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Never Lend A Woman Money? - MGTOW

142 Views • 10/12/23
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Sponsor Link Money Line Investments <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Chetan and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hi Sandman, Chetan again. Eight years ago I was a simp living in Dubai where I met this English girl. She trapped me with her story of no family &amp; mental health issues being used and abused by men. She was dating only muslim men who would pump n dump her after promising love/marriage. That was true cuz I saw all her chats. She would often break down &amp; talk about self deleting herself. I tried to save her by financially &amp; emotionally comforting her &amp; spent over 3500 pounds on her. I even got her a ticket back to uk. She promised she would start working, pay me back the money &amp; find a white boyfriend for a change. But as soon as she got back to UK she told me she always hated me &amp; that I was unbearable on my moral high horse &amp; cut me off entirely. I noticed since then how women actually hate men who have morals, principles &amp; don't bend a knee. They actually don't mind the scum or abusive men but hate with a passion any good guy. Maybe they see their inadequacies as a human in good guys &amp; hate them for it. What's your take on it?&quot; Well Chetan thanks for the donation and topic. My experience is similar when I did nice things for girlfriends they would punish me more often than not. I think part of it is women and social currency. When you do nice things for them then quite often they feel obligated to do nice things for you back. They see it as being in your social debt. For them money represents favors they can buy through virtue signaling good deeds. When you do nice things for women many of them fear you're going to hold what you did for them against them in the future if they treat you poorly. Dude you say that women don't like men that have morals and principles that just means that if the guy is a pushover around her how is he supposed to go out in the world and compete with other men for resources and bring them back to her? They won't so it's better that she doesn't date or marry such a man if she wants to increase the odds of her offspring surviving. I'm just glad you're no longer a simp trying to save women from themselves. It's not abusive men that women seek out but men that tell them no. Men that have a spine that aren't willing to bend over backwards and be their pay piggie. Because such men will go out and stand up for themselves in the world. Doing nice things for women, even your girlfriend usually makes them angry and upset. This woman in Dubai you mention sounds like of the beggars that wait at bus stops asking for enough money to get a bus token. Do you really think a begger respects the person that simp that gives them his change. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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5 Comments sort Sort By

I'd never take a chick like that to a place like this:

This precedes this.

Malcolm Douglas - Australia - In The Bush (Part 5) 2009

Helmet comes on just after 25 minutes.

And this antecedes that.

Following Malcolm Douglas footsteps to find his mates place(Helmut)..Derby\Jetty..

And the thoughts there upon.

A Dose of Imaginary Inferiority Complex

11 months ago

What today's sponsor said is SO true, and hardly anyone says it!!! Women hate the moral men. They want ones without boundaries, and who they can look down on.

11 months ago

The only thing women are good for is a short good or "happy" time especially when she does not know your full real name, how big your bank accounts are, and where you live... I am coming around to seeing women as a curse or tax upon man: Oh, you mentioned how "women hate men:" but didn't seem to understand why. I've meditating on this for some time and I believe I rediscovered the reason through realization or perhaps should you believe the Holy Spirit confirmed it:

So, back in the Garden of Eden, er I should say the Paradiso of Eiden-- the walled garden at the plain (eiden) on a mountain top in Iraq. Don't worry Biblical prophecy about never returning to it is still true: Somebody built a city upon it. Adam (from the "red" clay) was "created" with Lilith-- not the Six Day creation story, (Genesis Book 1) which originated out of an island temple in the Nile, The Sun Temple, but the Babylonian records, ie Abram, who left Babylon to become Abraham, the patriarch, was from ancient Iraq. Now, the fun stuff-- I believe Abram talked to Noah's last surviving son, they gave him another name: He outlived entire generations of families, but he "knew" God (of Israel.) I believe that Abram if not a pupil was an (in sociological sense) intimate with him conversing daily... So, how does this relate to women? Adam and Lilith were created together and together they walked about the "Garden" fornicating often, but Lilith asked one day to be on top-- and Adam fucked up, the first of many, which curse us today. He said no.

