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Of Pills And Men
• 05/20/23
301 Subscribers
Support The Channel <br> <br>Paypal <br> <br> <br> <br>Patreon <br> <br> <br> <br>You probably have noticed that "The Red Pill" has become increasingly mainstream and popular across the internet but what is it and what has it become?
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2 years ago
Cults going to cult... red pill, pussy rather pussy worship, Beanie babies, whatever grooming shit Disney is doing... I am realizing humans are rare; we are surrounded by brain dead NPCs or "zombies." The fucking sheeple man!
2 years ago
Damn. You really hate Sandnan: I believe both ge and Turd Flinging Monkey have saved many a men from the wgores who would have sacrificed them on their period stain altars of our Legal system... the Unconstitutional Family Court.
2 years ago
As I like to keep things simple, to me the RED PILL simply represents the UGLY TRUTH while the BLUE PILL represents the BEAUTIFUL LIE and is applicable to any situation where the contrast is either apparent, discovered, and appropriate for the situation. I'm partial to Matrix meme as it so well captured the concept. BTW: Just got done watching Sandman's video on Keanu Reeves so it was kinda funny to hear Stardusk bring up the Ronald McDonald of MGTOW in this video.
2 years ago