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Now What? Americans Endure – WEDNESDAY FULL SHOW 06/14/23

16 Views • 06/16/23
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Now What? Americans Endure Naked Corruption of DOJ Against Trump – Alex Jones Reveals What to Expect Next! – WEDNESDAY FULL SHOW 06/14/23

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1 year ago

@The Alex Jones Show #TheAlexJonesShow ...

Buddy, I Luv Ya but You Really Need To Stop That Shit. I Mean What The Fuck Man.? You Are Far More Intelligent Than I Ever Could Be.

Yet Either Just Are Going Along with the Ass-Holes as to Not Get "Offed", or Fucking Stupid. Only You Know For Sure.

Washington, District of Columbia IS Just a Stupid Place-Holder For a Stupid Fucking Corporation Registered Through Delaware, Similar Yet

Different Rolls, & Duties From The Vatican, & City of London. Three or Four Different Sources Also Point Out an Area Just Outside

& or Milinla, Philippines. Don't Matter, What Does Matter Is That We The People IS The Government & That We The People Each Are

The TRUE OWNER of America From Sea to Shining Sea & Beyond. We Are The Umbrella Corporation. OWNER PERIOD

No Mother Fucking Corporation Has Authority Over Man. When Governmental Employees Are On Duty They Are SUBJECTED To

That Chunk Of Paper Just As My Buddy W. Said It Was. He Was Speaking LAWFULLY ! He Comprehends True Law. It's Just a

Chunk of Paper, & By The Way WHERE THE FUCK IS ANY OF YOURS FUCKING Autograph / Sig-Natures On That Piece Of SHIT.?

Dumb Ass.! Next You Fucks Are Gonna Try To Convince Me That I Owe Your Fucking Death / Debt Pledge On That Stupid Fucking

Debt Pledge aka Car / Boat / Motor Cycle / House NOTE ! Oh, Wait a Minute ... ooopsie ... How The FUCK Do You Pay a Debt with a Debt

And Expect To Be The True Owner Of A FUCKING Thing.?! Dumb Fucks.!? No Wonder You Pay w/ Another Debt / Note / Bill Usage / Maintenance

Taxes. Gee -A- Zues - Us Christie fucking Brinkley You Fuckers Are Rather Stupid. Keep In Mind Bo-Fucking-Zoes I Be Late On 14 / Early On 15yo

10th Grade Dumb Fucking "Drop-Out". Fucking Waste of Time That Shit Was / Remains. I Wanna See a Raise Of Hands.! Be Honest. Be You.!

How Many Have Taken Control Of Your Assigned American Estate.? Ya Know, The One Share / Stock as in Stock Certificate Your FUCKING One Share

of United States of America, Inc. Printed On American Bank Note Parchment / Paper.? Huh ? How many of You Became a CREDITOR Instantly Once

You Proved Your Willingness & Your Knowledge & Your Personal Responsibility of Doing Such.? Are You Even Qualified.?

Guess Fucking What BITCHES ... The Departments / Agencies / Offices Involved Within Our Government Utilizes My Writ & My Spoken

Word(s) To Help Train Their Agents & Their Supervisors LONG FUCKING TIME ! Yet, I Just Be a Dumb Fucking 10th Grade High School

Drop Out / Dumb Fucking Monkey with a Trowel in His Paw. Anyone Can Train a Monkey to Lay Brick But Ya Gotta Have Your Head Outa

Your Butt To Be a Mason, Let Alone a Master Mason That Happens To Be a Mason. <-- In My Case Which Came First ha-ha-FUCKING-ha

Come On, Study True Law, True Owner-Ship, True Authority, ... I Mean Holy Shit You Already Along With Your Parents, Your Grand Parents,

And Beyond Has Already Paid My Family Blood-Line For Your Books of Studies, Your Testings, Your Certifications, & or Rejections Once.

What The FUCK Good Is It To Add Fuel To The Brain Dead / Self Defeated / Self Pity / Bitching & Moaning About Taxes, Child / Bitch Support,

Medical "Bills", Regulations Put Upon You, Stupid Fucking ACT s' Of Bull-Shit Meant For The Self Loathing Morons Of This Great Union

Through This Constitutional / Contractual / Chartered Republic of Sovereign Nation States aka ROME !

Do It. Throw My Name / Title Around, Just Do Not Piss Me Off In Such a Way That I Take It Personal Other-Wise

I May Contact My Protectors, They Are Not As Pleasant As I Am. :) LOL ... They Use Flash Bangs & Shackles. :)

If You Study, Whether Fail or Pass ... You Be Scrutinized By Many. One Would Imagine Dope Sellers, Thieves, & Out-Right Little

Dumb Fucking Dis-Respectful / Un-Trustworthy CUNTS Are Dis-Qualified Straight Off. I Dunno, I Do Not Make The Rules.

Pretty Simple / Straight Forward Process. Anyone Here Upon America & Beyond Can Achieve, I Aint 'nuttin' Special @ All, My Blood

Be of No Influence Nor Concern For Such Neither is The Likes of Others ie: Family Musk, Ect. <-- just as well known example I use such :)

Executor Equates Creditor / True Owner ... True Monies / US Treasury Stuff ... Alaska Purchase From Russia Type Stuff aka Warrant ...

Private Individual Banker Through OUR / We The People Federal Reserve Bank(s) is for Dealing with the Commercial Side of Our current Realm,

that's all, Pretty Fucking Simple Shit. :)

Thank You for Your Time & Considerations,
Have a Great Day,
Darryl Gene; family Harcourt PERIOD

Executor Over-Standing His Assigned American Estate & Private Individual Banker ....... aka Dumb Fucking Monkey with a Trowel in His Paw. :)

1 year ago

Hope The Links are correctly done. This Browser is not showing all the charaters even now as I type, ~1/3 are not there o r weird shit. :)

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