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NO FAULT DIVORCE is on the chopping block in Texas and Florida
• 08/01/23
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2 years ago
Yeah, that's not even a drop in the bucket. This doesn't end VAWA, child custody, kidnapping laws, DV laws, spousal rape laws, welfare programs, and all of the other branches of the tree feminism planted. Not to mention that this does nothing to restore male authority, so she can abuse her husband and make his life a living nightmare and face no repercussions. Remember that video of the wife that spend 8k on credit to stay at a motel for a night to get back at her husband for asking her not to spend so much on Uber Eats? As long as women are empowered to control and abuse men, minor concessions mean nothing.
2 years ago
Nowadays when the preacher says "Til Death do you part".
Translation....Till the Groom financial death will his money part.
2 years ago
Why are Americans so much more likely to be religious, than many other countries, like the Scandinavians, the UK, Japan, Australia, etc. So, Hammerhand, do you believe in life after death, virgin births, resurrections, sons of gods, angels, miracles, and other 2000-year-old, anti-scientific, superstitions? Are you not aware that religions are human fictions, that humanity has INVENTED over 100,000 different gods, a number estimated by cultural anthropologists, who specialize in the anthropology of religion. Religionists have the credibility of flat earthers. They believe what they want to believe, without evidence. Religionists are isscienate fairies (isscienate = unable to think scientifically, due to ignorance of science, and fairy = living in a fairy land). It's a good thing you live where you live, where you are surrounded by likeminded delusionists, because if you lived in more sophisticated, more intellectually critical cultures, you would be crossed off as a 21st century peasant, or as the French say, "Un petit con Americain!"
2 years ago
correct, DO NOT GET MARRIED...