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"Being A Single Mother Is So HARD!" Single Mother Loses It Because She Needs A Man

119 Views • 06/07/23
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7 Comments sort Sort By
1 year ago

Whaaaaal. Life is hard; so wasn't that dick hat knocked you up at least twice.... yeah, electrical prices are getting higher. I know that feeling, but I get another job to cover it. Where's that " don't need no man" you keep shouting at us bout? And what the fuck was sperm sponge with the fat and boobies bitching about? The kid is half yours? Duh..., That's the point!?

1 year ago

Girlfriend, stop with the excuses!!! You knew your Menstrual Cycle and the days you could get pregnant. Why, oh why did you have sex on the days WHEN YOU KNEW YOU COULD GET PREGNANT?!?!?!?! I don't understand.

1 year ago

Stoopid Whore & Crocodile Tears. So tired & needs to take a shit. . . and she's an ugly buck-toothed MotherFucker.

1 year ago

This Browser SUX. Could Not See Beyond The Sentence I was Typing. Stupid Browser Up-Date Fucked Me Up.

1 year ago

I Do Feel What First Girl Seemingly Is Being Brutally Honest About. Life Is a Bitch @ Times.
My Young Cried Like Such Twice That I Witnessed. First When I Came Home Work She Be On Sofa.
Our Baby Girl Was Ok, Sleeping In Her a Go-Go Car Seat, She Worked Her Butt Off Being 2 Months Old.
Evidently Wife Grandma (moms mom) Had Just Dropped Them Off. The Old Hag CUNT Gave Her An
Ultimatum, Convince Me To Quit My Construction Asperations To Join Her Family Business As Little
Warehouse Forklift Non-Union Operator @ 3.5 Less Than My Pay as Just Then Journeymen Mason
@ 18.5yo, I Began $$ @ 12yo In Alaska as Stone / Slate Mason ... Or She (my wife) Be Dis-Inherited.
I Mean, Give Me a Break. Brand New Young First Time Mommy, First Grand Child of That Old Cunt
Real Nice UNTIL Baby Is Berthed, I Bet She Chomping @ The Bit To Make Her Move. Well, That Old
Greedy CUNT Did. She Knew My Wife, Her Grand Daughter Was Out of Balance Due To Hormonal
Stuff. ie: Extra Emotional & Stuff. HER OWN Grand Daughter & Great Grand Daughter. GOD MY
Hate, Actual HATE That Greed Full Cunt. Ya See, I Married Into Regional, Western Washington State, Wealth.
My Young Wife Married Into Harcourt & Hobart (Dads Mom Is Hobart Brothers Founders Daughter), & Of
Course You All Know Of Harcourt Publishing, Sea-World, Six-Flags, The World Book Encyclopedia, Port
Harcourt Nigeria, Harcourt Hill Westminster Brooks Oxford University Harcourt Hill Being The Oldest
University In The World, Ect. That Be My Daddy Direct Blood. That OLD Greedy CUNT Investigated My
Relatives / My Family & Dug Her Razor Sharp Long Witch Finger Nails Into My Back Only After They Be
Run Through My Pretty & Smart Wife & Our BABY First. GOD I Hate That Worm Food Long Time Now
Bitch. If, & When That Cunt Is Allowed To Fend For Her Soul In Front Our Judge In Heaven, I SHALL Be
Her Prosecutor In Which Not Even Jesus The Christ Has a Chance In HELL Defending That CUNT !
I Can Say That With Full Confidence Due To The Chain Of Events That Old Cunt Set Off That Ended Up
My Daughter @ 10yo Being Abducted & Cut Up Joint By Joint In Olympia National Forest To Be Found
~5.5yrs Later By a Hiker Tripping Over Her Scull. Found Same Year Couple Months From When My Mom
Died & Had Me Her Youngest Child of Five Executor Of My Parents Abundant Estate. Oh Gee Fucking Whiz
Many Loathe My Actions As Such Authority. HaHa - FUCKING - Ha ! I Be Known as PRICK of Family Harcourt.
Just a PRICK ! I Fly Any Airline, Any Time, Any Where ... I Pay Full Price Up Front, Then For Some Damn Reason I Be Reimbursed a Few Weeks Later In Check Form All Except The Tax, All Line By Listed. Weird, OK but Weird.
