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Part 5 All of our enemies are in the same basket! A better future for us degenerates and Demons! You don't have to

44 Views • 12/12/21
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3 years ago

Just a short question. When you look into reality, does it appear to you that the whole flows from one into the many, or do the many flow into one?

3 years ago

If you're talking about people,it really depends on which people or person you're talking about. When you're talking about those who innovate,or those who decide to rise up against a great challenge or enemy that is one flowing into the many. When you are talking about those who either do not innovate or those who wait and hope for leader they can follow....That's the many flowing into one. As a Demon I do not resonate with group think and many spirtual concepts of interconnected spirits just sound crazy to me. I can conceptualize it,but I'd rather think of things in practical terms. Those which can be applied to the people around me and the material world they currently all live in. And people should not be ashamed to follow or to just be a part of something greater than themselves. If your leader cares about you,that is far more important than many other qualities they could have.Serving a leader who cares about your future is a much better decision for a man to take....instead of him just becoming a terrible leader because he couldn't get over his own pride and ego. Serving a cause greater than yourself is something a man should take pride in,there's no shame in it. And it's the only way to actually reach the outcomes many men desire most. Roosters just kill each other fighting over power and pussy instead of working together thus they wind up all alone. Our enemies have made most men like Rooster,like chickens,all too busy fighting each other to realize their rulers are about to eat them all.....and they actually needed each other in order to survive. Don't be a Rooster don't be a chicken. We as men have the capacity to achieve great things when we work together. But in order for men to work together they all have to shed their ego,give up a little bit of pride and become the followers of one man. The hyper individualism and the gynocentric war over women has become a terrible cancer eating away our ability to cooperate. Every time these wannabe leaders think up an excuse to argue it's over made up excuses one side invented for the purpose of fracturing the whole. They constantly cause these fractures in order to siphon away some of the followers so they can feel like the "big man leader" and have their little ego boost. It's one more psychological weapon system used by our enemies to prevent us from ever forming an effective unified group which can fight against them. Our enemies don't have this problem they're all united because they aren't interested in fighting over who gets to be a "leader" or who get an ego boost. Thus they are far more organized and effective than any other group,this applies to every single country they are in across the entire planet. The right won't organize this way the reasons they fracture run too deep within their minds. These divides exist and there'a nothing we can do about them now. That's why I've decided NOT to wake people up,I'm trying to recruit like minded people who agree with me and are willing to serve willing to follow. I see the consequences of having more than one leader when I look at the disparate groups on the right who can't stop fighting each other...even though they all have the same core beliefs and goals. A group of men who all serve one king is a strong united group of men who can defeat larger groups because of their cooperative nature. Far superior to the henpecking,squabbling gynocentric fools who can't even understand why they are failing. Because they can't understand why they are failing they will never abandon their principles,they will never change and thus they are leading everyone following them to their deaths. Some of them even admit this,that if their foolish principles and morals and values are not the solution they believe everyone following them deserves to die. Isn't that crazy? literally knowing your ideas and your plans won't work and will probably get everyone who put their trust in you killed....and still decide to do it? Personally I think if morals and values and principles are going to lead to your defeat and the ultimate betrayal of everyone who trusted you....they are worthless and should be discarded. I have goals,and an outome I seek to bring about. I want to ensure that happiness,prosperity,freedom and love are what awaits my people in their future. It sounds nice and sweet,but I realize the path to reach that goal is bloody and vicious. I realize morality has to be discarded in favor of a more practical approach. Brutally painfully killing our enemies to break their will to fight forever,conquering more vulnerable nations,taking women as war brides,taking women's rights away completely,and acting like a total mad lad overall. But after all the torture,all the burning cities and piles of people into ash and all the blood soaked horror....after all that is done we can all make a far better future because nobody will be standing in our way anymore. We have to literally rip and tear and break and kill this psychotic genocidal totalitarian power dynamic and everyone in charge of it if we're ever gonna be free. But I've probably said enough,probably too much even..

3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Yeah, sorry dude, you certainly arent a demon, let alone a king since you dont understand what both of them means. I suspect you are still quite young looking for a cool title you can use as a brand for yourself, but honestly, those two words are too big for ya. Stop the charade, drop the silly act, present your ideas as your own in an open way and see what fruits they will bear.

3 years ago

@DisruptiveTimes: Dude there's nobody else saying what I'm saying. Also stop fishing for information about me it's annoying how many people do that. And I have a question for you,what is your solution to what is happening and what is coming? I'm guessing your solution is shit and involves either nothing but talk or non compliance,or do you think we should become hermits in the woods? Irritates me how people like want to criticize someone like me who's actually presenting a real solution,War

3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: No one is fishing for anything. You are paranoid, thats why so many people seem to do it.

3 years ago

@DisruptiveTimes: Well considering I'm a Tor-or-ist it would be stupid for me to say anything about myself. I'm too old I'm too young and I'm too much the same age as you. The government openly admits it is targeting people like me,I'm priority number one. With everything happening I'm not being paranoid enough....but I have to recruit loyal subjects to my cause somehow and I have the internet

3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Perhaps read "The Gulag Archipelago" and "Mein Kampf" to get a sense of what kind of spirit the government really has an eye on. Hint: its not you. Also, maybe it will shove you closer to reality again, because you are drifting away.

3 years ago

@DisruptiveTimes: The reality is the government wants to either kill me or enslave me in a camp. I don't have to be some Nazi for them to come after me. I'm a white man who hates marxism and wants to live,and doesn't want a genocide committed against me and everyone like me...that is enough for them. I cannot make them my friends,I will never be on the same side as the government and their marxist cronies. I believe my enemies when they say I am their enemy,that I am their target. I'm embracing reality I'm not in denial about what's happening

3 years ago

@DisruptiveTimes: If you wanna live through what's to come,you'd better get yourself some guns and ammo

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