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Neil Oliver ‘…it’s a racket!’
‘…our leaders are running up and down the isles grabbing everything they can in the biggest transfer of wealth the world has ever known.’ <br>To help support this channel & get extra, exclusive content every week, sign up to <br> <br> <br>Audio Podcasts, <br>Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World &, <br>Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles <br>Available on all the usual providers <br> <br> <br>Check out the Instagram account: Neil Oliver Love Letter <br> <br>#neiloliver #digitalcurrency #Cop2030 #climatecrisis #freedom #wealthtransfer #commonlaw #militaryindustrialcomplex #neiloliverGBNews
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2 years ago
I broke every Covid Rule after a couple of days of sorting out the BULLSHIT. In my life I have been so deceived, lied to, Abused and punished for nothing, that I instantly settled in to all this being TOTAL BULLSHIT. NEV ER again will I obey or follow dictates like this from ant one regardless ever again. I'm OLD, I DON'T fear death so WTF is their to be frightened of? Personally I actually no longer give a shit, I live in hope that when I pass on there may be a new beginning? If not? well WTF have I got to worry about then? My life is MY life I'll live it and I am, as I WISH! no one else. Dumb fuck humanity can rot for all I care.
2 years ago
Corruption is ALWAYS found out, a PRICE WILL be paid for their doing.