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OOPS! We TRIGGERED The Female ROTATIONAL Dating Coach And Here Comes The Shaming Language
Female dating coach who teaches women how to date multiple men at once responded to our video in which we criticized her practices. Modern Dating is confusing for men and women. Our videos are made for educational purposes. <br> <br>Support Our Channel: <br>Paypal: <br> <br> <br>Patreon: <br> <br> <br>“We Men Ain’t We” T-shirts <br> <br> <br>Links video: <br>
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1 year ago
Functional men? Beta bitches? Fuck off lying bitch! Just another roach coach. . Women care nothing for men: Do you think there's a reason why women keep asking, "Where are all the men?"
1 year ago
2 years ago
What should men do: Focus on productivity, provide, and protect. What do we get in exchange: death by violence or over work. Seems like a fair deal to me. Do we get a family and children and a good moral country or even a town or ok ok, even a block of moral upright families around us. NO !!!! you get no children, eternal debt, and fags, pedos and people who practice bestiality and prozzies as your neighbors, you dont get a cul desac, you dont even get 100 sqft of your own land.
2 years ago
not only is she a whore, she is a leech living off of all the 'men' that whore is 'dating'...
so she is presumptuous enough to think she can be a dating coach, when she cannot even keep a raltionshit going in the first place and says it is only good when you exploit men....
2 years ago
sheboon toad variant????
also, nothing wrong with cats :P
2 years ago
As if we didn't need another classic case of a waaah☻️man talking simultaneously out of her mouth, and her ass.
"The Foolishness!" MHD