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Putin's Armageddon Weapon

33 Views • 04/12/22

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Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin....

The degenerate Main Sleaze Media are all beating up on Putin and the Russians.

All the scripts have been changed in Pootubes computer film factory videos - to anti Putin and anti Russian messages. All the computer narrated cheap arse videos have been changed to become propaganda pieces.

"From time to time I will have a skip through Susie's PooTube and since THEY can scan uploads in real time, for words, images etc., and there are so few real live content creators left on the platform, a real lot of videos are "format factory" products. They are copy paste chopped up videos and or cheap basic animations and computer voices ---- AND ---- it seems to me, that they have gone through ALL of these video's that have anything to do with Russia, and or Ukraine; and AND they HAVE changed the computer read scripts to slagging Putin the war monger off, and the Russians for invading Ukraine. "Oh the international space station is slowly ageing, and it developing more and more faults, BUT the reason that one day it will come crashing back to earth, is because of Putin and the Russians invading the Ukraine" + bla, bla, bla, bla. This fucking propaganda has sprung up ALL over Youtube...... The cunts are lying and changing the narrative... Same thing - removing the RT app in apple. Surprisingly - it is still up on the POOgle play store - for now."

It's just an expansion of the Main Sleaze Media and their bare faced lying and crap.

And me and this video?

I just like the trucks - Whaaaaaa HUGE and so many wheels.

Driving one of these big trucks would make me feel like a real man...

So butch, So Macho, So He Man.....

I feel a compulsion coming on, to strip naked, cover my self in drab olive green biodynamically organic based vegan friendly paint and run around the lounge room going , "Brooooom! Rrrrrrrrrrrrr - Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (through the gears) Hssssss (air brakes) Eeeeeeeee (turning corner) and then doing this shit all day long....

Actually I think I always liked trucks and trusses and spacey wheeled things...

It comes from the plastic BOY TOY that I was I cunning enough to get it out of the packet first - and to then build it and then my idiot sisters stole it.

   2    0
2 years ago

Even such weapon does not help Russia anymore now too many mistakes have been made. Only wise thing for Russia is stop war and retreat that can save Russia each war day works now against Russia. But maybe that is what Putin wants. More i look more i see that he looks like spy for west. All actions he makes damages Russia they seem like good thing to Russia but when looking wider perspective things start look bad .

2 years ago
2 years ago

@pirania: Yes and how that should fix Russian mistakes. And some sources to you too, both side equipment losses, what can be verified by video or pic: Daily analysis of situation: and well you should look what other side tells too: as Russian side you have already know. Can give you more sources if you want.@pirania:


The rocket truck has 18 wheels.

2 years ago

Not sure why the ruskies would waste all this money on a new Satan missile when her in the West we have the REAL Satan in the Guise of WOMEN, that are far more dangerous and unpredictable as an ICBM - Or - the ICBM "Ignorant Cunt's bashing MEN"! lol!

2 years ago

ICBM - or - "Internet Channel Bullshit Media" or "Intensely Corrupt Bullshit Media"! or - Inter Course Butt Method"!

2 years ago

If this new Rusky rocket thing can attacl the yanks by the North or South Pole, then all the Flat Earther's wont have anything to worry about?

2 years ago

I like that tern "KILLER" ton's! Personally I REALLY and I mean REALLY, no longer give a shit. I'm just living my life the best I can, I don't listen to BULLSHIT Media anymore and I have a happy trouble free life. The maniac's out their after the failed PlannDemic have naturally like all Psychopaths resorted back to type with War and Nuke Threats and all thge other bullshit they vomit up! lol! It's like the financial thing about crashing everything and going HiTech? That is ALL BOLLOCK's because that is the very thing that keeps them going and if they fuck that up like they have dome with the FAKE Virus then they would have lost total control over even their own lies?

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