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Raw MASCULINITY 101- Stop GIVING A SH-T (Self Improvement)

37 Views • 10/19/22
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Something more for the NEW or younger MGTOW/Red Pill.

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2 years ago

Hmmm, I think you are wrong. Masculine men are around; they are in camouflage. We men might save the or their (our) children, but not these harpy whores. There is a feminine and masculine energy... apparently, throughout the ages, the ages alternate between masculine and feminine. When you look at this through a "historical" perspective; it appears to support this.

Now, I am no hippie or "New Ager" per se, but I recognize Truths among them. I mean they extrapolate shit ti the nth fucking degree... too far in my opinion, but truthfully in historical context: There always been a masculine and feminine, in religion, in spirituality, in life -- you need both to have offspring, in society as pairs, in nature as observed, and apparently in the "Heavens" Above as Below on earth. These phrases are old, ancient since the beginning of man. Now, why am I saying this? In short because of "astrology," but mathematically-- not the way your may be thinking. Each "Age" is about 2,175 years, rounded to 2,200 in error in my opinion, but these match the earth's wobble and the stars through zodiac alignments. Why is this important? Because God of Israel said it was... when He described the "Signs of the Times" he was referring to this. When He stated a day in the Lord (or for the Lord) is a Thousand years for man... every two days and Age. This matches Genesis Creation story, but something you may not know: In antiquity, their creation stories also included their destruction or end of their times story. God created earth and man (though I argue Homo erectus or a different species) in six days and took the seventh day off.

We can trace our written society back to Ancient Egypt (with Dynasty 0: The Scorpion King) and Mesopotamia or Sumeria (Ancient Babylon before Biblical Babylon) to 4th Millennia BC. So, following God of Israel's clue, every day is a thousand years... 3000's BC to 0 BC is 4 days plus 0 BC to today 2200 AD is 2 days, the end of Times is the 7th Day... soon. So, the ages? We are soon entering the Age of Aquarius, a feminine age also called Age of Enlightenment or by Christians Age of Revelations where ancient mysteries or truths are known, such as the proof or evidence of the Biblical Exodus, Garden of Eden, Red Sea crossing, Atlantis, Troy, etc are known or rediscovered... all of these I can demonstrate have been found. We are currently in or just leaving the Age of Pisces a masculine age also known as the Age of Salvation because God of Israel in Cosplay walked amoung us, well His Jews who killed him. Before that was the Age of Aries the Ram, the Age of Laws when Moses led the Israelites and those who became the Mycenaeans (inhabitants of Knossos, Crete, Akrotiri, Santorini, and Atlantis or Tartessos, Spain who were enslaved artisans, craftsmen, and artists by the Egyptians. Ancient art not only supports this but defines it and demonstrates the links between these cultures.) During the Age of Law, when Jews committed grave sins they were required o sacrifice a ram or sheep for asking forgiveness with their penance. Before that was the Age of Taurus when fertility cults were everywhere and "bull games" creates such as Spain's running of the bulls, the Minoans leaping over the bulls, the Jews' fertility celebration with sacrificing the Bulls and their "folk" duality fertility cults with God of Israel El Elohim (sometimes Canaanite El Elyon (God Most High) and his wife the Tree of Life or Asherah. Beth-el in Jerusalem was a scared ground to fertility cults (from the Age of Taurus) it was once known as Luz near Jordan: There, Jacob or "Israel" (He Who Struggled with God or "May God Show his Strength") slept using a stone as a pillow, he dreamed his God was known there or knew that location as a fertility god this was a territorial claim (divinely) and later, this is where the Ark of Covenant was kept until the Synagogue was built by King Solomon. Fertility cults have two gods, a masculine and feminine, a god and a goddess: hence, God of Israel El Elohim and his wive Asherah the Tree of Life. So, Beth-el in Hebrew is both "The House of God" and "The Gate to Heaven." House of God is also a Canaanite or Phoenician translation. It refers to El Elyon, The God Most High who also resided in his temple with Baal a storm god and Yam a sea goddess I believe who also walks on water in the Canaanite religion.

So, in summary though you may want to deny, the Ages of Taurus (2 days), of Aries (2 days), of Pisces (2 days) and Aquarius (likely only 1 day) is the seven day "sign of the times" End of Times prophecy. These ages are reflected in the culture of the ancients, sort of as a lost knowledge, which I believe is a deliberate loss. Today, the human or earthly powers that be do not want us to understand this. For more details and references, feel free to check out my Four Truths and Theory if Everything Is Connected: A Socratic Idea episode 1 Socrates videos. Good day and I did not start this out as an "advertisement" to my videos but as a detailed response to why I think you are kind of wrong. Have a nice day...

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