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Pretend to be good, show virtue... and leave the world worse off for everyone.
Women on a beach, pretend to clean up garbage for social media likes, then trash the beach leaving it worse than when they began. Typical of society today. <br> <br>Join us on Locals for Saturday Night at the Movies every Saturday Night 8pm EST! <br> <br>Join the patriarchy today - every supporter makes a feminist cry. Join here on YT or better yet on (it's free to become a member) to see more of the content you love. Better yet, become a supporter today and get free speech forums, memes, and unique content and live streams for just the cost of a cup of coffee. Locals - <br> <br>On Rumble: <br> <br>For a one time Support/Donation <br> <br> <br>--------Other Media------ <br>My Second Channel
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2 years ago
So what, am I just the exception then to this made up rule of shopping carts?
Because I believe in me not returning the cart, I'm helping keep the low IQ rat gainfully employed. Unlike other people who wont secure the cart so It wont roll away and hit someone's car. I'll actually secure it. To assume I'm some how a "bad" person because I don't return the cart, Is thee most retarded thing I've ever heard.
I'm not one for gloating or tooting their own horn. But I'm literally the most honest/loyal person you'll ever meet. I've never stolen or cheated any of my family/friends. Even my customers who I help, they all hail me as being the most honest and nice person they've met. THEY tell me this, I don't fish for it or go out of my way to receive this sort of compliment. It's who I am. I was raised to treat others as I wish to be treated. Yet we have this gay ass "test", condemning people and fitting them into some bullshit category because they don't return the cart?!?!
Unlike the majority of rats who claim to be a patriot and care about freedom. They all bent the fucking knee and wore those shame muzzles during the fake pandemic and were littering them all over. Yet I feel like I was the only one who defied those unconstitutional mandates and exercised my rights as a free American. All while all you virtue signaling morons were a bunch of complacent NPCs that didn't do a damned thing to stand up for what was right. If any of you were actually real patriots, we would have all defied the orders and not complied. The fuck they going to do, shut down their stores and not make money? There is no them without us!
You want a real "test" it's people who litter! I see these people everyday throw shit out their windows or flick their cigarettes out of their cars. You stupid mother fuckers think this doesn't do anything?!? I literally watched someone do it on the freeway down in Riverside, Ca on the freeway. On my way back the side of the freeway was on fire.
What's the point of paying a cart attendant, if they are going to cry like a little bitch that they need to do their job!?!? If returning the cart would mean we could kill these jobs for these ungrateful low IQ rats. I'd start returning them as soon as they were all fired. But I'm an asshole for thinking about a lesser being having a job. This isn't something the 'elite' do. They love treating us like shit and finding new ways to steal from us.
This test has nothing to do with the general state of humans in general being downright pieces of shits. I haven't met a police officer I didn't want to slice their throat because of their oath breaking ways. I haven't met a real friend that wasn't a backstabbing piece of shit or couldn't go a few minutes without lying. People are fake as fuck! Only place I've been where the people were genuinely nice, was Okinawa Japan. I had culture shock when I came back to the states. Was like,... wow.... Americans are stupid disrespectful assholes. This isn't new, social media just allowed us to be able to see just how bad it is.
The degenerate behavior that is going on today is all thanks to the pinko commie political correctness that has infected this country. Virtue signaling and pretending to care about something they don't even like behind closed doors. Just so society will think their a "good" person for being a good complacent idiot. On the other hand you are all normalizing BAD behavior or things that go against science/reality to appeal to freaks who should be in an asylum.
I really hope idiot humans nuke humanity into extinction. There can be no peace when the good people sit on their hands and wait for some super hero or "God" to come save them. It's up to us to take back our rights and our country from these vampires bleeding us dry. I'm ashamed to be called an American when we are looking mighty weak right now while other countries are standing up for their rights and protesting against their government. All while everyone here pretends to care, yet will say how high when the government says to jump. Covid was case and point of the level of complacency checked around the world.
Our ancestors had a war over a 2% tax increase... Fast forward to today.... We're not allowed to own property, it's taxed. And if you don't pay it. THEY TAKE IT!!! Tell me that's not slavery! They steal trillions from the people, yet they want more??!?! And still can't seem to fix our infrastructure.. Potholes that are decades old going unfilled, roads going unpaved that should be maintained through the taxes they steal from the people.
Naaa, lets send that money to enemy countries to fund bio weapons or fund bullshit wars... or hey, lets pay infantile politicians 200k salaries and allow them to have insider trade deals or free private jets while they talk down on you for driving your car, or having the best health care on YOUR dime. While we pay out the fucking ass for garbage "care". This country is a disgrace to what it should be and what is was. The people are only getting worse with social media fueling unhealthy narcissistic behavior.
What's funny, is how we can see all these "patriots" think that Trump is some sort of savior.... when that son of a bitch bent the knee to the Jews, locked down our country over a flu and put into motion inflation. And is behind the push of the mRNA vaccine that has killed tons of people. Let alone all the people who lost their small businesses and killed themselves because they lost everything..... Yeah.... TRUMP!!! Such a guy, he's so for making America great again, that he violated the constitution and pushed a fucking bump stock ban and pushed red flag laws or blamed video games on why we have mass shootings..... NO, we have mass shootings because our nation is sick! People are off the charts hateful towards one another, it's no wonder why we're killing each other. Banning guns isn't going to stop this violence, the weapons are just going to change. That's it, and taking weapons away from people who can't otherwise defend themselves will only help to increase crime as there will be no way for those people to defend themselves.
We already have tons of laws, we don't need more or need to infringe the constitution to make people be good. Start killing murderers and rapists instead of locking them up, start killing them and you'll see crime go down. This for profit jail system is a joke. Having judges that don't care about justice and only care to extract money from the people is a cancer for a free society! In the middle east where they will cut your head off in the street for doing something horrible.... yeah, they have a really low crime rate! Our injustice system enables criminals to always win. They already have nothing to lose by sitting in jail for a bit. People who are just defending themselves and are actually doing something with their lives have everything to lose by being locked up. So having DA's let criminals back out on the street, while we have people locked up for a fake "insurrection" with their rights are being thrown to the wind.... All while we have Biden's son doing coke in the Whitehouse and we get locked up for doing the same shit.... We have a real issue here with freedom/equality in this country.
2 years ago
Take Away FAST FOOD is expensive.... adding on DELIVERY - It's REALLY expensive.
And she is only giving him a $5 tip......
Pffffff - As Amr says, if they are genuinely hard up, help them but if they are really stingy ingrates who want $10 of effort for 10c then decline the deliveries.....
2 years ago
FUCK THE DOORDASH GUY.!!! I'm willing to bet he's a socialist Bernie Bro.
Here's a tip for the commie, GET YOUR MONEY UP order for you to afford a house like that one day.
2 years ago
The beatings will continue until morals improve.
2 years ago
Hate everyone equally, then hate some more equally than others, the circus is full of the insane, clown world is reality….