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President Trump At CPAC 2022: We Stand With The Canadian Truckers
• 02/27/22
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers
President Trump At CPAC 2022: We Stand With The Canadian Truckers
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3 years ago
Damn. The leaders in my country would never stand up for the Canadian truckers like Trump did. I really hope he runs for another term.
3 years ago
Frankly, we're deep in the shit. I don't trust anyone anymore. Let's create a counter culture based on helping each others, promote sustainable/independent way of living. Let's kick out traitors out of the country. If they want a socialist/fascist state let's send them to live where they can find it. We'll live our peaceful life by yourself. Here in Canada, I'm about to go to live in the north where my family roots are. Yes, it's hostile environment, another reason why it'd be hard as fuck if anyone is trying to come and invade. 1000's time better than this clown world.
To summarize, it all looks like control opposition.