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Post-Relationship Stress Disorder

40 Views • 06/17/23
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2 years ago

Very good video Martin. Excellent points. Something very interesting to point out in addition is that many men on the younger side of the spectrum often have never been in a long term relationship. It is not uncommon that most men I speak to are approaching 30 and have never been in a relationship for more than several months. It really shows you that the female prerogative is what is running things right now and it really calls into questions a lot of the so called traditional ideas about women. The reality is that when women are given free reign, 9/10 they behave like whores, become mentally ill, relationship limbo, or isolate themselves. Many men that have not been in a long term relationship think of it as a goal they still try to strive for, and it is very important to continue to point out these harsh truths. The long term relationship is dead and in my view, it's women that killed it.

2 years ago

@9:20 that is exactly what my ex said, if I have your baby, I would have an abortion. Keep in mind this girl was riding me like sea biscuit to get pregnant.

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