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New TikTok Trend DESTROYS Woke Ideology & Has Women Waking Up!

109 Views • 03/15/23
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2 years ago

This dude does not understand mgtow at all.

Professor if you want to be an MRA, go be one. Good luck with that boulder Sisyphus. I'll keep chilling, and grilling, because it works for me.

2 years ago

Problems with this entire premise.

1. A female with genuine hard core traditional beliefs CAN CHANGE without warning.

2. Activist law enforcement will still rip a man's life to shreds for HER advantage/benefit.

3. Assumes men should still CARE enough about what women want to RISK the potential destruction.

4. Western modernity removes due process for men, and accountability from women, but still expects men to carry the responsibilities, and risk.

5. I don't care what women want, need, or makes them happy. I'll do me. She can do she. I'm out for ever.

6. Not trying to fix it, just trying to WARN about it.

Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago

masculists put powerful moral pressure on women to FIP up, so that they don't man slave and divorce rape a man. Is that simple idea beyond you?!

2 years ago

You can put as much "POWERFUL MORAL PRESSURE" on women as you'd like. If SHE decides to wake up one day, and throw it off, all she needs to do is make a phone call, and several large armed uniformed men will come to YOUR house to put powerful knee pressure on your neck until you comply, or die. Is that simple idea beyond you?

2 years ago

Fight back, and die if you'd like, but is the prize REALLY worth it?

Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago


2 years ago

@profhugodegaris: You "LABEL" me as defeatist because you cannot look at the mgtow philosophy objectively, or even your own pre conceived ideas, that aren't even yours, just a mix of the same tired old trad-con, and M.R.A. dogma that mgtow have rejected from the start. The "attitude" you take into a rigged game is irrelevant. The prize that is unworthy of the effort, can ruin a man's entire future, or even cause him to take his own life. My peace, wealth, time, choices, and whatever the fuck else I want to live for is worth more to me than ALL the HILLS that you believe are worth dying on. Mgtow is INDIVIDUALS. Fuck all forms of collectivism including yours.

2 years ago

the mgtow creed: Men going their own way is a statement of self ownership, where the modern man preserves, and protects his own sovereignty above all else. It is the manifestation of one word: "No". Ejecting silly preconceptions, and cultural definitions of what a man is. Looking to no one else for social cues. Refusing to bow, serve, and kneel for the opportunity to be treated like a disposable utility. And living according to his own best interests in a world which would rather he didn't.

Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago

@PRICK: Masculists see MGTOW as a necessary condition for men's lib, but not sufficient. What is also needed is the men fairing of the gender laws, so that men don't remain man slaves to fluffie parasitic women. MGTOWs are the historical equivalent of the feminist consciousness raising stage in the 60s. Feminist leaders, then moved on to change the gender laws, women fairing them. Men need to do the same. MGTOW is mere halfway housery. MGTOW IS NOT ENOUGH!

2 years ago

@profhugodegaris: Mgtow has done more for men in the last few years than ALL the M.R.A. combined have done in the last 3 decades, and all without fighting, marching, protesting, or any other female/feminist thinking/strategy, like you are advocating. I've read a continuing stream of articles by women, about women, such as... Woman cancels dating events because no men show up. Woman marries herself, a tree, a lighthouse, a bridge, a Ferris wheel, and or a dog. Women complain about the wage gap, but then complain that they can't find men that make as much money as themselves. Men are dropping out of universities at an accelerating rate, and going into trades, also living a minimalistic lifestyle, and avoiding women altogether. Men walk away as women are assaulted, and refuse to stop to help stranded female motorists. Bridal shops, and jewelry stores going out of business. Women complain that men won't help them at work, or in public anymore. ALL of that is mgtow influence. Men protecting themselves, living for themselves, and giving women the independence they asked for. Fight off that rapist yourself, you strong independent woman. If she wants provision, get a job. If she wants protection, learn to fight, get a dog, or a gun. If she wants sexual pleasure, buy some new batteries, procreation? Go to a sperm bank, and be prepared to support it for 18 years. Masculists/mra/trad-cons won't get that much done in the next 3 decades. Mgtow did it in a few years.

Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago


Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago

but as a masculist it is simply not enough. Men will not be liberated (which masculism is all about, given that the very word "masculist" is the obvious male equivalent of the word "feminist" i.e. masculism does for men what feminism does for women, i.e. it liberates them from the oppressions of the traditional gender role they have, and from the gender crimes committed by the other sex on them. It concerns me as a masculist, that the MRM are so politically impotent. I even made a video on that topic (nbr 229) . The main difference between the MRM and masculists, is that masculists are much angrier than rather wimpy MRMs, who tend to play the victim role rather than are true fighters. For men to be liberated, in their billions, gender laws need to be menfaired, the Parer (paternity rejection right) and the OPTAB (obligatory paternity testing at birth) for all births need to be legislated. GECs (gender equality committees) need to be created that consist half of female feminists and half of male masculists, in the parliaments, so that the gender issues of BOTH sexes are dealt with EQUALLY. Most feminists are so badly brainwashed by feminism that they truly believe that gender oppression is a one way street. Masculists are aggressive, powerfully ideological, and hugely more persuasive than MRMs, which is probably why the MRM has been so historically piss weak. When a masculist comes across a monoconscious feminazi bigot (MFB), who preaches that gender oppression is a one way street, he bites her fucking head off, and harangues her out of the room, with a verbally violent attack on her monoconsciousness, and tells her how women oppress men far worse, with women's decades lasting man slavery, women's divorce rape, women's forced fathering, etc. Masculists are so verbally violent with women, women cannot help but notice their presence. Masculists are strongly influenced by feminism, in the sense that the feminists went through two major phases, consciousness raising, and political reforms, by changing the gender laws. Masculists aim to do the same. To masculists, MGTOW is merely part of the male consciousness raising stage. The masculists have yet to achieve their political stage, i.e. the menfairing the gender laws, which is the next major step for men's liberation.

2 years ago

@profhugodegaris: I really do believe this. I'm not being mean about it, even though I am a prick. ALL political attempts by any "GROUP" of men to change the systems will have the same effect as a single man pissing in the ocean. Women fear mgtow because there's no head to cut off, and every mgtow wins by not playing, and living for his own best interests, NOT fighting for them. Just walking away, leaving them to themselves, and warning uninformed men. No pursuit, protection, provision, or procreation for women. My wealth, health, time, peace, choices, fitness, work, eat, drive, drink, and whatever else I want, and none of it can be legally stolen by a woman with the govt. assist. I don't see ANY advantage masculism has over mgtow. Again not being a prick about it. Just logic.

Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago


Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago

Imagine the feminists took a MGTOW like philosophy in the 70s and didn't bother to push for equal pay for equal work, no equal access to the professions, no abortion right, no control of the divorce courts, no minister for equal rights for women in the parliaments, etc. Then women would have far fewer rights in practice than they do today. I think most people would agree with this. Similarly, men need to have equal rights with women on sharing the burden of earning the living, by pushing women very hard to FIP up, and not expect, fluffie style, to parasite off the labor and money of a man. Similarly with women's divorce rape. The divorce courts need to be thoroughly reformed, so that one father in four does not get BUTCHERED in the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system. Women force fatherhood on men, since men have no legislated Parer (paternity rejection right) and no OPTAB (obligatory paternity testing at birth) for all births, to block women's paternity fraud. It is obvious to me, and I don't understand why it is not obvious to you, that billions of men would be a lot better off with the menfairing of the gender laws, as exampled in earlier sentences. To masculists, you MGTOWs lack political vision. Sure, if millions of men go MGTOW, that's going to impact heavily on women. Masculists don't deny that, but masculists see clearly, that society needs to be FIPped, women need to be FIPped, men need the Parer, divorce needs to be reformed, society needs to be made a FIP Society, GECs (gender equality committees) need to be set up in the parliaments, to men fair the gender laws, or men's lib will stagnate at the conscious raising stage (which is where MGTOW is at today) and will not move on into the political stage, changing the gender laws, as the feminists did in the 70s. To masculists, you MGTOWs are seen not only as politically myopic, but as unambitious. When millions of masculists harangue MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots) out of the room, then things will change. MGTOWs will not be exploited by fluffie parasites, that's true, but the deeply oppressive gender laws against men will still be in place, and hence will continue to greatly oppress men. Masculists aim to remove these horrible, decades lasting, gender laws against men, so if that happens, society, men in particular, can thank the masculists for it, not the MGTOWS, who are politically passive, and useless. I don't understand why you don't understand. It seems such a trivial point, that society needs masculism, to menfair the gender laws. MGTOW is useless for that.

