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Penis wars part 3, Fuck their eugenics propaganda

47 Views • 03/13/22
21 Subscribers

I accept all of you white men who reject God Yahweh and his inbred retard son named Jesus. All of you white men who are not marxists or anti white I accept you.
That includes gays and all.
The fact that they're gay or furry or have a foot fetish or whatever is not the problem. Marxism co-opting any group of people they can get their claws into is the problem.
Plenty of heterosexual married marxists who have little kids at home. I'll gladly stand shoulder to shoulder with a GAY white man while we both shoot those marxist commie abrahamic fucknuts and take their children away.
I'm at war with ideologies I give zero fucks about morality or purity I have a war to win if you are my ally you are my ally.
Anybody else who will accept you Mr. gay man who hates marxism and wants to save our race? because I can't find anyone else

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3 years ago

Hey Demon King. Be careful with the Big Tent Theory. It's what killed the Republican Party and made it into a den of neocon Jewish filth.

The Alphabet Mafia is a very dangerous faction to be opening up to. Their very self-identity demands that their dysfunction be flaunted in public and that is destructive to the White Race. If they want to fight the Abrahamic Cults, then more power to them! Let them fight on their terms and not interfere with our fight against (((THEM))).

That said, the freedom to come out of the closet was 100% driven by JEWS so, when push comes to shove, they'll run back to the Jews. It simply doesn't benefit them to side with us.

3 years ago

I do fully recognize the vast majority of the alphabet people are all a bunch of marxists anti whites and for many reasons have been made into my enemy. But I've in real life face to face been friends with a few gay dudes who actually were not like that and hated how most of them ARE like that. I'm really just leaving room for the few gays who are not my enemy.

3 years ago

But rest assured if I really do have to kill every alphabet person who I encounter I will. But then again if we kill every single gay on the planet,more will just get born. And those gays will not have cultural marxists brainwashing them into being our enemies. There were gays in the past who weren't psycho anti white marxist commies,it's not like one requires the other gay doesn't just automatically equal marxist commie. But hey,if every currently living alphabet douche has to die so be it. But I won't be allowing any laws which outlaw their sexuality in the future,I believe in freedom. Watch the great compromise,if people don't wanna live around gays I'm perfectly happy with that. Eventually this kingdom will have room for areas where people don't mind having queers around and if you wanna forcibly keep them out of where you live,go ahead and fuckin murder them if they show up as long as you make it public that's what you will do.....I'll consider any queers trying to come into your neighborhood to be committing suicide. That's how I feel about it when somebody knows they aren't wanted somewhere and they go there anyways. So don't worry there's no way in hell I'd allow the white ethnostate we're gonna create be plagued with a bunch of commie faggots. But history does show gays are just a natural occurance,without chemical poisons they'll be less than 1% of all future births,and like I said those ones will be raised the way we want children brought up,and thus wont' be our enemies. And if they wanna make a rainbow gay city I don't give a shit as long as they follow all the big mandates. And if they get uppity we can always just kill them again later. I'd just rather not condemn them to death merely for being born different.

3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: So yeah I have no love for the gays,I just don't outright hate them for it either. Sure men having sex with each other grosses me out,but I'm more disgusted by things like foot fetishes....and I'm not gonna execute a guy for sucking some womans toes

3 years ago

That all said,I do appreciate you bringing up this concern. Don't worry our enemies are our enemies no exceptions,and I won't be giving special treatment to the queers. They'll actually be under a LOT more scrutiny and I'll be a lot more likely to just kill them to be on the safe side. For the same reason I'll just be killing and enslaving blacks,they can't be trusted. I am leaving room for the exceptions,but those exceptions prove the rule. I just want everyone else to know if a queer is my ally in every single way I'm not just gonna kill him because he isn't straight. I'm a demon I don't judge people for their own private sexual business,but being a queer isn't going to prevent me from lighting them on fire.....

3 years ago

There's probably more I could say on the topic but I have so much to do today. I even have stuff that I have to get done in the next 16 hours,but hey I already know when I wanna tell everybody here that we have to deal with the dirty jobs of ya know.....that which Remains.....

