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"Please Save US!" Divorced Women Are INFURIATED That Men Don't Want To Date Them Anymore
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2 years ago
The woman in the picture on the far right, she looks like Micheal Jackson - the white refrigerator model - and she looks like a fucking psycho.....
The one on the far left looks like she has had lip filled and it's all fucked up as she has gone post wall and now she looks like shit.
Stupid women and their cosmetic procedures.
If most of them spent as much time developing a personality and a character that makes for a good wife and mother, and left their fucking faces alone - they would not be worthless, infertile and ugly looking middle aged mutants.
2 years ago
Women have EXPIREATION Dates because they are women. to a REAL women say in the past this was not an issue because they married, built a home and security woith a MAN, then had chikldren that more often than not would tend to their parents as they age. The EXPIRATION DATE this hoe talks of is of women who just fritter their lioves away having a good time with CHAD and are left with NOTHING. It's ALL self induced and the victim narrative no longer washes with MEN. You created your circumstances, YOU live with it. and unless you are prepared to put some honest, non lying work in No MAN is gonna want you! Fuck would I give up the freedon I have because women rejected me and treated ME and other guy's like SHIT? No way! I hasve my own money, time, interest's and hobbies and plenty of other things I've learned and do, and all because women rejected ME! lol! Did I go and cry in aq corner? Nope I'm a MALE, I ride out all the bullshit and turn lifes turds into gold blocks! lol! As for women? well they just do not feature in my life one bit to a point these day's where I avoid contact, I don't talk to them anymore and god forebit one asks me for help! lol! the big answer WILL be NO - FUCK OFF. In the meantime life is pretty fucking good for me with no stress or angst of any kind but I'm already prepped for any such event!
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
My youngest (daughter) ~13yo attempted to say to her mom through the open doorway of moms' bedroom that one of her girl friends of which been a good buddy since 2nd grade was well, a Bitch. I was walking bythe bedroom (s) / bathroom foyer to the kitchen to fetch more coffee when she said such trash. That buddy (girl) of hers parents & I watch out for our respective children like hawks. Oh Boy, Daddy tore into that lil' bitch for using such words describing her friend with such vile. My daughter attempted to cry such as this pathetic little cunt is on video @ 01:38 time-stamp. Bull Shit. I shut that fake ass crying down hard. Her mom cooked the best pot roast dinner that evening with a big smile, & provided me with the sloppiest Blow Job of her career as my girl friend that night. :) Life is what you cause it to be Young Man.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Collectively, women have decided that the men are optional. They hoped that this won't work in the opposite direction since the men are addicted to pussy and will have nowhere else to go. Well, it didn't work out for the snowflakes since the majority of men in the west just crank it out to hi-def porn and go about their own business. Some men have become the "passport bros" and others the full-blown MGTOW. Covid lockups and social distancing have accelerated the trend. Sure, there still are plenty of simps around but their numbers are not nearly enough to satisfy the insatiable appetite of females for $$$. Tough!!
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Most medical services classify a geriatric pregnancy around 32 years onwards.....
They are biologically OLD women.
Sort of like shopping trolleys, once they start self steering hard to the left etc., their days are numbered.
The 30+ year old single mother.