2 years ago

@profhugodegaris: If logic, reason, and winning are simple minded, what better do you have to offer??? I've been reading your manifesto's, and NOT seeing anything better. No marriage, no divorce , no cohabitation, no common law/domestic violence/sexual assault false accusations. Avoid women at work, in public, be polite/professional/Pence rule protected. Reading your material presents an external locus of validation. Let it go man, let the worlds problems go, look inside, find some peace. Point out the landmines, but don't run through the mine field. Your a man, the world doesn't CARE, never did, never will. They will pave over your dead carcass, forget your name, and all to smooth the road for women. Knowing this, why wouldn't you/men want a little victory/peace???

2 years ago

@profhugodegaris: Aim to change the gender laws ??? So if that happens??? Yeah. And if my aunt grows nuts I'll call her my uncle. Your fighting fog with a stick. You will do nothing because you can do nothing. Mgtow has made more change by NOT fighting, than MRA have in 30 years, and more than masculists will do in a hundred.

Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago


Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago

You have a similar attitude to Sandman, one of the most prominent MGTOWs, i.e. he simply accepts the current gender political dominance of the feminists. I've always felt he lacked political vision and guts. You remind me of Bolivar's famous quip, when he tried to unify the countries of South America (before the railway) and found it so hopeless, that he compared it with "ploughing the sea." One of the main reasons why masculists take a very angry, hateful approach to gender politics, is that hate communicates. Masculists are abolitionists and look at what abolitionist hatred did to remove negro slavery. To masculists, man slavery is a war issue. It fills masculists full of HATE for women who man slave a man by not bothering to FIP up, expecting to live off the labor and money of a man, for decades of his life. Fluffies and fluffie feminists are vermin to masculists. We hate them, and aim to kill them in a sex war, by totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them. Thats not so different from the MGTOWs, but the masculists go further, by pushing for changes in the gender laws, and telling young women that they are babyless because men refuse to give them their sperm, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts, taken over by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrite genociders. Masculists aim to not only fill men with hate against the man slavery etc, but to fill young women full of hate against the fluffie feminists, so that the latter feel the hatred coming from both sexes. I think an essential difference between the MRM and the masculists, despite the fact that both want the gender laws men faired, is that the MRM tend to take a victim approach, e.g. Farrell, while the masculists are full of hate, anger, and are at war against fluffies and fluffie feminists, aiming to kill them off slowly. To masculists, hate is a far more communicable emotion for men, than is victimhood, that the MRM prefers. I've noticed, that since masculist ideas have been on the media, the manosphere has become more hateful in general. That suggests that hate sells better than victimhood, or than MGTOW like defeatism, which is so contemptibly wimpy and useless.

2 years ago

@profhugodegaris: If mgtow is wimpy, and useless, and in fact have "ACCOMPLISHED" more than you impotent masculists/male feminists will in the next 100 years, I guess that makes you even more wimpy, and useless, by a factor of 100. Mgtow is not defeatist. It IS winning by not fighting. In what world is winning being defeated. How can you not SEE how trapped you are? Your mind is trapped. Your eyes are blinded by your own ideology, and desire for external validation. Notice me... Senpai. SAD.

Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago


Hugo de Garis
Hugo de Garis
2 years ago

MGTOW does not aim to menfair the gender laws, so men will thus continue to be massively abused by women, with their man slavery, their divorce rape, their forced fathering, etc.

1 year ago

@profhugodegaris: Not when they've all walked away. You say make the rules "fair" then play the game. I say don't play the game at all. I can't lose. No players, no losers. BURN the game. You're trying to PATCH the hole in the Titanic. I'm throwing the bitch out of the lifeboat to make room for myself.

2 years ago

Ash Sarkar is that woman that was complaining that AC is sexist. She is either a lunatic, a paid agent or an attention addict. Ignore her nonsense. She is proof women should not receive too many rights (and powers).

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