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45 Views • 05/06/20
Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
219 Subscribers

Let's Infiltrate the tradcucks And join the fight against tyranny along side our President to drain the swamp.

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Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

MGTOW their own way. For another man. Who spoils hookers and golddiggers. How does this make any sense at all?
Just look at Ivanka. Worthless eater who benefits from all the men who serve her daddy.
Then look at the top working girl of a fake wife. His escort/best girl from years ago. Wife # what? Ten? How many alimonys are the taxpayers funding from his past?
Then Tiffany lol. Completely worthless.
And his son who probably can't even change a tire. He has slaves to do that.
Yeah I really need these people to rule over me while they sabotage my parent's retirement and my future in this world.
I swear they could have national guard rounding up honest working people for labor camps and some folks would still proudly proclaim Donald as our lord and king.
But rest assured. It only continue to fail regardless of which suit in in the White House. Because they only make decisions to benefit themselves. Think about it. Why wouldn't they? It's human nature when one has the power to do so.
The least he do is dethrone Whitmer of Michigan. Today.


You know that all these politicians lie. They are all parasites. Poly means many and ticks means bloodsucking parasites. Trump/Von Clownstick said in his campaign that he would uncover the 9/11 being an inside job real criminals behind it and they were all on American soil, not anywhere else. The conspiracy researchers laid out who did it but they were never brought to justice. Osama Bin Laden aka Tim Osman died in 1998 of an assassination, later ghosted by fake news for shenanigans, and stupid people still believe he died in 2011.


And conspiracies in North America go all the way back to the genocide of 100 million Ancient Siberian aboriginals.

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 years ago

I also agree when it comes to government, I’m so glad that Trump and the patriots are planning to not only replace a corrupt bureaucratic government with a new constitutional republic controlled by the constitution and the people where there will be fare more freedom and justice. The United States were never ment to be a bureaucracy that controlled the people. So the US became a corrupt bureaucracy when the deep state gained control of our country through the central banks which Andrew Jackson tried to stop.

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 years ago

So the deep state smeared not only Andrew Jackson but they also smeared others who got in their way including Henry Ford which the elites made up lies about him just because he knew and opposed their nwo agenda. Like property taxes were not apart of the United States and violated the constitution of people’s financial and property rights. Cause the elites who infiltrated the United States and Europe created property taxes and the other unfair and unnecessary taxation of the people as a way to enslave us all.

4 years ago

Politicians are evil because all ppl evil and greedy human nature bitch

4 years ago

Politicians are evil because all ppl evil and greedy human nature bitch


@Lucifer333: Then we don't need fucking hierarchies then you goddamn inbred hermaphrodite! Kill yourself you boobed penis retard!


@Lucifer333: You're dumb if you call yourself a tranny and you said too that you have boobs and a penis. Either get that fucking surgery now or take a gun and shoot yourself in the head you fucking hermaphrodite!


@Shadow Monk: Trump/Von Clownstick is the CEO of the US corporation lol. He's not ending the fed, he's employed by the fed off stolen currency via taxation theft.


@Shadow Monk: All taxation is theft. You don't need taxes for roads, healthcare, mutual aide or any other beneficial thing.


@Lucifer333: I'm telling you, we do not like hermaphrodites on this website. GTFO!!!


@Lucifer333: You better take your Medicare and get that full sex change operation or gtfo!


I'm not voting for anyone ever. I'm totally anti-government/anti-statism and aside from being MGTOW I am also AGTOW too. I get involved with international anti-government militias and local anti-government militias. I want everything to be decentralized and run by people, fuck governments!

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

I think it's adorable how they manage to get people to waste their gas driving to polls. Which of course funds high gas taxes. There's also the cost of our time. Why waste your time believing that slave owners actually care about their tax slaves?

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

MGTOW isn't about submitting to the rule of others? I don't want a king. In New Megaton I want men with skills who know how to produce value. What's a USSA member of Gov going to provide in the Wasteland? Stealing our supplies and having sex with the children?
There's only USSA political party. And we ain't in it folks. We are working class men, and we aren't in the spoiled aristocrat country club of pedophiles.

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 years ago

Yes I understand that..... Also...Following Trump isn’t about being under a government bureaucracy But rather it is about fighting for a cause against FarLeft feminist Totalitarian-tyranny. Even if Trump doesn’t agree with us, at least he’s not willing to violate any of our male rights. Because if he were to, Then he wouldn’t be staying true to himself, Our United States constitution and what my country stands for. But Trump wouldn’t do that since he’s proven himself to be a genuine caring benevolent patriot. Unlike the Unlike the tradcuck-shills and the unhinged demoratic feminists. The right is obviously not as bad as the leftist including MarrySue, Joe Biden, Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton. AOC, Pelosi, Epstein and the other deep state officials. Trump is a real patriot not a tradcuck. Of course I don’t want to be dependent on him; I just want him I just want him to defeat an invisible enemy even we’re unable to fight without someone like him in power, sure would’ve been good if we had a MGTOW President in office, But sadly we don’t and Donald Trump is our last chance and only hope as a human race on earth.