3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: And if you have a question about said "Remains" remember that on any public forum.....the answer to THAT question is no I have no idea what you're talking about nothing to see here....

3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: What? Nothing left? Such a dirty job all cleaned up and it only took a few hours to get back here. Oh golly I do feel good but now I've been neglecting the work I have to do on the greenhouse today. Oh well I guess that means I don't have much time to rest! Suddenly I'm wondering if one of my friends is taking the shitty half retarded mechanics advice to hire his 2 ex prison convict buddies to come here and do some manual labor.....I did warn him what would happen if they start trouble but oh well what can ya do some people are just too dumb to listen. And convicts have a tendency of starting trouble,which just results in a lot of nothing to see here


3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Well said and generously explained. You've got that 4-Dimensional chess mind going! Sometimes allies are found in the most unlikely places and, if they are useful at the moment, then it's an acceptable risk.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Ya know soon when I'm ready to bring people here and hand you a gun and some armor I really hope you accept my offer. You're one of the best and smartest people I've found so far,and I bet you're pretty damn useful in battle! Don't underestimate how much of a difference a sharp mind like yours makes


3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Thanks. When it comes to armed insurrection against (((TYRANNY))) and the Police State that protects (((TPTB))), I'm a big fan of the 81mm mortar. It's portable, reliable, and makes a great standoff weapon. I've given a lot of thought on how to make a protest Go Hot when the cops decide to brutalize Whites who have had enough Jew shit and are in the streets to protest. I watch so many "peaceful protests" fail miserably because not one person came ready to fight. No organization whatsoever. No PPE or even a creative substitute i.e. motorcycle helmets and body armor. Protests that go sour when the cops attack CAN be fought with modernized medieval weaponry. A protest that is organized in expectation of it going hot is done in layers. The ordinary noisy protesters who are there for the TV are out as usual but, when the cops are told to beat down Whites who've had enough, the ordinary protesters fall back and the fighting protesters come charging forward! It will be hand to hand combat and medieval weapons are superb for that job. Trebuchets can be hidden in trailers or flatbed trucks and moved into position to launch whatever kind of projectile that will overpower the cops and drive them back. I've always liked the idea of harvesting a couple of live hornets nests the night before the protest. Carefully put them into a large container that will stay intact until thrown by the trebuchet. If the trebuchet is set up correctly, it should launch the hornet projectile into the cops whereupon it will break upon impact and release THOUSANDS of angry hornets! OF COURSE, our fighters will be alerted in advance if it gets to that point where an unanswerable weapon is launched. The 81mm mortar comes in when the National Guard is called out. Whites have GOT TO GET FUCKING MAD enough to fight back with force and understand how unholy alliance of JEWdeo-Xtianity and Jews brought us to this awful condition.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I'm saving that meme I may use it in a later video,maybe the one I'm dropping this weekend. There is a problem with things like mortars though,filling out ATF forms and putting a giant target on your back isn't something I wanna do. But all those other weapons are ones we could just build ourselves with wood,ropes,pullies and gears. I've thought about using a home made catapault to launch flammable weapons. I'm not the best explosive maker and I need to buy some more high explosive now that I know more about them.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: But there is a giant problem with trying to do things during these Jew organized controlled opposition protests. All of those pussy coward right wing Christcucks are more than willing to attack anyone who fights against their enemies,even though they would never attack their enemies themselves. So regardless of their propaganda they are our enemies as well. They would never be violent....until strong white men like us show up,then they'll stab us in the back without hesitation. All to virtue signal to Yahweh in the name of the Jewish religion.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I keep having to split my attention between different projects but soon I will be making armor. And I've learned enough about it to make some pretty awesome material,even though it's gonna be more than twice the weight of a medieval knights armor. Gotta stop bullets right? that takes thick plates because they need at least 3 layers,the initial thin layer of steel,than the particular things I'm putting on top of it which spread out the force of a bullet over a larger area,then the Aluminum titanium steel alloy which gets poured over the top of that. But the advantage of making armor this way is that it'll just have tiny chips come out of it where the bullets hit and bounce off. Nobody is accurate enough to shoot an area the size of a dime on a moving target over and over again. Plus using aluminum and titanium steel alloy means we can keep melting more of it and pouring it back over the we'll be able to fix our armor so fast if there's enough of us we could do it during a battle


