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"Men Of Courage" Simply Voted With Their Feet!!!
• 06/05/22
752 Subscribers
More men are saying "Enough is ENOUGH!!" <br>Enjoy the UNCIVIL society that has been created! <br>Search "Where are the men of courage? They’re gone thanks to "toxic masculinity"
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3 years ago
Apply that song by Nancy Sinatra to MEN? "These Boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll. One of these days these boot's are gonna' walk all over you, YOU meaning women! lol!
3 years ago
The TRUE MEN of courage are those with the balls and intellect to break from the traditional MALE prison and actually Go their own way - ALONE, now that takes courage in my opinion. The MEN that no longer want to be pussies to the FEFAIL, that have a brain they can use to sort out their own lives and problem's, also the MEN who if they really need help WILL have the ball's to ask for it byt only in the extreme case? courage has been redefined today? it isn't what used to be like protection women, or going to war and getting killed for the state. Being courageous is being able to walk through the modern day like it was or maybe is the NEW Valley of the shadow of death.
Being a Lone (NOT LONELY) MALE today is like reading Dante's Divine comedy when Virgil is lead through the different levels of hell to learn his true path in life. Or like "The Pilgrim's Progress" story, Now I'm not religious, but boy do these fables have a lot to say in helping the MAN today. we here all the time as a blase and shame game thing that MEN should "MAN UP"? Well the truly COURAGEOUS MAN going it alone is today's TRUE Hero, the TRULY Courageous one. That MAN is the empowered one, the stable one, the aware one, he has become the individual in control of his own destiny, a SAGE to other's , A GOD to himself.
3 years ago
3 years ago
To the Feminist Fuckwits - "Either Step Up or Shut Up"
And save your own arse / do it yourself - because I am not lifting a finger to help you, at all, ever again.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Best part is: we get to sit back and watch.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Women truly are the best red pill seller's.