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 years ago

Honestly: Nothing good comes after the collapse, Only total global tyranny. The end of western and eastern society especially government. Because what is happening with the major demographic replacement of western society when it comes to replacing us with illegal aliens. It’s not like they’re trying to replace us so that they could give the illegal aliens a place to live and rule. Its actually that after we westerners are gone...The illegal aliens will be next for another great demographic replacement by more aliens and the same will later happen to them. It’s not about only making majority groups suffer and go extinct. It’s actually about depopulating the human race to a 3rd% of the earth’s human population as a form of population control Just so that It’d be easier for the global elites to enslave humanity as part of their UN agenda New world order. Now Imagine the holocaust and 1984 combined but on a global scale times 100, it would be an absolute hell on earth. The worst imaginable dystopia you to think of. By the way I’m not making this up there are plenty of evidence just look around you out in society...

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 years ago

Like these corrupt deep state officials aren’t just crazy childish self entitled feminists, “They Are Worse” “They Are Very Very Extremely “EVIL”

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 years ago

And sorry for the spelling errors, My smartphone is being quite a dick. But anyway we must stop the NWO and bring these deep state elites to justice. If we don’t reelect Trump, as shitty as it sounds, Yes it’s true...We’d all be damned if Trump loses therefore fails to stop the invisible enemy IE the deep state. Seriously

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 years ago

And...I’m sorry you believe those fake news lies about Trump and my country.. I don’t know what to say.


@Shadow Monk: Even Ronald Reagan made that anti-government statement saying "Government is the problem.", and that is the real reason why he got shot. If you know throughout history in America that there were 2 presidents that were assassinated 1 being a republican the other being a democrat, but for them individually speaking going against all else, you know they were doing something right. Unfortunately you cannot win with government. Its already been proven throughout history that you don't need government for services or mutual aide. 20th century Spain successfully made decentralized voluntary communes but jealous good for nothing crooks destroyed that by sabotaging it. We're not fucking around anymore on this, the time for peaceful protests are over. Now its extremely hostile stand your grounds procedures because if they don't play nice with us, we shouldn't either. Arm yourself to the brim anywhere you are in the world.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

@Shadow Monk: Ever since I have been born I have seen the working class fall, while the ruling class rises.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

@Shadow Monk: I have seen nothing to change this from any Gov official. On any apparent side. It's a reality TV show man. Everything he says is scripted and planned. What makes him any different? Why fall in line behind him and be willing to pick up his scraps? And smile about it lol. You already lost by buying the game of left vs right. The rulers are the real opposition to us all. Has he stopped Gov-funded abortions? Has he stopped family courts? He has to deliver something before I recognize anything. I didn't even get the Trump Bux to further the money printer inflation, oh darn. Maybe if I worked in a ChinaMart boardroom then he would want to buy my favor.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

@Shadow Monk: How can it lies when I'm seeing the problem first hand living in the same communist country? Can I quit my quit my job and hold my hand for unemployment as well? Apparently Trump considers this acceptable and funds it with my money that is stolen from me by the communist USSA Gov. If I don't pay they throw me in a gulag to make license plates for 50 cents an hour. .

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

@Shadow Monk: People traveled to N America to escape King George and his taxes. Now we are stuck paying tithes to King Donald so his celeb hooker wife can buy more silicone on our dime. Where's the single man candidate for 2020? I don't want to support a married man.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
4 years ago

@Shadow Monk: He is the deep state, and there is no election. Not for the working class. That's just an illusion to fund more Gov bloat. I have to pay taxes so people can pretend to go vote for their masters lol. As if a peasant's vote matters at all. Come on man. Red pilled men should know this.

4 years ago

Stop bitching you faggots, the left as no problem making alliances with migrant muzzies to further their aim, how about we do realpolitiek(german) and win a piece instead of faggot *me principles* bullshit


See this is the problem with you fucking righties is that you're holding us at gun point telling us we don't have a right to travel and your lefty counterparts are taking away our weapons so we have to resort to purchasing them on the black market.


Its hard to find a deep website to stock up on weapons because you fuckers keep raiding them. Had to be from a stupid fucking hermaphrodite like you. Why don't you fucking hermaphrodites fucking kill yourself!


You're one of the pigs you piece of shit abortion!

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