I Don't Ask Why. I Just Cash The Checks & Spread The Seeds Around as If I Paid In Full Anyways. Speaking
Of Spreading Seeds Around, Soon Very Soon Through Torrent(s) I Be Sharing My Whole Court(s) Case
Documents & Audio Of The (my) Appeal Courts Attempting To Retrieve My 2 Month Old Daughter From
An Organization That With The Un-Law Act Of a Piece Of Shit District Court "Judge" STOLE My Baby.
It Seems That White, Blue Eye, Blonde Healthy as a Horse BABY Girls Are The Most Rare Therefore
Most "Valuable" Baby For Adoption Agencies, & Adoptive Parents Desire To Be Their Own. They Fight
Tooth & Nail For That Opportunity As It Turns Out. I WENT FULL RETARD MODE <--- Bricklayer Speak
For PISSED OFF BASTARD MODE.! I Began Studying Contract Law In 4th Grade. One Type Of Law
Over Laps Another & Another & So On. By The Time I Met My GF / Future Wife @17yo & She @16yo
I Already Had Enough Know How To Become Individual Private Banker, & Was Qualified as Soon As
I Be An Ole Man of 18yo. Most Folks Prob Just Like Saying 98% Are Controlled By The Other 2% Seems
To Be Accurate Statement Of Truth. I Could Not Say Who/What Team Won The Last 50 yrs Of Any Sport
Championship, The Latest Movie, TV Show, & Who Is So Brain Dead To Give a Shit Of Fantasy Shit Such
As Comic Books, Harry Potter JUNK, Lord Of The Rings, D & D, Poker, Car Fucking Toons, Ect. @ Any
Fucking Age.? FUCK ME. Unless You Wake Up Dead Early On In Life, You Shall Be An Adult With Adult
Responsibilities & Rewards Much Longer Than Being An Immature Snot Nose BRAT So What Is The
Point Of Even Starting Those Stupid Brain Dead Studies / Activities.? Let Alon Spend $$ Which Is A
Mans Time On That Shit In The First Place. FUCK ME PEOPLE ARE STUPID - Yes Stupid Because
They Do Brain Rot Bull Shit With Glee & Bitch Of Paying Taxes, Loans With Interest (wtf is a loan)
Ex-Wife Bitch Support, Child Support, Court Costs, Lawyer Fees, Private Property Theft, Wage
Garnishment, Ect. , Ect., Ect. Just a Bunch Of Immature Stupid Dumb Ass Idiotic Wanna Be
Fantasy FUCK NUT BITCHES.!@ FUCK ME ! My Words My Tip of Tongue My LIFE Is Used To
TRAIN I.R.S. Agents & Their Supervisors How / What / Where / Why Of What I Am Qualified To
Do As Other Folks THINK They Know Shit Of Such AUTHORITY & POWER as Only a TRUE OWNER
Of American Empire Could Comprehend. If "Pay" a Tax On Shit You Are In Danger Of Being Charged
As Criminal Trespass Ass Nut @ Any Given Time As Per My Authority Thou Shall Be Shackled. !
Ya Dumb FUCK Football EXPERT ! No Fucking Licensed Lawyer Dare PISS ME OFF.! None. Ever.
What Are a "Patriot" Of.? REBELLION Of My Republic.? Ya Dumb Slut WHORE.? Remains Active BITCH ! Every President Prior To
Anything Else He May Do Affirms Such. Otherwise We Come After You With Mighty Force BITCH.!
As In Burn Baby Burn. But Go On As Thou Shall Anyways. Watch Your Movies, TV Shows, Spectator Sports, Porn, Anime, Cartoons, Comics, Plastic Dick Strokers, Plastic Dolls w/wo a Stupid Fucking AI Fantasy Voice (yes U Monkey) Do Go On Serving With Glee
The Very Beast System You Bitch About By Participating Of Their Stupid Shit. I Be Always Have Been #MGTOW Fuck Em All.
Oh BTW, The Most Well Funded / Powerful On The So-Called Opposition Upon MY Court(s) Of Appeal ... The Fucking Vatican.
Yep. The Church. A Company Owned By & Through 2 or 3 Prior Corps. The Mother Bitch, The Vatican. They Know Me Real Good.
Ask To Look @ Some Of Their Study Journals Some Time, Just Tell Them You Like Investigate an Organization Well Prior To
Joining. You'd Be Not Fibbing, & Very Plausible. Even as a Non-Believing Moron Ya Pond Scum Atheist CUNT ! I sure Hope
