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Regular Brothel OR Doll Brothel?
• 06/28/23
752 Subscribers
Interesting topic. Which would YOU choose? <br>Search "The Rise of "S Doll" Brothels: A Global Phenomenon."
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2 years ago
So my primary issue with the real woman (both professional and girlfriend/wife variants) is that I'll probably end up using another mans baby gravy as lubricant. I'm thinking high use dolls will also develop small cracks that can't be cleaned out properly so it will be more of the same.
2 years ago
If my friends or family found out about my doll, I don't think they'd care.
If I had to explain I'd just tell them I don't have anyone to come home to like they do. So the doll is just there to help with some of those needs most guys get from their women.
I don't think that's so far fetched.
2 years ago
AI girlfriends appear to be a rapidly growing phenomena. The love dolls could easily incorporate AI as a step towards robotic love dolls.
2 years ago
interesting and good arguments though...
sex dolls are way too fucking expensive, as well the idea of a 'doll brothel', or a brothel of any kind is beyond disgusting to me, make me want to hurl.
2 years ago
how about neither of them, ya sick fuck...
2 years ago
2 years ago