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RANT I hate being near Christians

33 Views • 05/06/22
21 Subscribers

⁣I hate even having Christians anywhere nearby. The moment they know <br> you hate their god they start freaking out and trying to stab you in <br>the back anyway they can. Usually by having cops bother you and dragging <br> you through pointless court appointments etc. pretty much everything <br>short of direct physical violence <br>Very annoying <br>Hopefully soon I'll be far away training in the woods. And probably eating lots of birds I have lots of birdshot

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2 years ago

I would like to apologize DemonKing: Apparently, we had a long conversation on you post. Hopefully, it enlightens people, ie men. I am starting to evolve this idea or feeling not to hate demons: I mean I will still fight them when they get in my way, but I think I am beginning to see the God of Israel view of them: They are like white blood cells finding and eliminating infections in His flocks. This is a newer Truth for me: I always viewed demons are antiLife. Fuck, is this really the case for the Age of Enlightenment? I always felt it was about exposing lies about ancient truths buried in sin and well dirt in the past. I wonder how many more revelations this age will expose us to? Good day sir and good luck with your army building. I pray you are not a Glowie.

2 years ago

Thank you,and no I'm not a "Glowie" I protect my anonymity from them using Tor and other methods. But honestly I think I have to worry about the Nazi's and SJW's way more because they get mad they can't find me and they'd LOVE to swat my ass! I've been traced to different Tor servers but thankfully as long as I ONLY do my business using Tor they can't track me down and rat my location to my enemies. I'm just glad you're on a journey of growth and discovery,that you aren't allowing others to decide what you believe. Keep at it you'll keep finding more truth as long as you keep looking for it I'm proud I could help

2 years ago

Well, Christianity today has been infiltrated by demon worshippers and pussy-whipped into hyprocrites by Lame Stream media and Satanic politicians. You demons brought this upon via your power seeking GnatZees, I like that you are American! ; - )

2 years ago

Nazi's are fucking awful. I put this stuff on WTV and those people sperg out like straight up retards


2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: The worst girlfriend I ever had was a Good Southern Baptist girl. She was very pretty and came from a solid two parent family, as I had. But, her social skills were zero and it was like pulling teeth to get more than one word answers out of her. When she was around other brain dead Baptists, she perked right up and become something almost alien in her silly Baptist bullshit way. I tried out so many different factions and it's all brain dead bullshit. The churches create GOLEMS out of normal White people. Makes me sick and disgusted.


2 years ago

The (((INFILTRATION))) started with Pope John XXIII when he initiated Vatican II. He died and that job was passed off to Pope Paul VI. Even he remarked that the smoke of Satan has entered the Church. The JEWS infiltrated the Protestant factions in the 1970's and Judaized the entire mess. Christianity became JEWdeo-Xtianity and is fit only to be shat upon and flushed down the toilet.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Hey bro, Wow. You are wrong on so many level, but there is Truth there too. Synagogue of Satan are Fake Jews, who have orgies and blood orgies in Lucifer/Satan/Samael's name? Glory? Glory hole? Whatever. The Infiltration occurred much, much earlier! Hell, the Jews were infiltrated as soon as they took God of Israel as their God who freed them from the bonds of slavery! The infiltrators, who killed their fellow "brether" and believers, along side Mosos! They would later write the Talmud to undermine all of God of Israel's Laws. When Christ was walking around with the Israelites, He was constantly asking "Whose Laws are you following? These are not my Fathers!?" The threat of the Synagogue of Satan was important He warned of them in both Testaments! Next, the Roman Catholic Church was infiltrated the moment Constantine legalized it! He has state priests who needed jobs: The Clergy. Today, they exposed themselves when they stated "tradition" was more important than "scriptures." Uhm, God of Israel warned you that many flase prophets and antiChrist would come. Trust in His Word. The Jesuits, who hunted witches and tortured many a souls, they came after another huge infiltration in the Middle Ages. God of Israel gives you autonomy and freedom: Priests, statesmen, dictators, etc who inhibit and limit o thoughts (other than against sins), autonomy, and lives are not REAL Christians or Jews, but Jews "already" live a restrictive life as God of Israel commanded. Otherwise, you are mostly correct., They love to eat babies and convert heterosexual men into fags. Living in sin they are.

2 years ago

Damn. I did not mean to write a novella, but I am a writer and writing seeing only one line of text is hard to visualize how much was written. Sometimes, I write my thoughts as they flow... Good day to you sir.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I get what you're saying. Indeed, the crimes of the Jews go back to ancient Egypt itself when Joseph skimmed the harvests and made the Egyptian people sell themselves into slavery to eat when times were tough. Jewish crime has taken on many forms but, followed similar patterns. I concentrate on post-WW2 America because the current iteration of Jew infiltration in the churches arose from Vatican II and is most relevant. That's what the few legitimate Christians of today don't grasp. It means nothing to bring up Jew crimes when Christ walked the Earth. People need to understand that epic levels of Jew crime are happening right now and can be traced to Vatican II and the Judaization of the Protestant factions.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Perhaps. I bring it up because "we" fought them: The Protestant Reformation bro! That was when men said NO! to corrupt Churches and Kings/Nobility. It just show people are stupid and very much a sleeping flock. No wonder God of Israel and his Prophets refer to shepherds and sheep so fucking much!