You Own a Trillion BTU Air Cooling Machine Strapped To Your Butt The Twinkling Of The Eye Time You Give Up The Ghost.
You Self Righteous Dumb Fuck. I am Serious, Each & Every Catholic Church Has a Library of Sorts, just March Right In
And Ask Them If Could Sit @ Table With a Legal Pen To Take Notes. hint-FUCKING-hint Include Who The FUCK Is The
Publisher Is ... Oh Yea HARCOURT PUBLISHING ! No Wonder My Wife as Catholic & I As Russian Orthodox Agreed To
Consult With a Catholic Family Services When We Felt Inadequacy As Parents @ 18yo Punks & Was Just Seeking
Advice, Whereas In Court They Painted Us Both As Losers There To Give Up Our Babies To Strangers. Like I Say
She Was STOLEN ! In Court On The "witness" Stand, All Sworn In, I Had My Mouth Piece Ask Her With Certain Words
Said / Spoke In-Conjugation Through Certain Terms & Shit. That / My Beautiful Young Wife Bowed Her Head, & Cried
UN-Controllaby. NO FUCKING MERCY ! The Writ Of Her Lawyer That She Signed, & Just Got Affirming On & For The Record
Pissed Me OFF.! On The Fly, I Wrote On My Legal Pads What My Mouth Piece Shall Say, He Did Every Time, No Question.
No Hesitation. She Was So Distraught The Judge Ordered an Ajourment, a Continuence @ Some Point In Time According
To My Wish / My Will Be Done as it was my Court, & He Had The Bailiff Help Her Down, Escorted Back Over To Her Front Row
Chair As She Continued To Ball Her Eyes Out. I Just Sneared As Did My Mother @ Every Mother Fucker On That Side Of The
Isle. At Least a Dozen "Experts" & a Few Of Her Family Members Including Her Mom, My Mother In Law, & THAT OLE HAG
BITCH CUNT GRAND MA WITCH That Sparked This Shit All Up. My Mothers Facial Expression Alone Was a Sight I NEVER
Seen, SHE WAS about to Explode Like NAPALM All Over That Ole CUNT. You Could Hear a Pin Drop as My Young Wife Wept.
No One Dare Move a Muscle Other Than Hang Their Heads In Utter Shame, & Yet Greed Kept Their "Fight" To Keep Stole Private Property Of My Harcourt Estate. Fucking Greed Pisses Me Off. They Could Have Said FUCK IT @ Anytime & Deliver Our Baby Girl Back To Us. We Want For Nutin' I was already Making Bank Selling Shit Let Alone Working as Dumb Ass Mason. They Set Child Support (to start) @ $2,000.00 per month, Wife Support @ measly $800.00, Blue Cross For Both, (why my signature paid for it all anyways, The State & Feds Took Credits From My Estate Through so-called WELFARE) hahaha Ya So Stupid If Think YOUR Taxes Pay For Shit Like That? You Are Rather Retarded Ya Idiot, Damn You Are a Retard. Also A Trust Fund For Baby, & Educational Trust Fund Amounts Of Each To Be Hashed Out @ a Later Time. I was 18yo, this was 1979. Accounting For Inflation & Deflation, What Is The bare Min a Month would that be Now for an 18yo to bare.? Whata Six Grand For Baby Alone.? Like I say, I was already making bank, & didn't even own my own bank yet. hahaha So Tell Me Mr. / Mrs. So & So so-called EDUCATED Mother Fucker, What did you accomplish up to & including your 18th Birth Day.? huh, Did You Learn To Get High / Zone Out On Weed ? Did You Even Get a REAL Pussy Yet.? huh.? What's The Matter Boy.? We Both Comprehend My Typed Words Are Not Upsetting You @ all. We Both Know I Just Be a dumb fuck mason 10th grade 14 or 15 maybe Drop Out. :) Are You Taking This / These Stupid Mis-Spelled, Mis-Aligned, Mis-Structured Words Personal.? You Shall Bust That Bathroom Mirror When You See a Comic Book / Sports Expert Are You.? My Question Is WHY THE FUCK Not.? Prob Ya Don't Give a Shit, huh. Even For Selfish Reasons, Let Alone Friends, Family, & Possibility To Never Be Scared of a Little Girl That Would Be a Wonderful Wife & Mommy of Your Own Blood-Line.?

