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Neil Oliver – ‘...they want us to do what?!?

20 Views • 11/04/22
23 Subscribers

‘…the biggest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen, criminal incompetence, suspect science, the covid adventure &amp; witches…’ <br> <br>To see the Full episode &amp; get extra content sign up to 'Neil Oliver' on <br> <br>New Videos Every Week <br> <br>Audio Podcasts, <br>Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World &amp;, <br>Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles <br>Available on all the usual providers <br> <br> <br>Check out the Series Instagram account: Neil Oliver Love Letter <br> <br>#neiloliver #witches #covidamnesty #covid #vaccine #digitalid #CBDC #centralbankdigitalcurrency #matthanccok #I’macelebritygetmeoutofhere #freedom #neiloliverGBNews #culture #travel #explore #history

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6 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

Take "Helen Duncan" in WW2 A psychic who got put in prison by Churchill's Government for trying to comfort people who had lost love one's in the war. THEY actually saw this poor women as a threat for not following THEIR propaganda?

2 years ago

Science in all this behave as the Church did in the Inquisitions in the day, in my view?

2 years ago

I've had the letter's from the NHS trying to tempt me into more covid jab's I had the first one because I was deceived and lied to because I was at risk from a family health condition so I had it. Fortunately for me I had no side effects from it, well not to date anyway's? Nah never again will I trust a Doctor or NHS so called complicit worker. I would and probably will die at home ALONE, not left to die whilst I was surround by those who could but wouldn't save me. I still feel really bloody angry with myself nether lone those assholes deceptive for for being so STUPID for getting sucked in. NEVER again I can promise to myself at least. Lock Down made me truly independent, I need no one anymore. I've learned to service my own vehicles and taken control of MY finances, I look after MY own health. NO ONE will ever tell me what to do again. My intuition or what I cam my "BULLSHITOMETER" is very finely honed now I live via my instinct and if it don't feel right I don't participate anymore. Peace.

2 years ago

The Government have proved without doubt that THEY are the REAL TERRORIST's not antivaxer's or people that speak out against their own oppression in the name of the great God "DOSH" ( that's money to you non Brit's). So "NO FORGIVENESS" and "NEVER FORGET" what they did to us, EVER. I no longer trust anyone nether lone Police or NHS complicit worker's who tik tok danced to the FUN and the elites god or death SHIVA and the misery of million's over all, because millions will probably still continue to die for decades even now? NEVER forgive or forget how your destiny was stolen from YOU, from YOUR children, From elderly relatives you could NOT even say goodbye tyo as they had to pass alone in a hospital bed, surrounded by those compliant in their death. Somebody asked me the other day, Do I think this place is a level of HELL as in Dante's Divine Comedy or Christian in the Pilgrims Progress? I didn't know what to answer but with some thought it can easily be seen that way if you let it get to you I guess?

2 years ago

I would rather childishly laugh at my own fart's than watch that total CRAP.I was born in the mid 1950's into not a perfect world after WW2 by any means, BUT it was a "MERITOCRACY" where if you put the effort in you were praised for that and advanced yourself as well. today that has been replaced by seeing how obnoxious and pathetically idiotic you can be and that passes for success. I still wake some mornings thinking somehow over night I've slipped into a waking dream or a different universe or dimension. when I think of what I was taught and learned, things like respect and empathy for others, the very values I seek still to this day, yet I'm now the idiot according to society for simply being nice and normal and not a total FUCK WIT that seems to be the norm. I'm gradually turning in on life, I know it could be dangerous but I don't care Just avoiding these assholes daily keeps me SANE. as long as I stay ALONE I can cope with all of this bollock's as a decent human being. I gradually feel as I reject the tech and the meme's I'm actually resoprting back to a 1950's lifestyle within my owm home and mind. Am I MAD? Probable but WTF, without Mertit or caring or love or namely the human spirit, this place is worthless thai life is worthless and although I intend fully to see my day's out as the deal I struck is something to honor I wont be leaving via suicide or before my time. I do hope in my mind there is something better than this place when I pass, and I don't mean some idilic Heaven or any of that crap? either Nothing that I wont know about anyway, or a rebirth or somesort of Recycle so I can do better next time. Life is nothing but a game you cant win, So make the best of it.

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