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payment for scum
• 10/20/21
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3 years ago
It's almost if the females do not want us to be around them. OK, dear snowflakes, the request's granted and now, you can only choose among the chads whom you can't really have and simps whom you absolutely despise. Because guess what, be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it...
3 years ago
The disappearance of honesty correlates with the increase in control females have of a society.
Honesty means she would have to be accountable, but that jeopardizes her reproductive- and survival strategy.
Those who control the NPC Collective also want to remain hidden and are using the natural female nature to accomplish this(hate speech laws).
Hockey Mask Time is fast approaching. It will be NPCs vs. the People.
3 years ago
Avoid them like the 'Plague' they are.