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Ninety Day Freakshow with Crusader Nate - Live From Billy's Bunker #7

32 Views • 04/26/22
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Join me with Crusader Nate as we discuss more freakshow "entertainment" from the TLC channel.

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2 years ago

Yeah the guy that's what that woman, he's definitely with her for his visa, people from other countries understand how the shit works, if women can do it with men, then men will try to do it with women because where they are is a shit hole, and they're trying to get out of their shit hole and go where it's better like for example america.

I mean it's desperation for sure, here's the weird part about this though, I almost feel better that they're hooking up with a guy from another country then what they're trying to do with boys that are in middle School to high school and trying to get with them groom them into a relationship.

But I also don't want her bring it back people to america, this country is so fucked, we are really quite literally the last bastion of a free country, after we fall everyone falls.

I mean this community right here on this website have been talking about the collapse for almost a decade now, we knew where things were headed before they started showing up in front of all of our faces, we knew the laws were bad we knew the laws were going to get worse, we all seem to understand that it was a universal thing that it's because the majority of women vote in Western countries is the reason why we were in this position in the first place.

The problem is because things happen in echo chamber, the average person doesn't really get the information when they need it, they end up running into the information a few years after the fact, after listening to the pua snake oil for years and years and eventually understanding that it was snake oil, but then they find this other subgroup by the name of mgtow that talk about a lot of the same things, however we also talk about the reason why you should stay the fuck out of those situations because you look at what it's causing society to do.

The puas could give a fuck less about what happens to society what they are causing, they believe that they can live life just as if it were the 90s, back when I used to listen to Tom leykis, that was the time to listen to that information, but in this day and age it's a death sentence waiting to happen, most guys end up committing suicide because of all this shit.

Unfortunately those channels happen to be very popular, the pua snake oil is popular, because that's what guys want they want to get with the women they want to have a lot of unprotected sex, but the puas always ignore the laws and they always ignore the government until one of them gets arrested.

There's a reason why things are the way they are, so doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result ends up being the definition of insanity because they don't learn from their actions.

2 years ago

I read all of what you said. Thank you for taking the time to say it. If you ever go on youtube, I do my streams 10pm-12am EST Sundays if you want to listen live or call in. If you're not on YT, no worries. I know a lot of people don't use it anymore due to censorship which was demonstrated on this vid. Again I appreciate your comment and my brief responses is just due to time.

2 years ago

Here's how you solve the fertilizer problem, you use cow shit, it's been used for thousands of years oh my God.

to be honest with you guys I have no idea why the hell they stopped using cow shit in the first place, oh that's right they're probably saying that it has something to do with global warming or something stupid like that.

I was listening to a TFM show and he talked about this, the other thing is we don't have to go to the store to get our food every single time, inflation is going to hit us and it's going to hit us hard, can you imagine spending I don't know 50 bucks for one apple, now I don't know if it's going to get that high, but do you really want to spend more than a few bucks for an apple?

that's just the Apple I'm talking about now let's talk about all the other fruit and vegetables that exist, do you really want to spend more than you have been paying for the past few years for the rest of your produce?

Most people would say no of course not, so if there's a food shortage you'd think that people would at least try to mitigate the damage, I believe if you can instruct an entire nation to farm on their own land, not only would there be plenty of food for everybody, but everyone would have their own garden and they'd have their own farm animals just like our ancestors did and it would be sustainable for everybody.

It's not that big of an issue, people are just lazy and stupid and they would rather stay lazy and stupid and ignorant of their problems, well to all the lazy and stupid they will always do what they're always going to do, they're going to be lazy and stupid, so when shit hits the fan and the stores stop producing what they need, they're going to come to your house because they know you have food, I hope you have lots and lots of guns and ammo and I hope you have lots of provisions and people who are like-minded within your group that will help you protect your things, because people get desperate when there isn't enough food and resources.

It would be nice if somebody with hundreds of thousands if not millions of potential views on YouTube could talk about this, I don't know throw a message to PewDiePie, we've done it before when PewDiePie was almost getting overtaken by that popular Indian music artist, remember that? Remember when people were doing everything they could possibly do and think of and they were getting creative and sending that message out, that same shit could happen with this information.

of course I doubt very much anyone will take it seriously, because people are too complacent people are too lazy and there's nothing you can do about the ones that are stupid and lazy, all I can say at that point is kick those people to the curb while you and your community flourish as they die in the dust.

2 years ago

There are a number of popular prepper channels on YT that warn people about this stuff coming down the line. I've been prepping for some years now as well as my cohost Nate there. He's a way bigger prepper then me.

2 years ago

I have to admit that I was one of those people who thought that he wasn't really there, and at first I was demanding that he would show where he was to prove it, but then I realized that there's a reason why he shouldn't show himself and where he is, everyone understands that if someone knows where a celebrity might be or someone who's going viral might be, they might demand where he is.

I was wrong to suggest that he showed where he is, that was very stupid of me, it was better that he didn't show where he was or even talk about where he was, I mean he can mention that he was in Ukraine at some point, but he left Ukraine and went somewhere else even if he was still there to throw people off his sent.

But I remember immediately coming back to that video where I made that comment and saying actually don't show where you are, because I realized that it wouldn't be safe for him to do so.

2 years ago

The problem is he lets people get to him like that and he will then react by doing something stupid like what he did. It kinda contradicts some of the things he says as far as playing it cool and not letting people get to you.

2 years ago

You're absolutely right, when he started calling out these zelensky regime as he was in karakov was an incredibly stupid thing, especially when he shows his face.

I know that he showed his face in the past too, but anyone who is anybody understands the reason why we don't show our faces or give anyone our real names, you could still have freedom of speech but you don't have to show your face, why put your life in danger and your family's lives in danger by showing your face and letting people easily figure out what your name is.

I'm pretty sure he's on some kind of database out there of people to watch, this is why we get vpns this is why we hide our faces we don't use our real name and we don't associate our accounts with other accounts, being anonymous is a lifesaver in this day and age, when people got all comfortable about using Facebook and displaying their real name out there and showing their real face and the beginning it seemed to be okay, but the more things got political the less and less people were safe.

You have to be smart in this day and age, I mean what's that mean never go full retard, when you show your face and you let people know your name, you went full retard especially if you're going to talk about something as controversial as what people on this website talk about anything related to men's or men's rights or even mgtow is simply a bad idea.

2 years ago

Yeah I think with his heart condition he's a bit more fearless and not caring as much if he lives or dies it seems. Just my thought on it.

2 years ago

@Billy Von Bomb: I guess that saves him the burden on himself, but it doesn't necessarily save him the burden of what might happen to his family, I know the man is married and he has some kids, I know he loves them too, but it's fairly irresponsible of him to act that way having kids like he does, but you're right he has a very ballsy attitude when it comes to his own life. It's just messed up how quick the media pounced on him and started making shit up about him. Crazy shit my friend we live in crazy ass times.

2 years ago

@Penisy: Yeah he made a video last year after he did a big motorcycle trip from Amsterdam back to Ukraine where he hadn't seen his kids in like a year because of the coof and he made a quick video of him riding his motorcycle with his son holding the handlebars as they went around and around in his parking garage. It was a really sweet video and I thought, boy what a nice moment to share and his kid will remember that forever. And now there he is alone in Ukraine and it seems like he can't talk anymore as he hasn't been making vids. So why stay there? I say go stay with your family. Especially if you're dying. But hey, that's his life. Who am I to judge it.

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