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Olam Ha Bah The Reason Zionists Want To Kill White People
• 07/17/20
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4 years ago
great one
5 years ago
You’re a good jew by lineage.
5 years ago
In Medieval times, Jews poisoned the water wells and charged for access to the clean well that (((THEY))) happened to have. In modern times, Jews poison the common wells of society i.e. education, media, culture, politics, religion. In the future (42:24), Jews will once again poison the water wells since that is the way to kill millions.
5 years ago
Nagasaki class truth bomb. The white brain power is obvious and our beauty is real and admired. -It is not without reason everyone wants to be white or close to whiteness. I totally agree, the white, non-simp intelligent, handsome and fearless men are a significant threat to the overall satanic plot and ploy of ugly losers with built in minority-complex from birth. Once behaved, white women are superior, although I might have a slight blind spot on that one. Latin-american women are strong runners up.
Another truth bomb of my own: This propaganda you hear about white recessive genes is something I also suspect is a intimate product of the overall zionist narrative. A white and black couple is no more recessive in it's lineage than anybody else, it all depends on the consequential procreation from the initial mutation. In other words, a black baby from a mixed couple, down the line, is bound to have a white offspring if the genetic load is indeed consistent enough. This common and quite defeatist narrative that white people are going to be bred out of existence is a fucking hoax and a psyop on the gullible and transient idiots. Predictive programming at it's very finest.
5 years ago
Aka the dirty Jews lmao... Ur funny our chocolate Jesus!