Pay Attention--->
No Fear @ All of any Attorney Let Alone Any & All So-Called Courts Of Law Concerning YOUR OWN PRIVATE PROPERTY OF YOUR OWN ESTATE.? & Ya Don't Even Have To Set One Up, It Is Already Set-Up When You Were Berthed Upon This Land & Did Not Die ~3 Months Later. Commerce Department Issued To / For You One Share Of ALL USA, Which Is For Our Lesson Today The Umbrella Corporation, All Others Are Under It, Yet Owe Homage In Form Of Payment Of Some Sorts & Or Shares To The Bitch. Like I Stated, One Type of Law Over-Laps Another. I Found / Find It Quite Interesting & Challenging To Comprehend. :) The Fun & Rewarding Part Is Utilizing What
I Learn Well Enough To Squeak By. Study Like Hell If You So Desire, Probate Law. In Particular Responsibilities Of Being EXECUTOR --- Sounds Similar To Executioner. huh, Why.? If You Achieve Such Status Everything Else Is a Cake Walk, Some Walks (directions in life) Are Smooth Buttery Cream Cheese Vanilla Frosting, Some Are Pecan German Chocolate & Seem Quite Rough, Most Are Right In Between As It Should Be Lest We Be Dis-Courage & Give Up, or In Case of Too Creamy Smooth Too Lax, Fat, & Spoiled Brats. Trust Me, You Shall Desire an Estate & Trust as You Desire Named (if available like a dot com) Fashioned Through Switzerland Like The Big Boys, The Vatican. Wow, Another Reason How & Why The Vatican Knows Me. Come On You Have Until @ Least Mid-August of 2023 To Study What Is It About EXECUTOR Over-Standing YOUR Assigned American Estate Can Do For You & Yours. :) EZPZ Today, I Had To Fetch My Ass To Big Ass University Libraries & Meet Hot Ass College Chicks Studying Law When I Was Not On Duty As A Dumb Ass Mason & or Selling Stuff Through My First Business. :)

Thank You for Your Time & Considerations,
Have a Great Day,
Darryl Gene; family Harcourt

ps. I Now Go Take Hot Early Morning Shower To Wash Off These Dried Up Tears From My Rant Typing Of My Lovely Wife, & Beautiful Baby Daughter. Besides a Big baby Sap Like Me Requires Another Pot of Coffee, & Still Have To Chain Saw (electric) A Couple Branches That Are Hanging On The Power & Cable Internet Lines. FUCK Me. ! Stupid fucking trees. Cool.

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