3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: I forgot to mention that those 81mm mortars will have to be purchased on the black market. No way they could be had legally. I'm not in that crowd but, SOMEBODY is. The toughest part will be for a militant pro-White organization to find a TRUSTWORTHY merchant of infantry weapons. The body armor thing is important but, some risks are unavoidable. Our protest fighters must be able to move easily and take advantage of the rules of engagement that constrains the cops' use of guns. Motorcycle body suits and helmets should be suffiicient for the needs of street battles. We have to be more concerned with tear gas, smoke, water cannons, microwaves, and high volume noise. Homemade metal armor is too heavy, cumbersome, and would be very difficult to make for the HUNDREDS of fighters that we'll need.


3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Definitely save and bookmark that quote by Dr. Pierce. I had a bookmark to an earlier rendition but, (((THEY))) thoroughly scrubbed the internet of that particular quote-meme and only recently have I found this one. This is critical information that destroys the protection that Jews have been hiding behind for the past two centuries or so. Dr. Pierce obliterated the Christtard propaganda that holds our race hostage to the Jew.


3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: For you, I would highly recommend the following. I have the CD and have listened to it 3X. It will change your life.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I'm not interested in protest. I'm not a protestor I'm a murderer I don't want to voice my oppinion I want to blow heads off. Also everyone I bring here I have to feed and water with the food and water we can provide here. I don't have a massive 40 acre corporate mega farm I can only feed so many people enough calories. Yes after killing and murdering NOT TALKING NOT PROTESTING after making many bad people dead and plundering all their resources.....yes then I can have hundreds of people. I specify I'm not some uber wealthy douche,but I also specify all those rich fuckers made their money profiting from destroying our nations and fracturing our people. I don't believe their is one wealthy man who really cares about us and has our best interests at heart,these asshats tend to discard anyone or anything that doesn't serve themselves. I'm not interested in following because their isn't anyone worth following,and I refuse to let some liar lead me to a future I don't want. So I'm the leader,me and my men are killing people with violent murderous intent. Protesting isn't doing jack shit,the time for words is over. There is no magical combination of words which will stop this,only killing our enemies will save us.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: They've already announced so many fuckin times they wanna murder me and everyone like me. Inject me with death or throw me in a concentration camp or a prison ward full of 100% Muslim terrorists like the guy who put bacon at the doorstep of that mosque,they killed him for that ya know. I recognize my enemy will never stop until me and everyone like me is dead,I cannot convince them to stop nobody can


3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: I get where you're coming from and yes, PEACEFUL protest is not only useless but, encourages Jewish tyranny to run wild since such "protest" does not cause them to suffer for their crimes. Violence and death to tyrants MUST resolve into a useful outcome, however. Eradication of Jews and the Shabbos Goyim, in addition to the restoration of Whites to primacy in their own lands, are examples of a proper outcome. In history, protest was not this feckless display we've all seen but, it was a warning of IMMINENT violent rebellion unless the king or duke came back to his senses.