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Finally, the entire Bible is a collection of Jew books. The objective is to make Jews as our elder brethren and nothing could be further from the truth. What is this god of the Bible? A sovereign deity? No. He even declared to Moses that he was the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Not the god of creation or anything else. The JEW S THEMSELVES declare themselves to be god in a collecive form. Christianity puts a legal binder upon its followers to submit to the Jews, whether they want to believe it or not. Jesus NEVER intended to save the Gentiles. He came only to get the Jews to stop sucking Caesar's cock and get back to living as Moses commanded. As we all know, the Jews wanted Barabbas and had the Roman State murder Jesus. Christianity is mostly an abomination of Paul who hijacked Christ's teachings and put the Gentiles in bondage to the Jew.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: How long ago was the Protestant Reformation? A little more than 500 years ago. Not even the faintest of echoes remain and it is irrelevant today. It's good to point it out but, the Sheeple need to know that Jewish Supremacy is in play right now. The Sheeple have to understand the patterns going on NOW. THEN we can explore the backstory of Martin Luther, Edward I and his Edict of Expulsion, the Alhambra Decree, Queen Theresa and her explusion of the Jews from Hungary, and other based actions.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: For some reason, the above URL won't work. Let's try this:


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Here's another gem for you.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: There is a lot there. Wow. Where to begin. Okay, Jacob who became Israel because he struggled with God of Israel called Him El Elohim, the only God that mattered. For a little while I was confusing El Elohim as God Most High, which you could add in "Only," but El Elyion is God Most High because he housed with Baal and Yam in their Canaanite (Phoenician) temple. There was a nun K. Armstrong (I want yo say Karen?), who wrote The History Of God... This History understood from the texts the Bible t h at the Jewish God was different gods including Marduk and Baal. Some of the Psalms are among the oldest texts and they worship or pray to both Baal and Marduk. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew there were other gods. This ties in with Annunaki and Sons of God, the Earth was divided up to the Sons of God each getting his due and humans to worship them. Zeus, Marduk, Ball, Athens and Hephaestus (were given Athens), etc. This concept is widespread across all the earth to isolated places which could not be in contact with Sunerians, Egyptians, Mali sailors, Greeks, and Iranians (Medeaeans). Two things you should understand is overall world history timeline is off, really off and there are efforts to hide truths and artifacts from the public and lie with manufactured fakes to deceive us all.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: You should understand there three types of Jews: The first I mentioned is the Synagogue of Satan, they love referring to and using the Holocaust as a get out of jail card: in our current state of lies being revealed, I am not sure mustache man Adolf was "wrong" about his Jew Agenda. The second time are the sheep: the "let's fit in with everybody" Jew adopting modern well "sins." Those are the Moderates. And finally, there are the orthodox Jews. They know being of the loins of Abraham is not enough to save you. Your actions determine your spiritual fate, not whose loins you descended from. Now, the thing about Gentiles. Hosea preached about God of Israel felt cheated as a man married to a whore who keeps prostitution herself out. Gentiles are the Whore. God of Israel started letting Gentiles have a chance for salvation-- this is the Age of Pisces when Jesus Christ, God in Cosplay, waked the earth, and was killed by his own sheep. O

