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Please Rate Metwally Web Services On Trust Pilot & We Are Building Our Own Servers!

125 Views • 10/07/23
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Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 12 months ago  

Rate us here!

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12 months ago

Amir did you see the resistance whooped Israel today?

12 months ago

Read my comment below for suggestions. That is kind of my review as well. I would give the site a 3-4 star because a 5 star would be if I could not think of any other suggestion to add or this site was just unique to other platform in layout and content. It is unique in content, but could be better. Thanks for taking feedback.

12 months ago


I have been following your content and this site every now and then and it's great! Your channel, as a founder, offers a lot of knowledge and insight. This is part of a review by the way.

One suggestion I would want to see on this site would be, and I do not even think Youtube has a way to do this yet, is to recirculate videos of the past on one's channel that someone new may have wanted to see. For instance, if I came here as a new member, I would just see your current videos and if I wanted to see anything in the past, I would have to "load more" and "load more" and "load more" all the way back to the first video you made. There needs to be a way for someone to easily access a video from a number of chronologically listed videos. Some platforms use number buttons, where they have like a line of boxes with number s on them at the bottom of a page and you press the number, it goes to that number and puts two new number boxes and for quicker scrolling, it has a side arrow to flip through many at a time (horizontally). Youtube I think has a playlist, but the owner is the one who organizes it. It would also be nice if the platform would keep track of the video someone has already watched and the time on a video where someone may have had to pause (it would still keep them at that time until they push the play button and even if they exit out of it).

The other suggestion would be to bring back the arrow vertical bar on the right hand side of the site. For some odd reason, websites now have this bar that one has to pull up and down with their mouse to see where on the page they want to go. I always found it easier pressing the up and down arrows and if the bar was in the middle, I could always drag it up and down. I am not sure why they did away with arrow scroll bars.

Just my two cents.

12 months ago

its ovER for websERvicescels nigga. lol jokes aside... might try your vpn instead of mainstream vpns.

12 months ago

This is EXCITING! We need to stay private and offshore because eventually, there will be an attempt to silence us here. So now that we are getting a new server, What are your plans for Data Migration? How many days you think mgtow tv will be down before it is complete?

12 months ago

Wrote a review faster than Nero/Wheat Waffles rates other men:

My review: Wssup wssup wssup men? I’ve been using Metwally VPN for 3 months now. Works perfectly, haven’t encountered any issues and customer support is very responsive.

Would recommend!


12 months ago

Done! Yes VPN pricing is very good AMR. I am thinking of moving to linux system. Will have to check the linux app too.


Linux is fucking brilliant.


I hate microsoft SO much.... You have no idea how much I'd like to nuke that shit hole off the face of the planet..... Years of my life have been pissed away, taking care of that REALLY SHITTY software......


12 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I feel you mate. It's a really shitty OS. Unfortunately the world doesn't feel the same way as we do :(


@abi: Linux has improved in leaps and bounds and you can basically download an ISO and install it off a USB stick, and you can have a pretty good operating system with all the bells and whistles... All the office software etc.. The easiest way to run it is a dual boot, and have it on an external SSD or plain external disk... and then use both until you feel like Widoze is a useful accessory and Linux is your main OS... I view Microsoft as being shit software micromanaged by a bunch of retarded fat bitches from the lesbian HR dept, who are pilled out of their fucking minds on head meds... It was me who created the term, "Crapware" to describe microsofts "everything"... But with Linux - it ticks over and the ONLY real problems I have ever had with it were from my own seriously fucking with it, beyond my comprehension... But those problems came with Microsft by default... and lots of them. The main issues are - I hate bells and fucking whistles and am basically a humorless prick..... I want a microwave with an on button, power level, timer with a bell and that's it. I fucking HATE microwave ovens with 44 buttons on the front panel... Well Linux comes with a variety of interfaces... I like the XFCE versions - because they are a simple menu driven interface without abstract heiroglyphs and all sorts of distracting bullshit.... I use computers to get shit done, not to be entertained by them... The closer I am to a pencil and school exercise book it is, the happier I am. So the XFCE variants work for me. There are "types" of Linux - go with the most popular - the most updates, and forums and support etc... e.g. Ubuntu, Mint, etc... they all have variations in them... but at the end of the day are you getting your work done or fucking around with rhetorical discussions about which screen savers are the most progressive..... and like I had ONE laptop, with Microsoft ????? somewhere around 2005, and the swap memory was thrashing the hard drive to death and the whole thing was just going flat out - just doing nothing... except chewing up power and it was so fucked, it was at 90% resource useage - doing nothing.... opening a document - and that took like 10 minutes.. and well when I changed over to Linux - cause I had just had enough of this fucking microsoft crap, the resource useage went to around 3.5 - 5% and except for the glowing screen you could hardly even tell that it was on.... Fucking Amazing... ALL of the software has improved since then - everything has gotten so much better... and it's really moved away from ONE program having 10 bits on 10 different websites and all the fucking aroound to gather them and install them, to get the one program to run as a very powerful file manger, and now most things are comprehensive..... and there is a lot of really good shit out there..... Microsoft really is for brain dead fat bitches in the HR dept... who have the IT dept coming around showing them how to plug their mouses back in etc..


