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Pony tail police bitch needs to shut her snout ?.
Another example of why I cannot stand the police and have no respect for most of them. <br>Stupid low IQ sinister corrupt fucking order takers! <br>I would not piss on one of them to put them out if they were on fire. <br>Apparently she got a 10 hour suspension for this. She should have been sacked - but of course not. She does not need to be a dog catcher let alone a cop. This is the kind of cop that will shoot you 15 times at the drop of a hat &quot;fearing for her life&quot;. Nothing but a dangerous power tripping bitch with a gun. <br>She is in Washington State I believe:
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2 years ago
People with PMS should be forbidden in positions that should create order in society.
2 years ago
Yeah cops can over the speed limit.....when in a chase or with lights on trying to make it somewhere they are needed. Other then that cunt you drive like everyone else. Honestly hope this bitch got let go for this idiocy.
2 years ago
That cunt should loose her badge! Hopefully she'll just take a bullet to the face!
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago