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Post-Wall Dating Coach Can't Accept The Body Count Question (Analysis)
• 05/30/23
181 Subscribers
How to Spot: #Analysis #Reaction #React <br>How are things looking out there in your area of the world going forward? <br>Breakdown <br>Emily Ratajkowski Mia Khalifa Khalifah
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2 years ago
I have no idea what the fuck this Jezebel possessed bitch was talking about?! Especially at the end. Clearly she is off her med. The psychosis is dangerous and perhaps infectious.
2 years ago
Well, men are tasked to find WORTHY partners to raise children with until their adulthood. When you have too many body counts, your feminine ass can not bond to your husband or kids. A man can fuck ten women, twenty women, a hundred women, and find a nice warm pussy he likes and faithfully raise kids with her. He CAN bond with her and their kids. Women can NOT bond. So, dumbass, that's why body count numbers. You women are whores; all you want is MORE. I DON'T FUCKING CARE ANYMORE.
2 years ago
So, Self, who you talking to? A demon? The Jezebel Spirit? You are happy women are destroying marriages? You are demonic! Are you a pedo too? Boss Lady?
2 years ago
You're right: It's none of my God damn business neither is fucking you.
2 years ago
The Jezebel spirit is strong with this one, and she revels in sewing chaos and discontent.