@abi: Depending upon what you need to get done there are SOME specialist programs that don't come in Linux versions eg. Auto CAD, so unless your using specialist software for specific things, and it runs only on Windows, you can use Linux for everything else and or there are lots of free software that is remarkably good, AND or there are some places that are making very good software that you can pay for outright or subscribe too... I prefer the purchase outright - rather than internet connected only shit... because if the internet connection goes out, so does your software....


12 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Ubuntu just pissed off a lot of their fanbase because of the same becoming big micromanagement crap. I'm thinking of either solus, mint or nix os


@abi: Some of their fan base is pissed off.... they might have a) good reasons, b) pissy reasons or c) both... and how much were for the changes, and how much were against the changes and what were all the changes? I made many big changes to the Open Office Suite, and it was like dealing with the fucking stupidest of cunts.... e.g. I had some 2000 fonts saved up from all the programs and give aways on computer magazine CD's etc.. and there was NO font embedding... So you make artwork or documents etc. and then you send them to the printers, save them and go to open them on other computers and all that meticulous formatting in that font, all gets erased and it defaults to the system font, which totally fucks up the layout and formatting - like if your publishing a poster or a book, or have an indexed document.... Dropped Capitals etc... Then page 210 in Times New Roman becaomes page 186 in Sans Serif.... There goes all your formatting, and Using Playbill in 250 point font for a poster, dedaults to San Serif 12 point on another machine....... You want to see the fights I had to have to get FONT EMBEDDING as a function in the Open Office Suits and just how many stupid cunts there really are in the Open Sores movement... So having lots of fuckers screeching to the high heaven is one thing, but is it a legitimate concern or is it just pissing and moaning etc... OR both...


Do you have a link to the actual changes / controversy about them?


Yeh I can't be fucked whinging about them.... Xubuntu... Or whatever floats your boat.... And everything that runs in every other version also runs in Xubuntu too..... There are just variations in what is in the install..... If your doing office work, you get the office stuff, if your doing studio / mucic / graphics you get the studio version... etc...


12 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: It's basically the age old, Ohh it's run by a company now and they don't care about the customers anymore! problem. Here's a unbiased opinion from a guy who uses ubuntu servers for his work :


@abi: Ubuntu - the Founder Mark something - they got Linux out of the stone age and into the commercial realms - and made it accessable to everyone.... and for free.


There is a lot of pissing and moaning - but it's the biggest distribution for one reason, it works and works well and people want to get on with their lives and get their work done without enormous amounts of fucking around with the OS in the process. I am not going to continue with this pissing and moaning bullsht and debate. I use it, it works, I am happy I am getting my projects done. The OS is reliable and stable. I really don't give a fuck for this debate with you over this OS or that OS.... You can either install or not.


@abi: (almost) EVERY ONE hated the microsoft software - endless drefragging, all the malware checkers, cache memory always filling up, buggy buggy software - fucking unbelievably BAD software... Yes well at 5am this morning I sat up in bed, stroked my pussies and said, "Mark Shuttleworth - he's done it. He along with lots of help and hard work, has done it. He has created a HUGE Linux based sofware company that is giving Microsoft a big fat black eye.... I am happy with the software... it's robust, it's stable, it's rock solid...... and I am so glad to not have to use Microsoft Software any more.... Microsoft's offering got as good as it ever did, at XP and Office 2003.... After that they just started dumping bullshit software like Millenium onto the market - which was a fucking abortion and Office - they just started their big keep everyone coughing up cash on the never ending upgrade cycles - where essentially fuck all changed, except they kept on putting in stupid interfaces, instead of menus and the fucking interfaces didn't work either... I was gifted some MS Office 2007 CD's and I really tried hard to use it - but it was SO fucked... I threw the CD's out and I saw through the scam they were pulling.... There were no "upgrades" in a technical sense, where the improvement was "an improvement" - like from a land line phone cable to Wi-Fi, all they did was use a different colour plastic on the land line and give it a bullshit name... and called it the new and improved version and charge you double in the upgrade from the OLD version of MS Office to NEW version of MS Office.... Fuck Microsoft...

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