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rambling of a MGTOW incel doomer EP13 i hate myself
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I am shame of myself I do really hate myself but I am going to continue working
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4 years ago
Some of the ones your subbed to never seen or knew of em.
4 years ago
Are you in the U.K.? Just wondering because I detect that kind of accent... I think...
I'd say you are the perfect candidate for the British Armed Forces. You need something that will give you the initial punishment you are craving and then the chance to become something that you're no longer ashamed of.
I don't know what physical shape you're in but, if you do enlist, you had better be in good physical shape first. Otherwise, you'll barely get through boot camp and still feel like a loser.
Yes, the U.K. is in the service of the Jew World Order but, that isn't anything you can change. Join up because you need to build a better version of yourself. Private life in the U.K. won't do it. Coming over here to ZOG-U.S.A. will ruin you even more.
What branch should you go into? One that you will survive in. The Navy is the least likely to get in a shooting match at this time. Pick a job that will give you the kind of training that will help you land a job in the private sector when you get out.