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Part 6 of 7 | Merging Inner & Outer Game | Robbie Kramer

2 Views • 07/29/13
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About Robbie Kramer:

In case you're wondering, I'm not one of these self-proclaimed dating gurus. I'm just a silly, fun loving and relatively "normal" guy who wants to help you improve your dating life.

The following quote was the story of my life about 6 years ago:

"What is wrong with me, I see beautiful women all the time but I just can't seem to go over and talk to them! And on the rare occasions when I do meet a woman I'm really into, I always find a way to screw it up!"

Before I learned that the study of attracting women existed, I was quick to jump into a relationship because I hated the single life. I had no idea how dating worked and the whole process felt uncomfortable and awkward.

Ironically, when I was in a relationship, I was often bored. When I was single, I often wanted to be in a relationship. "The grass was always greener." I saw beautiful women all the time on campus, at the local bars, at the beach, and at the mall but I had no clue how to talk to them.

In 2005, I learned for the first time that there were people called "Pickup Artists" who could teach you how to meet women. I studied their material like a mad man to learn these elaborate methods, routines and systems they were teaching.

Sometimes, these tactics worked but it was overwhelming to try and remember all this "stuff." When I approached a woman and got a negative reaction, I concluded that I must have screwed up the delivery of the line or routine...

So I would go home, beat myself up for doing poorly and invest more time and energy into studying. Meeting women suddenly became a chore and it stopped being fun.

In fact, I actually got worse!

I was stuck in my head and experiencing paralysis of analysis. It's almost impossible to interact with people, let alone meet women, when you are stuck in your head. And it wasn't that there was anything wrong with the material being taught by the pickup gurus. In fact, most of it was really good stuff. The only problem was that none of it was really the right fit for me. It just didn't feel aligned with who I was.

My real breakthrough came in 2008 when I decided to shift my focus. Rather then focusing on trying to learn more techniques and tactics, I started to look for material that was in alignment with me. What happened was kinda funny. I found the most brilliant material ever! And I didn't even have to go looking for it.

It was there all along, I just had to look inside. When I was in alignment and communicating with people from my truth, I felt much more confident and the women in my life started to notice. Women who had told me that they were "Only interested in being friends," started showing signs of interest.

Ex girlfriends suddenly wanted to "hang out" again. Women I previously considered "Out of my league," started hitting on me!

This may even sound corny, but when I actually started to admire and respect myself, women followed suit! As I built confidence, an abundance of women showed up in my life.

To make a long story short, I made rapid progress by focusing on building confidence... tested and refined the ideas and exercises into a formula... and put it all together.

At the end of the day, it feels amazing to know that I am in control of my life and have the power to create my ideal scenario with the fairer sex. If you are struggling, you probably know what it feels like to walk through life feeling powerless and out of control.

So why should you listen to me?

Well, you shouldn't! I don't claim to be a guru or to have all the answers. But I am very successful at helping others find the answers within themselves. Everything you need to know to create success is already somewhere deep inside of you. My job is to simply bring it to the surface, and help you have fun while doing it.

Life is too short to waste on things that aren't fun!

So don't just blindly listen to me, check in with yourself for the answer. Take what feels true for you and throw away the rest. To make the journey as simple as possible, I distilled the process of building unshakable confidence into a formula. I call it The Formula For Confidence (TM), make sure you grab a copy of my Free Content to learn more about it.

Both my profession and passion is helping men bring forth their own inner confidence and I hope to be of service to you!


Visit Robbie Kramer at

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