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Part 3 of 7 | Orlando Owen at T21C London

1 Views • 01/10/14
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Once a shy teenager of German-American descent, painfully bad with girls, Orlando Owen experienced his most profound personal transformation during the years he was mentored by Steve P., of "The Game" fame.

In his quest for "getting girls", and for his own masculinity, Orlando traveled the world, learning not only from the masters of seduction, but also received extensive hypnosis training, and underwent serious initiation rites, contributing to his deep shamanistic background.

But his greatest breakthroughs came from working with countless women, teaching them to release sexual and emotional blockages, helping them to experience powerful, full-body orgasms ...

Though among the "Founding Fathers" of Seduction, years before Mystery & Neil Strauss jumped onto the bandwagon, Orlando never liked "pickup", and never considered himself a PUA ...

Watching aspiring seducers get stuck in juvenile, immature "pickup" mentality, with its insincere, canned routines, dogmatic doctrines, and absurd dress codes, Orlando always looked at "pickup" as an initial warning light on your dash board, alerting you to much deeper, underlying emotional issues, sabotaging your success with women, as in life!

"Pickup" may be a starting point for clueless boys, which is better than doing nothing ... but unless it rather quickly leads to a much deeper development as a mature, powerful, authentic man ... what's the point?

Worst of all -- almost ALL of "pickup" is still focused on "correcting" a very isolated area, and almost entirely on superficial OUTER attributes, rather than on a fundamental internal trance-formation, which will address ALL issues on a much deeper level.

People wanting to build "six pack abs" usually try sit-ups and crunches -- ignoring a key principle of physical training:

It is impossible (!) to create spot loss in your abdominal (or ANY other) area. The good news is: almost everybody has sufficient stomach muscles already in place!

You can train your abs all you want: Unless you lose the fat covering them, they won't come to the surface. And the gut is the LAST area where you will lose fat! Lose weight on your entire body, and your six packs will inevitably show!

Success with women and dating is very much like that:

This area of your life is usually one of the LAST to improve!

Just like body fat is akin to physical "armor", your deeper emotional issues represent "emotional armor"!

Unless you get the underlying emotional issues handled, your true personality, your born "Inner Seducer" will never have a chance to shine!

Without solid INNER GAME, you simply have no outer game!

Orlando Owen's 'MagickMale Process' can change your life faster and more profoundly than all the "pickup", "sarging", and "game" in the world ...

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