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Reality TV Fuckery

43 Views • 11/09/20
83 Subscribers

My musings on reality TV and other topics. Comment and tell me what you think. Subscribe if you want too.

As many inflammatory comments as I leave [unlike many other users on this site], I actually record audio of my actual verbal rants and thoughts on things. So many users on this site talk shit, attack others when they make valid points, and otherwise don't put their money where their mouth is. Not me.

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4 years ago

I don't necessarily believe this yet as I have yet to find enough evidence to support the claim, but I have heard a man named James Gilliland say: "The reason we see such inhumane activity on earth is because we have non-humans controlling us."
I am open to this possibility and won't rule it out, as it intrigues the mind.
Maybe there are extra dimensional beings or terrestrials that do see us humans as a means to an end rather than conscious beings that can experience pain and suffering - like a zoo animal these "aliens" have observed us for hundreds of thousands of years and know how our animal instincts operate, how to manipulate us into following our carnal desires instead promoting spiritual growth, and how to herd us like sheep. These beings or "aliens" are extremely intelligent and know that if they can keep us in our reactionary (predictable) animal state instead of our spiritual state, they can plan our every next move and push us into the direction they want us to go. The way to take back control of your life is to exit the animal state of mind and enter "Christ" like consciousness whereby you can control your thoughts, feelings, and emotions - instead of letting these "aliens" control your being and treat your flesh like a host to be incarnated with an evil degenerate spirit that is susceptible to control and believing in lies.
What do you think?

4 years ago

I not only THINK you're right; I KNOW that you're correct in your assertion. I've talked with some military upper officers, peopel who worked at DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency], the NRO [National Reconnaisance Office] , NORAD, the CSS [Central Security Service], and a few others. They relayed to me, in certain ways, that the top of the wealth/power hierarchy consists of non-human alien entities [and interdimensional beings] that have been here since before humans were even dominant. These evil, dark-side aliens live in caverns and tunnels below the ground. That's one of the reasons Trump calls it the Deep State; they are literally deep underground, and they were the 'angels' that were cast out of 'Heaven' and were 'fallen.' It's in almost every culture and religious narrative around the world: they're referred to as 'dargons' and 'serpent people' and such; they are mostly reptillian creatures that feed off negative emotions like fear, pain, and sadness. One of my contacts said that the movie 'Monsters Inc' was about this very feature of the negative aliens that rule the Vatican, City of London, Switzerland, and many other nations and extremely wealthy families have intermarried with the hybrids that are mainly found in the royal bloodlines. Many of the royal families are shape-shifting reptilians. In fact, Vladimir Putin a couple of years ago ADMITTED to having the Queen of England turn into a reptilian right in front of him. He was so scared, he stayed away from her from that night onwards. Look that story up; it got buried but it's still out there. So, yes, I believe you and I've received confirmation from over a dozen different sources in person.

4 years ago

** referred to as DRAGONS, not dargons


4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: Thank you for all that great information. Wow! There is definitely A LOT more than meets the eye in this world; we are constantly being deceived and lied to, so many people are spiritually dumbed down and don't even recognize their slavery - and in fact some love their slavery and take pride in it. The ignorant and spiritually dumb think that just because they have a big house, a big belly, and a lot of money - that this must means they are not slaves. "I everything I need" they think. As Christ says, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter heaven: these rich men and women are stuck in the material realm and think this is all there is to exitance. To them material possessions equals success, but to you and I there are greater things than gold and money - we prefer to know the truths to the Universe (i.e. existence or the matrix.). Our fulfillment comes through spiritual fulfillment; the people of the worlds fulfillment comes from material possessions, fictitious titles of nobility, false honor, etc. Lets keep walking to Divine path good friend. With the help of Divine Providence we shall succeed in our endeavors, and through faith and persistence in improving our spiritual condition - we shall become enlightened like Christ and achieve the noble goal of sovereignty over choosing our preferred divine path.

4 years ago

@ANewPathmaker: Wow, that was an excellent comment. I agree with everything therein! Yes, they have no idea of how much better life could be if they would be spiritual; but many are too stupid or arrogant for that. Then material objects will be all they will ever get.

4 years ago

Okay I know what's going on with you now . Had some friends tell me what you are . And I looked at a few of your other comments on other post . You just get off on saying mean shit about people and even places . One of your comments was how you think people in Oregon are inbreeds and ugly people so I got your number . A sad Young person that likes to cut things down .

4 years ago

Dude, I just relate things that I observe. The truth about most of the normies (in ANY region) is "MEAN." When people pointed out out that a huge portion of Blacks in America were dumb, entitled, effeminate, and criminally-minded, I was offended and angry for a long time. Eventually I had to get past my feelings, and recognize that this was true. Stop bitching about truth and reality, and start being a true masculine Red-Pill man!

4 years ago

Jesus dude, you hang around my channel and keep leaving comments because your feelings are hurt. Grow the fuck up and get a backbone. Women whine about hurt feelings; men accept reality and be productive/constructive. The inbred comment obviously applies to you, or you wouldn't be so upset by it.

4 years ago

So I'm probably correct when I assess you as being some loser Southern hick that wants everyone to stop saying mean things. What the fuck do you care about what I'm saying on my small channel? You STILL have yet to refute any of my points dude. STILL. You're an obsessive, stalker-like idiotic Baby Boomer that has nothing to do but try to spread negativity back and forth on this channel. If you hate this channel so much, then LEAVE and stop commenting.

