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NYT Admits Hunter Biden Laptop IS REAL Implicating Joe Biden In Conflict Of Interest In Ukraine War
NYT Admits Hunter Biden Laptop IS REAL Implicating Joe Biden In Conflict Of Interest In Ukraine War. Democrats and their media allies suppressed the story which has serious implicated for the Ukraine War and possibly World War Three.
Joe Biden is known to have serious conflicts of interest as it pertains to China and Ukraine and as we face a threat of war with Russia in Ukraine and China in the pacific we need to recognize how our media has consistently condemned us to strife.
The NYT admission is damning considering there was no accountability for those who lied and sought to suppress the information.
Would Trump be president had people known the truth about Hunter biden's laptop? Possibly.
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3 years ago
The Democrat voters are so brainwashed by the Demonrats in power that if it isn't reported in the NYT it isn't real. Their reliance in the MSM to report the truth has overpowered their will of free thought
3 years ago
3 years ago
Sounds like Putin knew this as well, and figured it's a good time to "shake things up" in Ukraine. The Truth about our biolabs (and both Bidens' corrupt dealings) will come out, one way or another. The (((FNM))) will fight to keep the lie alive.
3 years ago