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Neil Oliver – ‘...sinister cabals are coming this way…’
‘…hypocrisy abounds at Cop27 as the fillet steaks are wolfed down & global elites relentlessly move their agenda forwards…..’ <br> <br>To see the full episode & get extra content sign up to 'Neil Oliver' on <br> <br>New Videos Every Week <br> <br>Audio Podcasts, <br>Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World &, <br>Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles <br>Available on all the usual providers <br> <br> <br>Check out the Series Instagram account: Neil Oliver Love Letter <br> <br>#neiloliver #tutankamun #kingTut #Cop27 #greenagenda #Eygpt #WEF #newworldorder #rishisunak #joebiden #freedom #neiloliverGBNews #culture #travel #explore #history
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2 years ago
Whatever they have been promised wont be anywhere's near worth the out come. They are useful IDIOT's more so than the public. As for having HEARTS? I don't think so Do Psychopath's even have a heart? to destroy a Psychopath you really need to put obstacles in their was as they think lineal, put an unexpected wall in their plan's they are incapable of working out a way round that wall. This respite should be used to defeat them.
2 years ago
We may have all these Cabals that apper to work in harmony, like WHO, WEF and all the other's, BUT what usually happens every time in History is in fighting breaks out and that is the beginning of the end. they may be in harmony right now with there weird idea's,m BUT it will only take one mouth od decent to bring it crashing down from within. A power grab from within an argument, or simple tow or more factions falling out? It will come it always does - Eventually. Even if people just simply don't comply it will eventually fail. This is why they use FEAR, Fear of pretty much nothing because they themselves would be effected negatively if the threats were played out.
It's like that bully kid in the playground, he's ok and king of bullies whilst he has an audience, push them away or ignore them they will disappear because the other cohort's will discover the WEAKNESS. They can only succeed if YOU comply out of FEAR. I stopped FEARING DEATH, when I did that I no longer gave a shit and I fear nothing because death is the ultimate and sure end to any life experience. so if it comes sooner and you don't feat it their is no need to FEAR anything anymore. If there is NOTHING beyond death then what have you to FEAR, if Consciousness continues or is RECYCLED, then it's a whole new adventure, that's how I look at it - Maybe it's an age thing? I don't know!
2 years ago
The NWO / WEF / Zionist -- GREEN AGENDA - it's all bullshit.
Pollution is one thing - but if you get 1000 tons of biomass, being trees, grasses and other vegetable matter, and you burn it, you end up with 50 tons of ASH which is from the ground and the rest of it goes up in flames as carbon dioxide - back into the atmosphere, were it all came from.
Guess what trees and food crops etc., GROW from? It's the CO2 that they get from the air.
CO2 is not a pollutant - it's a nutrient - for all most all life on the face of the earth - both directly and indirectly - depends upon it.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago