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Neil Oliver: ‘…there’s a stench coming from them & their dead politics’
‘…if things keep going the way they’re going politically, in the near future there will be no America, no Britain, no France, no Germany, no anywhere….’ <br>To help support this channel & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to ‘Neil Oliver’ on <br> <br> <br>Audio Podcasts, <br>Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World &, <br>Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles <br>Available on all the usual providers <br> <br> <br>Check out the Instagram account: Neil Oliver Love Letter <br> <br>#neiloliver #CBDC #socialcredit #usa #US #borisjohnson #JoeBiden #DonaldTrump #neiloliverGBNews
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2 years ago
Chinese proverb - "A Dead Fish will always stink from the Head".
2 years ago
Whern government forget who they were voted in for and to whom they represent, and bed up with Insane money grabbing Psychopath's it wont ever end well. I'm meeting so many people now that are going back, way back to the old way's including myself. We are no longer following corporate or politic DICK-tates. Food may cost more from your local independent shop, but superrmarket SDHIT is fast becoming just as expensive, I tend to shop locallty and go to local Farm Shops as well, and in many other ways I've baqcked up my life to a better place so I can avoid the STENCH of these rotting political CORPSE'S. Politic;s for me now looks like my kitchen windowsiel at the end of summer when I count up the body count of the Flies I have wiped out with the good stench of Fly killer. Politic's is DEAD, they are our enemy from within now, they were always the TERRORIST'S, they were the cause of all the propergated Financial crash's That naturally WE the people had to endure, but never them the instigator's of our Misery, made worse by the ignorance and selfishness of the blind public. They the politician's may listen to the WEF but WE don't have to follow any of that CRAP.
2 years ago
Replacing the family and fathers with the all powerful state is a core principal of Marxism and always has been. The Soviet Union was the first country to put women in the workplace in traditionally males roles including combat. Culture is passed from one generation to the next by women teaching their own children about their religion etc. Send the woman to work, get the father out of the home altogether and let the state teach children to worship Stalin or Obama or whoever.
2 years ago
It wont stop until white women can no longer vote to give our counties away to our enemies. By then it will be too late. White women want to take care of everyone and have been successfully brainwashed by Marxists to hate themselves for being White. I lived with Red Pill Rage when I first realized this. Now I have accepted it. And, in the end, we White men are responsible for what we allow in our countries. We got too rich and complacent and gave women the vote. It took them 100 years to destroy Western Civilization with the Welfare State, open borders, divorce and ruin of religion. It took White men 5,000 years to build it.
2 years ago