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Quotes about Women by Great Men! Great Redpill leaders from HIStory and Modern day opinion on Women.
• 08/17/21
17 Subscribers
Quotes abut Women from Great leaders. We can learn from them, the same way our ancestors learned from their ancestors.
Very inspirational and motivational
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4 years ago
You know I think I understand the part about woman being in hell, in the Abrahamic religions man was made in the image of god. So by being ungrateful to man, they are in proxy being ungrateful to god, or in this case Allah.
Or at least that is what I can see from that quote.
4 years ago
Ttump's quote was true (been there). His buddy? I'd never grab a woman there. At least not without permission.
4 years ago
4 years ago
This is why I don't want "children". The majority of Humanity is retarded and so your children and grandchildren will be retarded, too. It's been confirmed that 95% of the Human race is Left-leaning idiots. why woud I breed more of Satan's children? Yes, that's right, good men have been wasting their time raising some one else's children and not their own, all through out history... Sound like a familiar theme?
I'm not attracted to whores and I hate stupidity. I'm a black-pill anti-natalist and if I could have children with good/real women and those children weren't evil and stupid, I would do so.
History has taught me well. Humans don't deserve intelligent, strong men. The Super Human men. Men born MGTOW. All I want is the extermination of the idiots and the preservation of the good.
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
I believe the text to speech is unnecessary. Unless the voice is much improved.