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"I'm SCARED To Make This Public!" | Edward Snowden
• 06/20/21
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4 years ago
He knows more than he lets onto even people who *post* on here give insight through videos if only you have an open mind to what is going on....with the video remember when airlines where banning people who went to the capital from leaving same tech was involved through cell phone tracking......what i see coming is a race war
4 years ago
Sorry Edward, there actually isnt a "Pandemic". Its a Scamdemic designed by the Worlds Elites to see just how much freedoms and liberties the World's population are willing to give up for a fake, perceived sense of security. And it is downright scary and absolutely frightening to see how much my fellow human beings are willing to give up for that fake security. I have often wondered how the Anti-Christ and his forces will be able to bring the whole World together under his authority and rule during the Tribulation Period. I couldn't understand how that would be possible with so many different countries, governments, language's, cultures, and religion's. I no longer wonder about that because the Scamdemic has brilliantly illustrated how easily people can be manipulated. I will leave you with this quote from Chuck Colson "When people are in fear, they will always chose order over freedom. Tyranny will fill the void that moral chaos produces. You are left with 'Friendly Fachism' ".
4 years ago
4 years ago