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"Men Need To Say Sorry" Modern Women Are SICK Of Being Unable To Find Their Prince Charming

310 Views • 06/20/22
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Join the community on Locals ➜ <br>Join the community on Patreon ➜ <br>Grab some merch: <br>Join the community on Discord ➜ <br>Join the backup Youtube channel ➜ <br> <br>Credits: <br> <br>Mr. Sasori (Editor): <br>TheGeckoNinja (Character Artist): <br>Artworks (Various Artists): <br> <br>? Make sure to leave your comments in the comments below. Oftentimes leaving your thoughts can help give unique perspectives to other viewers. <br> <br>Don’t forget to drop a subscription if you enjoyed the video or found it useful, it is greatly appreciated. <br> <br>____________________________________ <br> <br>? Welcome to the official Youtube channel of Taylor The Fiend. ? <br> <br>Men, no matter how experienced in life inevitably get screwed over at one point or another whether it be through divorce courts, romantic relationships, friends or even family. While society doesn’t give a crap about these hardships of men at all, it is my hope that this channel can atleast give some clarity and relatability on these issues in a world where nobody seems to acknowledge them at all. Though I’m not a commentator by nature, I think it’s important that men share this information with one another to navigate the problems we all face. <br> <br>If you’re interested in learning with me about these issues as they branch into others such as mental illness, wellbeing and accountability - you’ve come to the right place. <br> <br>After months and months I’ve finally developed a space where men can share their thoughts and opinions (if susan doesn’t boot us off, get on Locals gents) and I think it’s important we take advantage of it - even if we don’t feel like talking about some of these unpleasant issues. <br> <br>?️ Who Am I? <br> <br>My name is Taylor the Fiend, but you can just call me Taylor. I help men understand the bitter truths of modern dating &amp; society. <br> <br>When I was younger (and probably still today let’s be honest) I was incredibly reckless and stupid. I had no cynicism or worldly experience and this caused me to go through a lot of stupid relationships and patterns that made life very difficult. This isn’t to complain (as these things were completely my own fault), more to share with you where I started. <br> <br>?️ My Story. <br> <br>Now, fast forward some time - adding a hefty amount of cynicism to the mix, I started to realize that people don’t always have your best interests at heart. A bitter realization, but a necessary one. Though I’ve been screwed over my fair share from my stupid decisions, I watched men around me who were far more established, intelligent and experienced get screwed over for far more irregardless. Divorce courts, a society that pushes away masculinity and a dash of misandry - have left men out in the cold metaphorically and physically speaking. <br> <br>It gives me hope that myself as well as many other men have reached a point where we can look back and learn from our mistakes. Even if it sucks, we can share our experiences so we can collectively overcome all of the bull*** (pardon my language overlord susan) that gets thrown at us in modern society. <br> <br>____________________________________ <br> <br>Other links: <br> <br>? My second (backup) Youtube channel: <br>? Instagram: <br>? Merch: <br>? Art Submissions: [email protected] <br> <br>If you send an art submission please leave your instagram incase I decide to post it so I can credit you. <br> <br>Apply to be a content creator:

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3 years ago

Women have exactly the same options as MEN, but their DELUSION prevents them from seeing that. it's called true Equality. women think Equality is about being or doing the same as MEN? It's not. True Equality is knowing YOUR place and taking advantage of thet place. Women have forgotten that in the 1950's shall we say, women generally had a lot of power, by being a wife and mother, she stayed at home got paid by the Husband with house keeping and part of that was usually an Allowance for her personal use. all she had to do was look after the kid's preschool and do some cooking and housework, the rest of the day was her's to do as she wished. They had machines like washer's and vacuum cleaners, Sewing machines to make life easier. but they are in the mess they are in now because they are experiencing the very world that way back them MAN experience everyday.

Now women have got the taste of what they thought was Equality, basically being a MAN, then MEN no longer need women because they the women are to masculine now. Toxic Masculinity is the masculinity that women have not MEN. MEN are just being MEN as nature intended, but because it is different to women's ideal of Masculinity, WE are supposedly the toxic one's though no change has ever taken place for us the MAN? MEN are the Creator's, Women are the destroyer's, you see it everyday and everywhere, so best to aviod that destruction and develop and innovate yourself and your life alone if needs be? I thrive and continue to do so by being on my own. Peace.

3 years ago

A women that say's sorry when she is wrong is an impossibility or a LIE! lol! Until women see they are the problem nothing will change. MEN will continue to free themselves from the bond's of the entitled and broken fefail. MEN do NOT trust women anymore, Women broke the "Pair Bond", women broke the communication and any form of equality through lie's and deceit. MEN or REAL MEN don't have to apologize for anything, MEN don't have to Validate to a women or anyone for that matter. Without the "Ball and Chain" of a women a MAN (REAL MAN) can do WTF he likes when he likes. "I DO"!

Dating is dead, women destroyed that, Marriage is dead, women created that, even SEX is pretty much dead outside of the simp's kittle head thinking, women are creating that. The Ideal of beauty has been destroyed, women did that as well! All women look and act the same these day's, you may call it cultural? But it just isn't working anymore. women don't see that the true gender with "Feelings" and the (traditional) need to help or build, innovate and protect are "MEN", but women have destroyed that as well. their form of feminist feelings is evil, not emotional although it is driven by the remnents of the old Emotion's, old emotions that onlky ever worked because of the MALE being present.

Women say they are strong and independent? Only whist the governments and the ?system prop then up. Women say they don't need MEN, yet just about everything they have was designed ans built by "MEN". Yes women don't need MEN......................Until they NEED a MAN that is! Women need MEN like a Fish needs a bicycle I think was the saying sometime ago? Well the women are the FISH the fish very much out of water, the MAN is the Bicycle because we are after everything that is happening, still moving and going places as a bicycle does. A Bicycle is a well oiled machine, FISH simply ROT usually from the head as well?

They say "A successful MAN has a good women behind him" Yeh like fuck he does! lol! "Little girls are born 5 years old" mentally so some woman must have said once? the fact they forget to mention is they remain MENTALLY 5 years old. MALES develope later because the brain is getting prepared for innovation and invention, logic and Rationale. This is why BOY's play more than girls, but fefails call that immaturity, when all the boy is doing is creating the building blokes for her to rape and pillage his innovation in the future.

There is one statement I do likethough. " Women turn sour like spoiled milk as they age, MEN MATURE like a good wine or whisky with age" That is true and it comes from the fact we as MEN do develop at a slower and needful rate to succeed. This is why as women fail and deteriorate as we see in the current situation globally, MEN are in the background , still innovation ans surviving better than any women could ever dream of. When we return or regain the power we haven't REALLY lost at all, I hope MAN will be cautious of what he allow's women? Preferable LITTLE I would humbly suggest next time round.

3 years ago

Generational gaps have also created a moral values gap as the father was kicked out of the house during the last 2 generations of kids.

No one wants some crazy bitch who dresses and acts like Harley Quinn. We went from girl who loves Jesus to girl who loves "Slut Walks" in just 2 generations!

Grats feminism. The absence of the father is being felt as a whole in society.

3 years ago

Then they grow up to be questionable Instagram models

Sardonic Smile
Sardonic Smile
3 years ago

Every minute you are not laughing at them, they are thinking they are better than you.

3 years ago

I don't say sorry... but I will say Fuck Off :-)

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