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Neil Oliver: ‘…lies, lies, lies!’

10 Views • 07/19/23
23 Subscribers

‘…where is the outrage and anger?’ <br> <br>To help support this channel &amp; get exclusive content every week sign up to ‘Neil Oliver’ on <br> <br> <br>Audio Podcasts, <br>Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World &amp;, <br>Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles <br>Available on all the usual providers <br> <br> <br>Check out the Instagram account: Neil Oliver Love Letter <br> <br>#neiloliver #heatwave #education #excessdeaths #archaeology #history #neiloliverGBNews

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9 Comments sort Sort By
1 year ago

Looking at what is politically happening with this TERROR thing attached to EVERYTHING, I suggest that ALL or most of the previous "Terrorism" in the world was created by politician's, because what is noe unashamedly being done to use smacks of the previous definition on TERRORISM. Pock that hornet's nest enough and one day THEY will get badly stung!

1 year ago

This empty rivers and dried out places is crap when it comes to FEAR, because water can only change to a solid (ice), a Gas (steam) or a Liquid (water). That water or moisture is always still somewhere and a hot spell usually always ends with a storm and then the FEAR of Flooding, naturally being blamed on Humanity. It seems to me that Humanity not a flood or heatwave is the real problem because flood plains are built on for profit of corporation's, sink holes starve area's of water for Profit, yet we ALL get blamed for it - The psychopath at work again. Maybe their should be an open season on destroying or hunting Psychopath's ans Socoipath's? lol!

1 year ago

Pull the least in on a beaten oppressed DOG eventually they will be close enough to get badly bitten! lol! They are trying everything to make you FEARFUL so you remain fearful for them to oppress you.

1 year ago

Global warming is a man made SCAM, I'm sure if we were to much for the earth to cope with it would spit us out? what is happening is due to allowing leftist Psychopaths get control. I've studied Psychopathy and I know if you put an obstruction in their path that the Psychopath cant circumvent you can defeat them. you see psychopaths are in someways intelligent when it come to what they want, BUT they cannot cope with interference in their plan. They expoect in an arrogant way they can go from A to Z with our interruption. Being Linear thinkers if you put up a wall between the remaining letters "B to Y" they cant cope with that. so the best policy is "NOIN COMPLIANCE", if enough didn't comply they WILL fail. We knoe this works because they keep throwing empty threats and attempt to instill FEAR into us, sadly the PLEB's are succeptible to FEAR and irrationality and they don't even know why? I see Sadiq Khan is apparently getting hate mail and Death Threats? But nothing changes proof that moron is a Psychopath. I hopw what ever the WEF is offering is worth it? but I suspecdt all these collaberators to the WEF are gonna get a very rude awakening when they themselves get turned on, and that WILL happen. Once the WEF have done what they want the rest of the politicians, scientists and lefties will be surplus to requirements and need to be removed as collateral damage. We have seen this over and over again, not least the NAZI's as an example that turned on themselves when they knew they had lost. The bite that has been taken will hopefully be to big and CHOKE thw WEF and WHO to death? Oh! by the way it seens the public are already finding politicians surplus to requirement, I know I have!

1 year ago

We are already well into the "Third World War" but people cant see it. Those of us who can are living quite normal but adaptive lives.

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