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On Turdeau's Support Of Ukraine And Istanbul's Convention

14 Views • 06/27/22
3 Subscribers

My brief opinion on Turdeau and the ratification of Istanbul's Convention by Ukraine. <br>⁣Source:

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3 years ago

I'm blocking all "the jews" fed posters, who are also inciting violence. Fucking had enough of likes of those in my time, when I was political activist myself, they are stupid, autistic and they're the problem, they never do anything good for any movement they infiltrate and on rare occasions they're working with feds. I know, because I've seen ones myself during days of my political activism. Yeah, I agree that likes of Turdeau and Schwab deserve a bullet, but I'm not encouraging anyone to act on it and do something stupid, after which they'll be labelled as domestic terrorists.


Trudeau is to be hung.


3 years ago

I'd like to think that the failed Canadian truckers' uprising would finally put an end to the idea of feckless and impotent "peaceful protest." It was a giant cartoon show that accomplished NOTHING. . The Canadian elites, trained by the likes of Klaus Schwab and his ilk, were never in any danger. At worst, they were inconvenienced. Maybe now the White people of Canada will realize that nothing less than all out WAR against Trudeau and his peers is the only way out. That and HOPEFULLY a mass mutiny within Canada's armed forces and police departments. The necessary violence, destruction, and shedding of blood at the top cannot be done with a weak and pacified population. The Canucks have to get fucking MAD, identify their enemies (Jews, Shabbos Goyim, JEWdeo-Xtian churches, establishment media) and destroy them. Trudeau and his peers must be HANGED. There is no peaceful way out of tyranny.


@InfiniteMushroom: Actually I am looking forward to Trudeau being hung, or assasinated on the way to the hanging, after the public trial. A nice clean head shot is good, but the murderous crowd might enjoy a load of half house bricks - for stoning and beating him to death with. I hope that in amongst all of their excitement, they remember to live stream it.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: And here we go again with the Jews. What about Halsey and Kuro from TFM Show? They're also responsible. Dude, you're fed posting and glowing. That is why "movements" like MGTOW are a thing and I think an answer. I do not encourage anyone to get violent, we should just all pull a John Galt on this cucked leftist civilisation and it will implode given enough time. People who have the means, and in means I mean money, should just dump these shit hole of a countries/states and run to Poland, Hungary, Florida, Alaska etc. If I'll make enough money in time, that's what I'm doing, fuck this shit, it's not worth wasting my life in jail or being killed by their enforcers.


3 years ago

@Free Range Fornicator: I stopped listening to TFM a long time ago. Yes, he brings in some great insight but, he is replaceable as a spokeman for MGTOW. John Galt's example is one of many copes. Not everybody is a warrior and it's best to leave that to the Great Men who were formed and fated to be summoned to action in times like this. Thnk about this: There are plenty of John Galts who were NOT allowed to live alone! Have you forgotten about Randy Weaver and the Clinton Admin's murder of him and his family? All on trumped up and false charges, of course? Have you forgotten about the murder of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas? Yes, they were weirdos but they weren't harming anybody. No telling how many John Galts have been murdered; even when they thought they could just hide out. As for your dismissal of the Jews, your willful ignorance of them and their crimes is a huge weapon in their arsenal. Don't defend a people who've been a curse to every country, kingdom, and nation that tolerated them.

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