2 years ago

Fuck, ... I mean that says it all: His own killed him, but He knew willingly He was becoming the sacrificial Lamb. Thus, Pisces is the Age of Salvation. We are moving from "End of Times or Age" from Age of Pisces into Age of Aquarius, "The Enlightenment." This Age of Enlightenment is the Biblic Revelations! If we were living in Revelations, ancient mysteries would be discovered. Well, I just posted a video about Exodus and Atlantis. One of the professors cited in that has so found the true location of the Garden of Eden. Are those ancient enough for you? God of Israel allowed for Gentiles to be saved, but unlike Jews, we were not straight healthy branches; we Gentiles are twisted and knotted branches meaning our salvation takes more work but it is possible. We exist to make Amoa Israel, the Nation of Israel, ie the Orthodox, to make them jealous.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: It will be when the AntiChrist enters it. The Synagogue was to the ancient Jews what gymnasiums were to The Greeks and Bathhouses to the Roman, cultural centers with libraries, lounges, and baths.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Wow. Lots of great meaty material to ponder! Yet.... yet, I remember all of these talking points when I was all into the deep end of Christianity back in the 90's and 80's. This is nothing new. You're trapped in a Jewish mindset that is full of Jewish mythology and imagery. It carries the grave error that God is only represented by the Jews and derivatives of old Judaism. The key that broke me free of all things Jewish was when I stumbled upon the ancient Vedic book of, Bhagavad Gita. I then discovered another ancient Vedic collection called the Srimad Bhagavatam. All holy books of ancient India of its Golden Vedic age. Those Vedic books are VASTLY SUPERIOR to the Bible and the centuries of speculation that derived from it. I can never return to Christianity because I've been discovering God from an entirely Jew-free perspective and what I've found makes the Bible useless to me. I'll use the Bible as evidence of Jewish evil being justified by their desert god, YHWH. That's another thing, too. All of this straining at gnats and swallowing camels over the correct name of their god. I'll never go back. I've seen and learned too much.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I have that book too, but I had not read about. I do not know if I told you, but I mentioned this on TFM's show: I died twice and was comatose from a car wreck. I get where you are coming from, but I died it and lived it. I do not need to question if there is life after death... I know that answer. I mean this might be a cop out, but there are things I learned which gives me an edge up on the webs of deceit we live surrounded by. I met angels and demons... So, I get it, hut jit all come back from death, let alone twice...

2 years ago

Fuck, that was supposed to be "not all come back from death..." sorry


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I have always been fascinated with NDE's. I do believe in them but, I think that one's NDE is partially the result of your programming on the Earth. Other people of different races and reilgions usually see what their beliefs tell them to expect. Not everybody sees Jesus or the Devil. Some see Krishna or Great Spirit or Buddha or some angelic guides or djinn or whatever. In any case, the Srimad Bhagavatam does an infinitely superior job of preparing people who study it for the next life. The Bible is a miserable failure in that regard and has only spawned centuries of confusion and conflict.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Cool interpretation, but I met God's Wife. I never knew she existed and this happened to me when I was kid pre-pubescent. The Goddess Asherah is God of Israel's wife, "The Tree of Life." They were ancient Irsaeli fertility gods back in the Age of Taurus. I know we had another conversation but I lost in the plethora of notices I get now. Guess, I need to unsubscribe some folks!


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: It makes perfect sense that God has a female companion goddess. Every religion on Earth except the Abrahamic religions features gods and goddesses. Even the mythology of Jesus being unmarried doesn't hold water to Jewish tradition and other norms of the time. One of many reasons I no longer view the Bible as infallible.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Well, the Gnostics in Alexandria (Egypt) believe Jesus and Magdalene were the current incarnations of Osiris and uhm Isis I think? Shit, I had not thought about this in a while. I am trying to rediscover an image of Asherah Tree of Life from Bronze Age or earlier. I saw it at a Biblical Archaeology Seminar held at me university by a "book archaeologist." I could claim that if I had a PhD! Yeah, I remembered we were arguing something about God of Israel I think and I ended it by mentioning my NDEs and crossover. I do not know if you replied or what video it was on... any way, good day sir.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Fuck? It was this video? LOL!

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I forgot to mention: Jesus did have a wife. She was Mary the Magdalene. The older gospels, though not canonized, Gospels of Phillip and Mary Magdalene both mention it. The word today used for companion in the past met wife only in the feminine form. It is wierd that Christians chose to worship/honor Jesus and Mary the Virgin Mother (remnants of Semiramis and her son, the Mother Goddess and Child,) rather than go with Jesus and the Magdalene, though the Egyptian Coptics and Gnostics did go that route, which was more natural and correct... Yeah, I was arguing with somebody, maybe you, that both Moses' Judahism and early Christianity were infiltrated right at the start. The fuckibg lies man... some centuries or millenia old!

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Hey bro, check out my video Four Truths. I woke up and felt compelled to write it and get it out before or on 31 May.


2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I just now got your notifications. Sometimes I get so many that a lot of responses get pushed off the bottom and I never see them. I remember dabbling in the Gnostic books for a while. I never felt like I got to the bottom of anything because the rhetoric of the modern Gnostics smells like a cult beliefe system. Bottom line is that I reject ANYTHING that Jews have ever touched or been associated with. Throwing Jews out clears up a lot of stuff and eliminates the petty arguments over points of doctrine in the Bible and how it ties into Egypt or whatever. I don't think I could ever be a Christian again. Even the best of them who still condemn the Jews, they are still in bondage to the Jews because all of it has Jewish DNA in the doctrine, practice, and laws.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I find myself velieving in God of Israel and his wife Asherah. I mean I met her, so that helps. I am becoming convinced our world is a chessboard... I might just beca pawn, but I am one of many that are creating cracks in their NARRATIVE. If you get a chance check out Patterns of Evidence Exodus (the first one) and Simcha Jacobovich and Cameron's Exodus Decoded... if you want more check out their Atlantis Rising, both are on Amazon.

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