Now, I can forgive Adam-- because a joke my grandfather told me once. A "hippie" son, you know seventies man asked his dad to borrow the car. The Dad said yeah, when you get a hair cut. The son protected, but Jesus had long hair. Exactly, and he walked everywhere! LOL! The point Adam walked: he did not ride a horse, pony, or ass... so poor unimaginative Adam didn't know about cowgirl and reverse cowgirl: Mistakes were made. I also believe we developed our imagination trying to remember the garden from stories told later and artistic skills from trying to capture it as cave drawings or art... Think about it: Our cereal diet was once all weeds: Beets, wheat, barely, sugar cane, rye, corn-maise,-- there were all weeds cultivated over time So, Lilith divorced his ass and God (of Israel)m but later to die and become the Mother of Monsters or demons-- none to live past one day, ie a thousands years (a day of the Lord.) So Adam went into a depression and then God made him a helpmeet. Noticed it did not say equal, we tried that, companion, consort, or "Goddess" ie mistress. Adam's peepee wasn't getting wet and he got depresses. Now, important not here: All the angels, fallen angels, and God were depicted as male... So, if man was made in the image of God (of Israel, ) what was woman made in the image of-- both Lilith and the helpmeet? The Goddess, ie the Tree of Life herself Ashereh, not the Canaanite (Phoenician) witch goddess Ashtorath. Though, these two will merge... Now, that is the whole point of this. During the Age of Taurus-- there were fertility cults with a duality, the masculine and the feminine, the yin and the yang. Bringing them together as in sex was "divine" and as we all know pleasurable. A Goddess and her master a God: We know the Hebrew "God" of Israel though in Jacob's time called "His Kinsman" so, Jacob was his mom's favorite and she manipulated him to trick blind Isaac to giving him "his blessing:" I think in antiquity this was more than words or a positive curse--- I think there was something of a mythical art to it. Anyway, he dressed in a camel tunic because his brother was very hairy and quite the hunter and pretended to be his brother, the founder of the Edomites, the dude had two wives like Jacob when he returned from his fourteen years of service. Funny or rather Karmic if you think about it. Jacob cheats his brother out of the blessing and his father-in-law cheated him out of the younger daughter he wanted so he had to work fourteen years instead of seven... Jacob fled his brother running away. He slept at a fertility grove known as Luz. His God was already known there so he raised the stone he used as a pillow to honor his God. Jacob becomes Israel, he who struggles with God: This has a dual meaning, he literally wrestled with God (as human, the same form He talked to Abraham in and also Christ once born) and he struggles through life with God backing him. That site Luz is where they stored the Ark of the Covenant until Solomon's Temple was built.

So, how does this relate to women and their hated of men? For all this time woman and man came together in a ritual, a fertility cult ritual from the Age of Taurus, hence the running of the bulls in Spain, and their torros guy with the red cape, and the leaping over charging bull games of the Atlanteans recorded on the walls of their outposts Knossos, Crete and Akrotiri, Santorini. When the Hebrews were in Egypt recorded as Habiru, Abiru, Amoa, and Amoa Israel (he Nation of Israel) literally written in stone, they still honored the Age of Taurus fertility cult ways. The Books The Alphabet of Ben Suri (where the Lilith story is recorded) and a image of Ashereh was literally carved in stone. Now, after a Hebrew local wargod "Yahweh" sent Moses to free them let alone used Moses' sister to guarantee her as a Pharaoh's daughter aid would raise Moses in the palace. After Mount Sinai, the goddess Ashereh was "killed." She was merged with Ashtorath and women have been holding this resentment in for literally eons. During the Age of Ram, the golden bull worship previously used was over-- it outlived its usefulness. A New Age demanded new worship-- this also may be why the Jews suffered for was it 400 years in Egypt. Then Christ came down as God in Cosplay to bring us out of the Age of the Ram into the Age of Pisces or "Salvation." We are now entering well after 2040 into the Age of Aquarius, or Enlightenment, ie "Revelations." All of this is connected and a very few can see the "lines" that connect them. I only stumbled upon this after learning the origin of our Alphabet from Egypt extremely likely by Hebrew hands-- very likely Jacob's son with his Coat of Many colors who became visor to the High Egyptian Pharaoh, second in command of all Egypt. They still use his reservoir today named after him. So, when I tell you in the chat the "signs of the times" are in the stars, ie the astrological ages... I know what I am talking about... Sorry for the extended lesson.

11 months ago

Surrogacy will always be an option as long as we have medical tourism, but if we get into another global war, ie WW#, like the current corrupt world regime ie THE Cathedral or Cabal, wants, there won't be a medical tourism-- everybody would become untrusting and try to kill or poison each other.

11 months ago

JUST ASK ANY MAN THAT HAD BEEN MARRIED IF THE MONEY THAT WAS INVESTED IN A MARRAIGE FOR SAY THE MARRIED COUPLES FUTURE HOMES...CARS....VACATIONS ..ETC.....ASK THOSE MEN THAT GET DIVORCED BY GOLD DIGGERS IF ANY WHAMAN IS A GOOD INVESTMENT. ...i would rather invest in what i want not someone who will take everything from me.!!!!!!... in the end she takes all prizes plus kids......STAY SINGLE GENTLEMEN!!!!!

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