3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Go to BitChute and find, The Turner Diaries as narrated by the author, Dr. William Pierce. Not only do I think you'll find it very useful but, you might even buy the CD and keep a copy for yourself. More than just the story, it teaches you how to THINK during a time of White racial holy war. Including victories and defeats. It is important to hash out HOW such murderous vengeance could play out and how to think the problem through when the situation changes. Armed insurrection and overthrow is a COMPLICATED BUSINESS and the process has to be worked out in both short and long terms.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I could make a video series just about economics and laws at some point. I know plenty enough about it all,although small business free market economics is more about philosophy than numbers. And yes,I do need to just spend some time on my computer getting some of these strategems and battle plans on a digital format,well all of them I can share anyway. And armed insurrection against the american military will end in failure. It doesn't matter how many patriots the right has,they are all too disorganized and full of too many cowards to find victory. It doesn't matter how many of them there are they don't even have plans on how to supply an army that size with what they need.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Let's say we have ten thousand red blooded american patriots. 2 gallons of water a day for food preparation and staying hydrated,double it because they need clean clothes and that shit takes clean water. That's about 40 thousand gallons of water a day. 2 thousand calorie a day diet turns into what 20 million calories a day? do they have vehicles? if so how many gallons of gas do they need every day in order to maintain their army? Have you ever heard any of these patriot dissidents even mention these issues? Why do you think I openly admit I can only provide for so many people?

3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: also on top of water for washing they have thousands of washing machines nearby ready to go? because if not it's not gonna be pretty when most of their guys can't put on clean socks. Those patriots those resistors insurrectionists may have high numbers but they have no plan for organizing long term engagements


3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Get "The Turner Diaries" in a book or listen online at BitChute or buy the CD and listen when you're on the road. "The Organization" didn't fight the military directly but, they gave careful thought about the weak points of the Establishment (Jew World Order) and figured out how to attack those points. They made mistakes and had significant victories. I'll bet you didn't think of acquiring the means to expertly counterfeit the currency! The Turner Diaries explained how important it was for The Organization to fund its activities. There is a place for the Lone Wolf and Wolf Packs but, only an organized and disciplined entity like, "The Organization," can bring about any forward progress; despite being outnumbered. But, numbers alone are no guarantee of victory. As I said, the book makes you THINK differently and that's where you have to start.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I'm sure its good but I have problems finding the time to listen to tfm for a few hours at a time much less an entire audio book.


3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: I understand and I'll wrap it up here. Put it on your To Do list in any case. In my case, I first heard it on BitChute (it was broken up into small segments) and I ended up buying the CD. I have yet to listen all the way through uninterrrupted BUT, even if you listen to parts of it at a time, you'll get hooked and look forward to the next time you're in the car/truck (if you have a CD player). I had to listen 3X to fully get everything out of it. I replay it once a year now and it's still good.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: And I got over the "strength in numbers" fallacy a long time ago. All the people in the world the biggest majority doesn't mean shit if they're all worthless. A few guys actually doing what the big organizations only posture and talk about is a hell of a lot more effective than politics. I've never heard of a white nationalist group taking back any of our nations,we need results and I don't see any large group getting results. They're all too worried about looking bad and attracting the attention of the authorities. I don't need their proclivities and their fears holding me back. Like I said I'm not joining some big group of fools just because there's a lot of them. Every group starts small,every nation started with a few strong willed determined men willing to fight against many. I'm going to fight for real,I don't need political games. All I see from the big white nationalist type organizations are them celebrating the smallest of victories.....and then governments overturning those victories. I just have no faith in those groups and I never will again. At some point I'll try to find some excerpts from it maybe some focus on important chapters but I'm seriously stressing out the amount of time I've spent working on my computer today and it's only been a few hours. I have a shit ton of real life manual labor to do. It's your choice if you wanna join a large herd,just remember wolves have always been feeding off herds and the herd tends to run away instead of fight back,they abandon those who fall. The wolf packs fight to protect each other because they care about each other in a deep way you cannot acheive with a giant mob


3 years ago

ok , but , give me power to kill people with my mind Satan, and i will start saving this world RIGHT now...

3 years ago

I have an extra shotgun and plenty of slugs. Use your mind to point it at your enemies and pull the trigger


3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: i would expect more from the creature that's the direct antagonist to the creator of the universe , but it's good enough for me ... i hope we can shoot some slugs one day


3 years ago

If you ask right, Satan will fix you up with your very own 81mm mortar and a truck load of rounds. IMO, the 81mm mortar is THE BEST weapon for armed insurrection against tyranny.

3 years ago

huh,those pictures look fine in VLC,why are they low quality here? weird

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