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Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made For Walkin- (1966 Original)

19 Views • 06/07/22
190 Subscribers

OK! so I'm MGTOW and Monk, but why Have I posted this Video? well for one every women in this Video is attractive and look individual. whereas modern women all look like WHORE's. But my real reason for posting this is the WORD's. Listen to the words and forget a women is singing it and apply it as if a Guy is singing it to a women? ther suddenly appears and interesting result with the hinesight of today's Gynocentric world? lol! When this was in the charts in the UK anyways Nancy Sinatra was the first female I WANKED of over so to speak! lol! I do know or am aware that women then were the same as today, but MEN kept them in check! but just enjoy the scene!

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Drums McBashington
Drums McBashington
3 years ago

Toyah Willcox did a remake. Only reason I know is because she's married to Robert Fripp (King Crimson), and he's in the video. I'll post.


Just think... ALL these hot pieces of arse, IF they are still alive, are kind of pushing 80... and are gumming soft cock in the old folks homes.

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