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Nice Guy vs Modern Woman... What Could Go Wrong?

122 Views • 12/13/21
Texting Prince
Texting Prince
444 Subscribers

Today's video we have a breakdown between a nice guy vs modern woman... what could go wrong?

Oh there is plenty that could go wrong - and we are going to in-depth on the Social Gap disaster and how it affects dating and relationships between men and women.
IF a woman has a higher 'social IQ' than a man, she will subconsciously see him as 'lower value' than she is.

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These days if you don't understand the 'game' of dating women, you will probably waste tons of your time and money and end up getting played. If you want to play the 'dating' game, you have to know how to do it the absolute best way.
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3 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

You can fuck any of these women if you are attractive. But you can't have a good loving relationship with any of them. They'll never give you what you actually desire to have with them. But Boko Haram does have all those things,they're relationships are all loving loyal and good. They took women's rights away and all those women are the war brides they stole from the men they killed. When america beat Boko Haram and "freed" all those women none of them left. They had all fully fallen in love with the men who had killed their families and taken their rights away. when given the opportunity to be whisked away to america by the white knights they all decided to stay. The lesson is that only when you take womens rights away,and force them to become your wives against their will....will they ever love you and be loyal to you. Deep down it's good for women to have their rights taken away and be forced into marriage against their will and given no choice of who they marry. That's when they stfu and allow themselves to be happy. Only when women are forced into total submission are they truly happy and fullfilled,and they only realize this after they've been made to submit.


3 years ago

It's good to find a serious White Man who also has eyes to see the truth about the false Jewish religion that so many believe in. I knew for much of my life that something was wrong about JEWdeo-Xtianity (formerly known as Christianity) but, just couldn't put my observations into the correct words. It wasn't until I found Dr. William Pierce that everything I suspected was confirmed AND elucidated correctly. I've known about how the Jews destroyed the Catholic Church during Vatican II and the Protestants with various Jewish perversions. But, Jeebus was my obstacle as I adopted all the stuff that was projected onto him. Again, it was Dr. Pierce that finally helped me to see that Jeebus was just a creation of the crypto-Jews at the Council of Nicea and I can safely reject him. Jeebus was NEVER against the Jews but was trying to restore the Torah as the primary book and throw out rabbinical Judaism that had taken over. Jeebus was NEVER about saving We Teh Gentiles. That was the Apostle Paul's sales pitch. Bottom line is that it is ALL JEWISH TOP TO BOTTOM and I THREW IT ALL OUT.

3 years ago

I've been thinking lately,the men in charge were fully aware of how hypergamy and female function the entire time they pushed for female empowerment. The average foolish man thinking with his penis has always been blind to such things. But the wealthy and high social status men have always been able to understand them. And so if they wanted to be able to have sex with any woman whenever they want to,and have all of them begging for marriage and inflating their ego....all they had to do was "empower" women. Which was never empowering women,it was only removing power from men. And now that most men have no power no control when it comes to women and women can do whatever they want....for the most part they're the rich high status men's play things. I argue that women are actually more empowered and happier under Patriarchy,maybe I'll make a video about it soon


3 years ago

The "Nice Guy" was only valued when civilized gentlemen were scarce and the majority were boors. The Nice Guy, formerly known as the Gentleman, possessed finer manners and presence because he came from wealth where such could be taught and practiced. It mattered LONG TIME AGO.

Today, the Nice Guy is just a set of faked behaviors that have no relevance in the Jew World Order. Women have no wisdom or agency but they do have enough survival instinct to know that the Nice Guy cannot survive in the Jews' Hell World; let alone protect her.

On that last point, the Gentleman of olden times was most certainly well trained with the sword or pistol and could fight off the rabble. Unfortunately, the average man of today, with his motley collection of guns, is nowhere close to challenging the (((Police State))) that's been built up around him. For the Gentleman of old to use force and defend his wife from the Jews' Pets would land him in jail. He might bravely fight the cops as he would the swarthy mercenaries of a bad king but, he would be overwhelmed and either lose his life or be jailed in disgrace. He cannot count on his peers to storm the Bastille on his behalf. And here we are. A modern man has no chance with a modern woman because the Jew World Order has created a toxic environment designed specifically to inhibit mate selection and forming nuclear families.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: If you are concerned about these issues,and want to save our race you should watch my videos. I hate god and Jesus so you can't be religious if you're gonna join me. But I'm serious about everything I talk about. Also watch my content on world truth videos I have more videos on there where I talk about these issues

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Although I should specify I am fine with Pagans. I only hate the JEWISH god and his son and all religions which follow them I'm fine with anyone following our actual real culturally ethnically white beliefs. If you worship god or Jewsus just stop,stop worshiping the god of our enemies if you need a faith system we white people have a lot more gods I'm sure there's one that's right for you


3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: I am SUBBED to your channel. I can relate to your affinity with the European Pagans as their religion is organic to our race. Yes, there are many demigods and they must be respected. I have so much to learn and much of that knowledge is not easy to find. I have the legitimate KOLBRIN from the Culdian Trust in New Zealand. So much glorious Truth in that book! The Bible is hopelessly outclassed by it.

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