4 years ago

Why don't you start making videos that contain all your complaints and criticisms about me? Why don't you actually do something constructive?

4 years ago

Right. You can't stand up to any questions or criticisms. Crickets are all I hear. This speaks for itself.


4 years ago

And MGTOW men don't? Look Hammerhand wanted to women and black folks gone. I guess the boomer is gay! lol

4 years ago

@BlackpillRevolution: He deleted the whole comment section where he lied and got embarrassed. Fucking feminine-ass Boomer dumbass. I hate these fucking idiot Boomers more and more by the day. He said he talks to Amr, so he probably had Amr delete the whole conversation.

4 years ago

Why did you go and delete the comment threads where you claimed to have 5 Master's degrees? Huh? You're a coward and you're a fan of censorhip and closed dialogue. We all fucking hate hypocrite lying Boomers such as yourself. Why don't you go back to YouTube where you drool over stupid cam whores and give them money?

4 years ago

This is EXACTLY what I talked about in my Boomer video, everybody. Please see the 'Bagoodman' comment thread below this one. When he gets proven to be a liar and an idiot Boomer, he calls me a gas-lighter and says I'm nitpicking. Then he wants to run away and not talk anymore.

This is a perfect example of what I was talking about in the Boomer video. When they're wrong, or they look badly, they don't want to talk anymore and they start striking out erratically. This is such a perfect example right where everyone can see it. These Boomers are such fucking idiots, and they can't even keep their lies straight. He claimed he had 5 Master's degrees, a Doctorate, and a Ph.D. He didn't even know that the doctorate is a Ph.D. This is the low-intelligence, low-consciousness 'thinking' that the Boomers are on. Their ignorance, greed, and arrogance is ruining our country, world, society, gender relations, and standards in general.

Nobody can say that I don't know what I'm talking about. We have an excellent example right here in the comment section.

4 years ago

Never mind; he either erased it, blocked me, or got Amr to do it for him. As such he's a censorship-loving coward of a Baby Boomer. Hypocrites, whore-mongers, pedophiles, and idiots all are good descriptions for a large portionof the Baby Boomer generation.


4 years ago

As an Asian dude, I did some research about the black community. Black women sold out black men for the white daddy government.

4 years ago

Thank you; at least you did your research and you understand! Black men couldn't do anything about it, or even try to reverse it. The racist, insecure White men on top had all the power, guns, and economic power behind them. Us Black men did not abandon our families, America used its newfound financial power AGAINST Black families to encourage the women to kick out the Black men in order to get free tax money and other benefits. However, most of the idiot normies PURPOSELY ignore that fact and just shit on Black men like we're just cowards and ruined our own communities on purpose. No, White and Jewish men bludgeoned our families to death so that they could have Black people powerless and in disarray, so we would not be able to stand up to tyranny. They've done the same thing to a lot of White and Latino families too, but it's the worst in Black families because we were the first targeted.


4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: You know the no black man allowed in the house wasn't the liberals but the racist white southern conversatives who fought tooth and nail to get the black men out of the home for welfare. Black men had to leave because they couldn't get a job. This is due to technology which replaced their job. Later black men was able to get jobs but black women didn't want to deal with them. Thugs were drug dealers who made fast money and women are attracted to money so that is how it all started. No need to thank me, I was really curious. Don't worry about getting funny looks from people. Some day some girl will really like you. I had a few white women chase me but there was too much going on with my life.

4 years ago

@BlackpillRevolution: You're very right about all that. Plus it was the Democrat Southerners that started gun control after the Civil War too, so freed Blacks would not have the power to fight back against Southerners' terrorism. Fucking scumbag inbred meth-head trailer trash motherfucker; I'm so glad I don't have to be around them anymore, they hate anyone who is smarter, or better than them at anything. Most of them should be barred/prevented from reproducing because their inbred genes are defective and need to be weeded out.

4 years ago

@BlackpillRevolution: Also, I've found White women to be way more racist than White men even. At this point, I'm past looking forward to any women liking me; their goal is to trap and enslave you, then leave you or cheat on you and make you look like a fucking fool. Nope, maybe I'll have some nasty/kinky sex with them, but I'm not interested in them sticking around me. When I'm done with them, they need to leave and go back to their own life. I don't want one trying to invade and entrench her stupid ass in my house or my life. It doesn't matter how nice or innocent they seem: they have no intention of enriching your life and building anything for the both of you. Their goal is to EXTRACT as much amounts of resources they can out of you. Then they will quickly remind you of how much legal power they have over you, and they'll cuck you out or whatever. There's nothing a man can do about with the threat of domestic violence hanging over his head, like the Sword of Damocles.

4 years ago

@BlackpillRevolution: The pencil-dick pathetic White cops [that are getting cucked out, just like the military dudes] will want to ruin your life and imprison you if they see a non-White man hooking up with a [pretty] White woman. It's extremely hypocritical of them, but that's how they roll. A White girl that's fucking a Black dude is a mudshark/coal-burner, but the White guys themselves won't call themselves race-traitors if they're with a Black, Latina, or Asian woman. Funny how that works right? Hypocrisy, jealousy, and insecurity at its finest!


4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: I suggest you watch this video when you have time. it is little over an hour long.

4 years ago

@BlackpillRevolution: I will watch it. Thanks. I like long videos.

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