credit cards, I asked him about the people's details and how that's handled, one of the things I thought that might happen was that credit card companies would pull out from allowing his website to continue using PayPal, he said the funds are sent to a temporary website that is not labeled mgtow dot TV in which it's only meant to keep them from seeing where the money goes, then the money is distributed through the website all via electronically. It's funny but when you think about it, turning money into a digital currency is no different from crypto using this method. This site doesn't record your details, however PayPal will, but the money that heads into this website is sent through another website by another name which tricks PayPal into thinking the money is just going to some normal business not related to this website. However I agree it's best to have multiple options available and not just relying on the credit card processing companies. I know Gab is completely crypto funded, although I heard that they also take check or credit card, I assume that use a similar method to Amr by having the money sent to another website and then resent from that site to the main site. It's an interesting method, one that I suggested my dad try out when I came to his divorce assets, but my dad was too big of a cuck to try something like this out because he's used to the regular monetary system way of thinking. Some normies just don't want to make the change, even if it's the right choice that will get them out of the mess. Just the other day my dad said that he was mad that venmo doesn't record where purchases go or withdrawals, and he said he hated that they can get away with that, and I had to explain to him the reason why that's a good thing, however he can only look at it how it was a bad thing because his ex-wife used to use it to steal his money and spend it on random things, which makes it very difficult to prove to a court that she swindled a lot of money. I think it's good to have an autonomous purchases, but in his case for his ex, I agree that she shouldn't be able to get away with that.

3 years ago

Anonymous not autonomous oh, sorry I'm using my text-to-speech on my phone.

3 years ago

Maybe he sucks dick in truck stop gas stations? People who are immoral can do all kinds of things in the shadows while publicly trying to be the cool guy. Always remember that all women are chameleons and will tell you anything to get something off of a man. Lots of women had their heads shaved or beaten to death after sleeping with the NAZIS and helping them to turn in their fellow countrymen.


3 years ago



3 years ago

Tax payer dollars at work.

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