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"I Need A HUSBAND, Yesterday!" 30+ Yr Old Modern Women STRUGGLE To Find Their Prince Charming
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2 years ago
Bingo about the first one with the thick eyebrows going on about her date being pretentious. I doubt she even knows the definition of that word.
2 years ago
um, why does dating need to take at least 'a year' or more, the fuck?!
looking at have a dick train run right through her, fuck off you diseased riddled C.U.N.T.!!!
marriage really is a ball and change, it is an institution as mark twain wrote and these simps are the ones that love to be institutionalized.
2 years ago
2 years ago
"something i have never done before" = has done this countless times
nope just nope. bitch is right.
2 years ago
Fuck off bitch. I don't want to hear it when "I can't find a man..."Whaaahl.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Ohhhhhhhh 11:28 - That bitch....
I would NOT let her in the house.
If she came onto the property - I would shoot her.
There is something about her, about her psycho demeanour and carving knives that I just don't like.
Why? Because they appear to go together - and being stabbed to death in your sleep - seems to be on the cards with a chick like her.
2 years ago